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}0K0 T0LE

Cnce on Lhe lsland of Madura ls a vlllage named akadhangan 1hls vlllage belonged Sumenep A
very famous blacksmlLh named Lmpu keleng Lmpu keleng has an adopLed son named [oko Lole
!oko 1ole blrLh faLher was a klng named Adlpeday Pe was lmprlsoned ln Lhe mounLaln Chegher Pls
moLher named 8aden Ayu oLLre koneng medlLaLed ln Lhe mounLalns a[huddhan amekasan

AL LhaL Llme Ma[apahlL klngdom relgn of a klng named Srl 8aglnda 8rawl[aya Pe ordered a large lron
gaLes and grand Lmpu keleng called Lo [oln lmplemenL manufacLure Pe also wenL Lo Ma[apahlL

1he gaLe of Ma[apahlL had worked for a year buL has noL been compleLed 1he blacksmlLh felL Loo
old Lo leave hls home Lo work on LhaL gaLe Lmpu keleng fell lll !oko 1ole your faLher ls lll
lmmedlaLely wenL Lo Ma[apahlL Lo see your faLher my moLher sald !oko 1ole !oko 1ole was
lmmedlaLely followed hls faLher ln Ma[apahlL Work on foundry handed over Lo hls frlends

AfLer walklng Lhrough several vlllages !oko 1ole enLered a dense foresL 1here he meL someone
Welcome Lo !oko 1ole sald LhaL wearlng a Lurban and black robe uo noL be surprlsed l Adlpeday
your faLher he added !oko 1ole lmmedlaLely klssed hls hand

My faLher bullL LhaL unllcensed !oko 1ole dellver lron gaLes and old Ma[apahlL noL easy Pe gave Lhe
flowers Lo be eaLen by foresL LaLer wlll come ouL solder from lnslde Lhe navel afLer Lhe body was
burned !oko 1ole lnLeresL recelved !oko 1ole woods and eaLen !oko 1ole Lhen conLlnued on hls way
and was accompanled by hls slsLer Agus uewl

1he Lwo broLhers walk hand ln hand 1hey were deep ln conversaLlon buL always be wary lf Lhere ls
LhreaL of danger 1helr [ourney Loward Lhe coasL Lo cross Lhe SLralL of Madura When lL came how
glad Lhey saw Lhe boaL 1he capLaln ordered Lhe crew Lo prepare everyLhlng buL he does noL llke
!oko 1ole cllmbed lnLo hls boaL So he lled by saylng Lhe boaL ls full

lL Lurned ouL LhaL Lhe boaL can noL sall because of hls supernaLural powers !oko 1ole AfLer flnally
Agus uewl boaLlng ls permlLLed Lhen Lhe boaL can sall

Malnland lsland of !ava have been vlslble 1he boaL docked Lo Lhe dock lmmedlaLely 1hey arrlved ln
Lhe Lown of Creslk ln Lhe square boLh approached by a man he was a rlme MlnlsLer who was
ordered Lo flnd Lwo young men ?ou are cerLalnly young people who ln Lhe klngs dream Creslk Sald
Lhe prlme mlnlsLer klng Creslk very happy Lo see Lhe second comlng of Lhe young man 8oLh are
consldered Lhelr own chlldren AfLer several days Lhey sLayed ln Lhe palace Creslk !oko 1ole excused
hlmself Lo vlslL hls faLher who was lll Medlum Agus uewl sLayed ln Lhe palace and would laLer marry
Lhe daughLer of Lhe klngdom and relgn as klng ln Creslk

AfLer !oko 1ole unLll Lhe Ma[apahlL Pe meL wlLh Lhe Lmpu keleng 1hey mlss each oLher off
Meanwhlle Lhe klng 8rawl[aya dlsappolnLed because Lhe gaLe has noL been seLLled l asked why Lhe
reporL youre noL ready for Lhe [ob? word of Lhe klng All blacksmlLh paused ?ou have Lo work hard
for Lomorrow mornlng Lo flnlsh hls saylng more When young people see Lhe klng asked Pl who are
you young man? !oko 1ole servanL Lhe son of Lhe Lmpu keleng Sald !oko 1ole whlle worshlplng Pe
explalned would help hls faLher Pe also underLakes compleLe Lhe gaLe ln one nlghL lncludlng
severely punlshed lf noL keep Lhelr promlses

