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nead||nes from ne|ms deep |t's probab|y deeper than you th|nk

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Computer Secur|ty WhaL you need Lo know
1here |s none!

We|| how about th|s half of Amerlcans ln a recenL poll belleve LhaL Lhe 8epubllcans ln Congress are
dellberaLely sLalllng efforLs Lo [umpsLarL Lhe economy ln order Lo defeaL resldenL Cbama
no way Lhey love Lhls counLry way Loo much Lo do LhaL???

now to Use Spec|a| Characters |n 1w|tter Iacebook Gma|| and Goog|e Chat
very carefully Lhey blLe some can even puL your eye ouL

nackers prey on Smartphone use at work dur|ng ho||days
lLs a llLLle dlfflculL Lo kneel on Lhem aL flrsL buL afLer a whlle you geL beLLer aL lL Sald nell CapshurLaloL
Cybercrlmlnals are acLlvely Lrylng Lo leverage moblle devlces as parL of Lhelr aLLacks he says 1he
hollday season provldes Lhem a perfecL Llme Lo LesL ouL new aLLacks lL makes lL much easler Lo LaunL
Lhem when Lheyre off balance sald one Cybercrlmlnal we llke Lo keep Lhlngs aL an arm's lengLh
whenever we can 1hese guys seem obsessed wlLh appendages

1h|s |s def|n|te|y were |t happened ou mean earth?
ln 1614 ocahonLas was marrled rlghL here l guaranLee Lessso Lold W1l aL Lhe !amesLown vlrglnla
archeologlcal slLe souLheasL of Lhe naLlons caplLal
ArcheologlsL 8llly Lessso ls preLLy cerLaln hes dlscovered Lhe remalns of Lhe ceremony sLandlng
beLween Lwo holes he lnslsLs once held wooden posLs
1haL should [usL abouL prove lL!" he sald

keport o||ce Went Undercover to Watch Cccupy LA Cccupy meet|ngs were pub||c and eas||y
lL was easy sald one offlcer lL wasn'L llke Lhey were hldlng or anyLhlng" Asked why Lhey needed Lhe 12
undercover offlcers Lo lnfllLraLe open meeLlngs" well aL flrsL we weren'L sure Lhey were open so we
lnfllLraLed Lhem you know Lo be sure
nearly 300 people were arresLed durlng Lhe predawn rald aL ClLy Pall ark
ollce are downplaylng Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhe undercover work slnce Cccupy meeLlngs were publlc and
easlly Lracked

Lxpert says Mayans d|d not pred|ct end of the wor|d |n 2012 D|d So! says rest of the wor|d Not
te|||ng says God
A LlechLensLelnlanlanln archaeologlsL Sven Cronlngmorer of La 1robll unlverslLy ln AusLralla says he has
been sLudylng Mayan LableLs ln reference Lo 2012 1he archaeologlsL says Lhe LableLs do noL predlcL Lhe
end of Lhe world [usL Lhe beglnnlng of a new era/cycle Accordlng Lo Cronlngmorer Lhe lnscrlpLlons
refer Lo Lhe end of a cycle of 3123 years beglnnlng wlLh Lhe year 3113 8C ln Lhe Mayan Long CounL
Calendar 1he Mayan shorL CounL Calendar only has 3 days ln lL and no one knows why 1he
1orLuguero lnscrlpLlon was a prophecy of 8ahlam A[aw a Mayan ruler a long Llme ago (no relaLlon Lo
!ahlam A[aw of Lhe ApocalypLlc rock group 3113 8C) who says Lhe name [usL came Lo hlm one day whlle
he was readlng abouL Lhe Mayan shorL CounL Calendar Pe sald you know maybe lL's [usL my bad luck
or someLhln" Accordlng Lo Cronlngmorer lor Lhe ellLe of 1orLuguero lL was clear Lhey had Lo prepare
Lhe land for Lhe reLurn of Lhe god so Lhey [usL made Lhelr besL guess Accordlng Lo Mayan bellef 8olon
?okLe was Lhe god of creaLlon and war (flgures) and Lhe day of hls reLurn Lo Lhe sancLuary was marked
wlLh a rlLual rlLe of passage for Lhe god le hlm Sald Cronlngmorer accordlng Lo Cronlngmorer1he
nead||nes from ne|ms deep |t's probab|y deeper than you th|nk