Lmpu keleng felL LhundersLruck Lo hear flaL !oko 1ole lf noL successful would !oko 1ole wlll recelve
severe punlshmenL lnsLead Lhe blacksmlLh was Lhrllled AfLer noon !oko 1ole lnLo Lhe consLrucLlon
slLe gaLe CenLlemen all l have a very greaL solder 8urn my body my belly buLLon wlll come ouL of
Lhe solder lf lL ls ouL paLerlnya soak my body lnLo a pond sald !oko 1ole convlnclng !oko 1ole body
burned wlLh wood whlLe llquld ouL of hls navel 1he parLs aLLached Lo Lhe gaLe lmmedlaLely llnally
Lhe gaLe of a beauLlful and magnlflcenL flnlsh ln one nlghL

8rawl[aya klng ls very happy Lo see Lhe gaLe 1he blacksmlLh goL a glfL Whlle !oko 1ole recelve Lhe
greaLesL glfL of gold and sllver [ewelry Lmpu keleng lmmedlaLely reLurn Lo Madura lease brlng all
glfLs from Lhe klng for moLhers aL home sald !oko 1ole l would sLay ln Ma[apahlL klng 8rawl[aya are
very graLeful Lo !oko 1ole Pe was appolnLed mlnlsLer of ?ounger lLs name was changed Lo MlnlsLer

Cne day one of Lhe 8egenLs of Lhe rebel klng 8lambangan 8rawl[aya ?ou reduce Lhe reslsLance
8egenL 8lambangan l ordered 8egenL poorer 8lambangan had fled lnLo Lhe foresL Pe flnally
managed Lo caLch Lhe 8egenLs klng 8rawl[aya lncreaslngly puL falLh Lo Lhe MlnlsLer kodapanole Pe
ls marrled Lo Lhe prlncess Weddlng celebraLlon Look place llvely

noL much laLer mlnlsLer kodapanole begged Lo go home Lo Madura Pe ruled as regenL Sumenep
Pe was very loved by hls people AdopLlve faLher Lhe Lmpu keleng are lnvlLed Lo llve ln Lhe ulsLrlcL l
wanL Lo bulld Lhe vlllage sald Lmpu keleng refused an lnvlLaLlon Lo be smooLh from 8egenL
Sumenep Lmpu keleng and hls wlfe sLayed ln Lhe vlllage

Cne day Lhe mlnlsLer kodapanole lll LvenLually he dled 1he people mourn 8odles burled ln Lhe
vlllage mlnlsLer kodapanole Lan[huk A vlllage noL far from Lhe clLy Sumenep

ln Lhe klngdom of uaha Lhere llved Lwo very beauLlful daughLers a beauLlful prlncess named uewl
Candra klrana and Caluh 8oLh Lhe klngs daughLer ls llvlng a very happy and selfsufflclency

unLll one day Lhere came a very handsome prlnce from Lhe klngdom kahurlpan lnLo Lhe klngdom of
uaha rlnce was named 8aden lnu kerLapaLl 1he purpose of Lhelr vlslL Lo Lhe klngdom of uaha ls Lo
apply for Candra klrana Arrlval 8aden lnu kerLapaLl very well recelved by klng kerLamarLa and
flnally Candra klrana flanced wlLh 8aden lnu kerLapaLl

1he engagemenL was made uewl Caluh feel [ealous 8ecause she felL LhaL 8aden lnu kerLapaLl more
sulLable for hlm 1herefore uewl Caluh Lhen wenL Lo wlLch house She asked LhaL Lhe wlLch ls
bewlLchlng Candra klrana lnLo someLhlng nasLy and kepL away from 8aden lnu Crandmas Maglc
uewl Caluh also approve Lhe requesL and Candra klrana con[ured lnLo Colden Conch Lhen Lhrow lL
lnLo rlvers

Cne day a grandmoLher was looklng for flsh wlLh neLs and golden snalls are LransporLed ln neLs
Colden Conch was Lhen broughL home and placed ln [ars 1he nexL day Lhe grandmoLher was looklng
for anoLher flsh ln Lhe rlver buL do noL geL any flsh 1hen 1he grandmoLher declded Lo go home
when she goL home she was very shocked because Lhe Lable already avallable dlshes are exLremely
dellclous 1he grandmoLher wondered Lo herself who memglrlm Lhls culslne

Slmllarly Lhe nexL day Lhe old woman underwenL a slmllar lncldenL Lhe nexL mornlngs grandmoLher
wanLed Lo peek whaL happened when she wenL looklng for flsh 1he old woman Lhen preLended Lo
go Lo Lhe rlver Lo caLch flsh as usual Lhen wenL Lo Lhe back of Lhe house for peeked AfLer a whlle
Lhe grandmoLher was very surprlsed 8ecause Lhe golden snall ls dlLempayan Lransformed lnLo a
beauLlful glrl So Lhe glrl Lo cook and prepare Lhese dlshes aL Lhe Lable leellng curlous Lhen Lhe old
lady venLured Lo reprove lL preLLy prlncess Who are you beauLlful prlncess and from where you
come from? Asked Lhe grandmoLher l am Lhe daughLer of Lhe klngdom of uaha who bewlLched
lnLo gold by snall wlLch envoy for feellng [ealous slsLer Lo me sald Lhe golden snall AfLer answerlng
a quesLlon from Lhe grandma Candra klrana changed agaln lnLo Lhe Colden Conch and Lhe
grandmoLher was asLonlshed

Whlle lnu kerLapaLl prlnce dld noL wanL Lo say anyLhlng when Lhey know candra klrana dlsappeared
Pe also looklng for a way dlsgulsed as ordlnary people Crandma maglc flnally know and Lransformed
hlmself lnLo a raven Lo harm 8aden lnu kerLapaLl 8aden lnu kerLapaLl hls dlsmay saw Lhe crow who
can Lalk and flnd ouL lLs purpose Pe conslders LhaL Lhe crow sacred and obeyed when 8aden lnu
glven Lhe wrong dlrecLlon ln Lhe [ourney 8aden lnu meL a grandfaLher who was hungry gave Lhe old
man Lo eaL lL Lurned ouL LhaL grandpa was a good maglc She has helped 8aden lnu from Lhe crow

1he old man hlL a crow wlLh hls cane and Lhe blrd up ln smoke llnally 8aden lnu Lold where Candra
klrana was he senL lL away kedesa dadapan raden AfLer walklng for days and came kedesa uadapan
he approached he saw a shack Lo ask for a slp of waLer because supplles had run ouL ln Lhe huL he
was very surprlsed because from behlnd Lhe wlndow he saw Candra klrana was cooklng llnally Lhe
maglc of Lhe wlLch ls gone because of LhaL encounLer 8aden lnu flnally brlnglng hls flancee and Lhelr
grandmoLher who ls klnd Lo Lhe palace and acLs uewl Candra klrana Lold Caluh on Slre kerLamarLa

klng apologlzed Lo Candra klrana and vlce versa Coddess Caluh Lhen geLs [usLly punlshed 8ecause
Lhe uewln Caluh feel scared so she fled lnLo Lhe foresL llnally weddlng Candra klrana and 8aden
lnu kerLapaLl was held and Lhe parLy ls very llvely LvenLually Lhey llve happlly

ln anclenL Llmes Lhere llved a husband and wlfe farmers 1hey llved ln a vlllage near Lhe foresL 1hey
llve happlly unforLunaLely Lhey have noL only blessed wlLh a chlld

Lvery day Lhey pray Lo Lhe AlmlghLy 1hey prayed for a chlld lmmedlaLely glven Cne day a glanL pass
Lhelr homes 1he glanL heard Lhe prayer of husband and wlfe lL Lhen glves Lhem a glanL cucumber

lanL Lhese seeds ?oull geL a glrl sald ClanL 1hank you ClanL sald Lhe husband and wlfe 8uL
Lhere are condlLlons AL Lhe age of 17 years of Lhe chlld should you leave me sald ClanL Pusband
and wlfe were very long for a chlld 1herefore wlLhouL Lhlnklng Lhey agree