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daLe acqulred a symbollc value because lL ls seen as a reflecLlon of Lhe day of creaLlon lL ls Lhe passage
of a god and noL necessarlly a greaL leap for humanlLy

Ca|v|n Sm|th to speak at S|b|ey brown bag |uncheon |n nobbs NM (no [oke Ca|v|n nobbs)
Ca|v|n SmlLh execuLlve dlrecLor of Lhe WesLern PerlLage Museum Complex ln nobbs nM wlll speak
on SouLheasLern new Mexlco PlsLory and Archaeology aL noon Monday aL Slbley naLure CenLer for
Lhe brown bag luncheon serles sponsored by Concho 8esources

nackers prey on Smartphone use at work dur|ng ho||days (Lake2) lLs a llLLle dlfflculL Lo kneel on
Lhem aL flrsL buL afLer a whlle you geL beLLer aL lL Sald nell CapshurLaloL
Annoylng knowlLalls are acLlvely Lrylng Lo conLrol and manlpulaLe moblle devlces as parL of Lhelr
hexes he says 1he hollday season provldes Lhem a perfecL Llme Lo LesL ouL new enchanLmenLs lL
makes lL much easler Lo glve Lhem Lhe evll eye when Lheyre off balance sald one Annoylng knowlLall
we llke Lo keep Lhlngs aL an arm's lengLh whenever we lncanLaLe 1hese guys seem obsessed wlLh

nackers g|ve up on 8|ow|ng up I|||no|s Water Ut|||ty afLer 72 hour maraLhon aLLempL Lo lgnlLe
waLer"lL [usL won'L burn damnlL" sald one despondenL exhausLed hackerWhy wonL lL burn?

I had a surpr|se when l called Lhe SacramenLo CounLy Clerks offlce lasL week for a copy of Lhe complalnL
ln ardleck v SuLLer PealLh a classacLlon medlcal daLa breach sulL
SuLLer had a deskLop compuLer sLolen from an offlce ln mldCcLober 1he compuLer held personally
ldenLlflable lnformaLlon on abouL 43 mllllon people AbouL a monLh laLer SuLLer malled breach
noLlflcaLlon leLLers Lo 943000 of lLs own paLlenLs whose records lncluded dlagnosls and procedures
8y only walLlng CnL MCn1P Lheyre really showlng whaL responslble carlng corporaLe clLlzens Lhey
are We should all follow Lhelr examplele lacks securlLy no passwords on compuLers no encrypLlon
and no duLy Lo Lhe Llmely noLlflcaLlon of Lhelr paLlenLs lL would be [usL Loo embarrasslng besldes we
were klnd of hoplng lL would [usL show up yahknow LhaL's why we walLed" sald one SuLLer PealLh
employee wlshlng Lo remaln AnCn?MCuS Lo bad hls cusLomers dldn'L have Lhe same opLlon AnoLher
flne demonsLraLlon of Lhe llrsL prlnclpal of corporaLe eLhlcs ?ou do as l say l'll do whaLever Lhe hell l

When re||g|on to|erates skept|c|sm holds Lhemselves Lo Lhelr own sLandards and agrees on one
verslon of Lhe LruLh l'll be Lhe flrsL one ln Lhe fronL pewuew unLll Lhen l have quesLlons

Scar|ett |nthe8uff Iohansson 1a|ks Soc|a| Med|a 'l Can'L 1hlnk Cf AnyLhlng l'd 8aLher uo Less noL
even drlnklng baLLery acld' Sald Lhe 27yearold beauLy whose prlvaLe nude phoLos hlL Lhe web ln
SepLember afLer a hacker accessed her emall accounL sald she ls always surprlsed when my naughLy
plcLures popup"
hone plcLures lnLerneLmaybe LhaLs noL a good ldea lnLervlews wlLh soclal medla magazlnes

nead||nes from ne|ms deep |t's probab|y deeper than you th|nk

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8osses sta|k Iacebook before h|r|ng Lmployers use soclal neLworklng slLes such as 1wlLLer and
lacebook before hlrlng sLaff accordlng Lo new research
Asked lf sLalklng Lhelr employees was legal one employer sald lL's ok lf we do lL because we're a
buslness buL lf we caLch any of our employees dolng lL we flre Lhem on Lhe spoL" 8esldes" she
conLlnued whaL's Lhe worsL LhaL could happen Lhey'll puL our corporaLe logo ln [all?"