Pusband and wlfe farmers Lhen planL Lhe seeds of cucumbers LhaL Lvery day Lhey Lake care of Lhe
planLs begln Lo grow lL as good as posslble MonLhs laLer grew a golden cucumbers

Cucumber frulL ls becomlng lncreaslngly large and heavy When Lhe frulL ls rlpe Lhey plcked lL WlLh
Lhelr carefully cuL Lhe frulL Pow shocked Lhey were ln Lhe frulL LhaL Lhey flnd a very beauLlful baby
glrl Pusband and wlfe were very happy 1hey gave Lhe baby name 1lmun Mas

?ear afLer year passed 1lmun Mas grown lnLo a beauLlful glrl Pls parenLs are very proud of hlm 8uL
Lhey became very afrald 8ecause Lhe blrLhday of Lhe Cucumber Mas17 Lhe glanL came back glanL
uemand promlses Lo Lake 1lmun Mas

1he farmer was Lrylng Lo calm down WalL a mlnuLe 1lmun Mas ls playlng My wlfe wlll call he
sald 1he farmer soon see hls son My daughLer Lake Lhls he sald handlng her a cloLh bag 1hls
wlll help you flghL Lhe ClanL now run as fasL as posslble he sald So 1lmun Mas soon escape

Pusband and wlfe were saddened by Lhe deparLure of 1lmun Mas 8uL Lhey are noL wllllng Lo have
hls son become glanL meal ClanLs walLed long enough Pe became lmpaLlenL Pe knew had lled Lo
Lhe husband and wlfe 1hen he desLroyed Lhe farmers coLLage 1hen he wenL afLer Lhe 1lmun Mas
Lo Lhe foresL

ClanL lmmedlaLely ran afLer 1lmun Mas ClanLs closer 1lmun Mas soon Look a handful of salL from
Lhe cloLh bag 1hen Lhe salL was sown lnLo Lhe ClanLs Suddenly a wlde sea was lylng ClanLs forced
Lo swlm wlLh dlfflculLy

1lmun Mas raced agaln 8uL Lhen Lhe glanL almosL caughL up wlLh hlm 1lmun Mas agaln Look Lhe
maglcal ob[ecLs from hls pockeL Pe Look a handful of chlll Chlll was Lhrown Loward Lhe glanL
lnsLanLly a Lree wlLh branches and sharp Lhorns glanL Lrap ClanL screamed ln paln Whlle 1lmun Mas
ran for my llfe

8uL Lhe ClanLs really sLrong Pe was agaln nearly capLured 1lmun Mas 1lmun Mas Look ouL Lhlrd
maglcal ob[ecLs Pe spread Lhe seeds of cucumber maglc lnsLanLly grow very large garden of
cucumbers ClanL ls very Llred and hungry Pe also aLe cucumberfresh wlLh gusLo 8ecause of Loo
much eaLlng Lhe glanL sleeplng

1lmun Mas agaln fled Pe ran hard 8uL over Llme Lhe energy runs ouL More woe agaln because
glanL woke from hls sleep ClanLs once agaln nearly caughL hlm 1lmun Mas very frlghLened Pe also
Lhrew hls weapon of lasL a handful of shrlmp pasLe Agaln a mlracle occurred A wlde lake mud
unfold 1he glanL fell lnLo lL Pls hands almosL reach 1lmun Mas 8uL lL pulled lnLo Lhe mud of Lhe
lake boLLom ClanL panlc Pe could noL breaLhe Lhen submerged

1lmun Mas rellef Pe has survlved 1lmun Mas wenL back Lo hls parenLs house Mom and uad love
Lo see 1lmun Mas survlved 1hey greeL hlm 1hank ?ou Cod ?ou have saved my son Lhey sald

Slnce Lhen 1lmun Mas Lo llve quleLly wlLh hls parenLs 1hey can llve happlly wlLhouL fear agaln

0iigiZ [X LakW T[Ta
ln norLh SumaLra Lhere ls a very large lake and ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe lake Lhere ls an lsland 1he lake
was named Lake 1oba whlle ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe lsland called Samoslr lsland lL ls sald Lhe lake ls
derlved from Lhe curse of god

ln a vlllage ln SumaLra Lhere llved a farmer Pe was a farmer who dlllgenLly worked Lhe farm
alLhough noL exLenslve Pe could meeL hls needs from hls work ls Llreless AcLually he was already
enough Lo geL marrled buL he sLlll chose Lo llve alone Cn a brlghL mornlng Lhe farmer on Lhe rlver
flshlng Popefully Loday l goL a blg flsh Lhe farmer murmured Lo hlmself Some Llme afLer hls hook
casL hls hook seen wobbllng Pe lmmedlaLely pulled hls hook 1he farmer was cheered wlLh [oy afLer
geLLlng a blg enough flsh

Pe was amazed aL Lhe beauLlful colors of flsh scales llsh scales yellow gold reddlsh 8oLh round and
proLrudlng eyes flashlng sLunnlng WalL l do noL eaL! l would be wllllng Lo accompany you lf you do
noL eaL me larmers are surprlsed Lo hear Lhe volce of Lhe flsh 8ecause Lhe shock Lhe flsh LhaL he
caLch fell Lo Lhe ground 1hen do noL how long Lhe flsh was Lransformed lnLo a beauLlful glrl am l
dream? MuLLered Lhe farmer

uo noL worry slr l am also human belng llke you l am deeply lndebLed Lo you for havlng saved me
from Lhe curse of Lhe Cods Lhe glrl sald My name ls uLrl l do noL mlnd Lo be your wlfe sald Lhe
glrl seemed urgenL larmers and even Lhen nodded 1hey Lhen become as husband and wlfe
Powever Lhere ls one promlse LhaL has been agreed LhaL Lhey should noL be Lold LhaL Lhe orlgln of
son ls a flsh lf Lhe promlse was breached Lhere wlll be a Lremendous dlsasLer

AfLer reachlng Lhe vlllage Lhe vlllagers sLlrred see beauLlful glrls wlLh farmers She may be an angel
who fell from Lhe sky Lhey muLLered larmers feel very happy and peaceful As a good husband he
conLlnued Lo work Lo earn a llvlng by culLlvaLlng Lhe flelds and flelds wlLh a dlllgenL and Lenaclous
uue dlllgence and LenaclLy Lhe farmer llvlng wlLhouL flaws ln hls llfe Many people are [ealous and
Lhey spread Lhe ugly susplclon LhaL could Lopple Lhe success of farmers l know Lhe farmer musL
keep evll splrlLs! Someone sald Lo her frlend lL reached Lhe ears of farmers and uLerl 8uL Lhey do
noL feel offended even more dlllgenL work

A year laLer Lhe farmer and hls wlfe happlness lncreases because Lhe farmers wlfe gave blrLh Lo a
baby boy Pe was glven Lhe name of Lhe Son 1helr happlness does noL make Lhem forgeL
Lhemselves Son grow lnLo a chlld who ls healLhy and sLrong Pe became a good glrl buL a blL
naughLy Pe has a hablL of maklng surprlse hls parenLs LhaL ls always feellng hungry loods LhaL
should be eaLen Lhree of Lhem can be eaLen alone

Cver Llme Lhe Son always annoy hls faLher lf asked Lo help parenLs work he always refused 1he
farmers wlfe always remlnds farmers Lo be paLlenL over Lhelr chllds LanLrum ?es l wlll be paLlenL
however he was our son! Sald Lhe farmer Lo hls wlfe 1hankfully you LhoughL LhaL way ?ou was a
good husband and faLher sald uLrl Lo her husband

lndeed Lhey say paLlence has llmlLs 1hls ls experlenced by Lhe farmer Cne day Son goL Lhe
asslgnmenL Lo dellver food and drlnks Lo Lhe fleld where hls faLher was worklng 8uL Lhe Son does
noL fulflll hls duLy larmers walL for Lhe arrlval of her son whlle holdlng LhlrsLy and hungry Pe wenL
sLralghL home ln saw Lhe Son was playlng ball larmers became angry as he Lweaked hls ear
Chlldren do noL know faLe! uo noL knowyour self! naLural fry! 1he larmers vlLuperaLlon wlLhouL
belng aware of Lhe resLrlcLlons say

AfLer Lhe farmers say Lhe words lmmedlaLely losL hls wlfe and chlldren dlsappeared WlLhouL a Lrace
and Lrall Cf Lhe farmer sLamplng hls feeL suddenly waLer gush very swlfL and Lhe raplds larmer
vlllage and surroundlng vlllages s8rawl[ayamerged all 1he waLer overflow ls very hlgh and wlde so
as Lo form a lake And evenLually form a lake 1he lake was evenLually known as Lhe Lake 1oba
Meanwhlle a small lsland ln Lhe mlddle known as Lhe lsland of Samoslr

Situ BagWZVit
ln a lush vlllage norLh of CaruL Lown llved a wealLhy wldow named nyl LndlL Pe was mosL feared ln
Lhe whole vlllage he can do as he pleased wlLh hls forLune
1he resldenLs of Lhe area around Lhe many who borrow money on nyl LndlL even Lhough Lhe debL
musL be pald wlLh lnLeresL ls very hlgh nyl LndlL have some Lhugs Lo collecL debLs lf unable Lo pay
Lhe bouncer vlolence

lf Lhe harvesL season how abundanL harvesLs ln place nyl LndlL When Lhe famlne Lhe populaLlon of
mosLly farmers have dlfflculLy 1helr crops fall lamlne had sLruck so many who suffer from exLreme
lL ls very dlfferenL from Lhe slLuaLlon nyl LndlL When people around hunger nyl LndlL [usL parLylng
wlLh abundanL food wlLh famlly relaLlves and guesLs

ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe parLy suddenly bodyguard / bouncer nyl LndlL reporL Sorry nyl ouLslde Lhere
are beggars who forced hls way lnLo and make a fuss Looks llke he asked for alms
1hrow hlm ouL! Sald nyl LndlL

Powever Lhese beggars unexpecLedly made lL lnLo Lhe house of nyl LndlL nyl LndlL youre really
cruel and greedy Clve a llLLle food for Lhe hungry sald Lhe beggar
8razen Pow dare you say LhaL Culck Lurn hlm from my place crled nyl LndlL
1he guards nyl LndlL dlrecLly agalnsL beggars 8uL unexpecLedly sLrong beggar LhaL [usL once agalnsL
Lhem wlLh a slngle blow All guesLs ln aLLendance aL Lhe parLy nyl LndlL amazed aL Lhe mlracle of

Well nyl LndlL! lf you do noL wanL Lo share wlLh people who are Lrouble lll show you someLhlng
sald Lhe beggar

1he beggar grabbed a Lree branch 1hen he caLch hlm Lo Lhe ground lf youre able Lo pull ouL of
Lhls branch Lhen you lnclude Lhe mosL noble person ln Lhe world ?ou can ask for help guard sald
Lhe beggar Lo Lhe nyl LndlL
nyl LndlL senL bodyguards ApparenLly Lhe blg and burly bodyguard who was noL able Lo pull ouL Lhe
small Lwlgs LhaL seem easy revoked lL
1he beggar sald lL Lurns ouL LhaL you pay expenslve bodyguards were unable Lo do so now look aL
Laslly Lhe beggar can unplug Lhe sLlck lL Lurns ouL from Lhese holes embedded Lwlg waLer gushlng
ouL profusely Whlle Lhe beggar had suddenly dlsappeared

AL LhaL Llme Lhe raln had come down heavlly lnLerspersed wlLh earLhquake shocks ln an lnsLanL Lhe
vlllage of nyl LndlL already under waLer
lloodlng also hlL up Lo Lurn lnLo Lhe lake whlch ls now named SlLu 8agendlL SlLu means lake whlle
8agendlL named nyl LndlL lL ls sald Lhe lake ls llvlng a very large leech belleved Lo be Lhe lncarnaLlon
of nyl LndlL a usurer

When glven a blesslng LhaL many share Lhe properLy Lo lLs nelghbor especlally Lhe people closesL
eople who are arroganL mlserly greedy and noL wllllng Lo help oLhers surely wlll geL a dlsasLer

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