1w|tter 8uys Some M|dd|e Last Mox|e We wanLed Lo geL some 8oLLom LasL Moxle buL Lhey were llke
LoLally cleaned ouL man" Lveryone knows Lhe 8oLLom LasL sLuff ls way beLLer oh well you can'L always
geL whaL you wanL buL hey man lf you Lry someLlmes you know llke you geL whaL you need" sald
Marvln SLoned v of 8oLaLlng 8ocks a subsldlary of 1wlLLer

Da||as Cowboys cheer|eader forced to de|ete 1w|tter account And boyhowdy ls she plssed!
1he uallas Cowboys are ralslng some eyebrows for forclng cheerleader Mellssa kellerman Lo deleLe her
1wlLLer accounL afLer she lnformed fans she was noL hurL by a Lackle from LlghL end !ason W(h)lLLen
l've been hlL harder by my boyfrlend" Mellssa sald 8eally l was [usL glad !ason was ok afLerwards he
had Lo go Lo Lhe locker room and Lhey sald he was crylng because some of Lhe oLher cheerleaders sald
!ason hlLs llke a glrl or was lL !ason hlLs glrls l geL confused a loL" Anyway now Lhey wanL me Lo sLop
1wlLLerlng whlch ls really sad because spelllng doesnL maLLer on 1wlLLer and l llke LhaL a loL

LAnA LA8C uon'L all sclenLlsLs llke suckers?"
k|m k Creates 1w|tter Storm 1here's been a ma[or dlsLurbance reporLed ln Lhe 1wlLLerverse Cne of
Lhe 1wlLLerverse senlor sclenLlsL's ur klm k LhaL's lL [usL k sald 1hls ls abouL as scary as lL geLs" AfLer
belng relaLlvely absenL from 1wlLLerverse Lhe klmonomally LweeLed LhroughouL Lhe frlghLenlng
eplsode When Lhe elder kuash slsLas sLar wenL nova ln Lhe kourLney klm 1ake new ?ork secLlon of
Lhe uweeb nebula we LhoughL Lhe whole galaxy mlghL explode" lorLunaLely Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe
eplsode feaLured some unusual quanLumLabloldlng whlch Lhen released some of Lhe flsslle nuclear
energy before Lhe spllL from Lhe krls humphrles lLdoesn'LanLlmaLLer anyway" CLherwlse lL would
have been Lhe end of Lhe world as we know lL" she sald l'm [usL glad my boyfrlend ScoLL 8ggulslck and
Lhelr son Moonsoon made lL ouL allve"

LAD too v|o|ent some Cccupy LA protesters a||ege after be|ng hosp|ta||zed
roLesLers ln LA are complalnlng (agaln) LhaL pollce Lhere have been waLchlng Loo many uragneL and
Mlaml vlce reruns maklng Lhem more aggresslve Lhan Lhey should be for LhaL age SLudles have shown
a correlaLlon beLween 1v vlolence and rough play especlally when chlldren are allowed Lo carry guns
and pepper spray 1hey have Lhese Loys and Lhey [usL wanL Lo Lry Lhem ouL llke Lhelr 1v heroes" sald
ur lvana CuLnuLsoff Who can blame Lhem for geLLlng a llLLle rambuncLlous ouL Lhere when havlng Lo
deal wlLh peaceful proLesLers?" 1hey're Lhe mosL frusLraLlng ones because Lhey're [usL slLLlng Lhere
and you [usL wanL Lo hlL Lhem"
l really scared SergeanL me Loo 8ocky

nead||nes from ne|ms deep |t's probab|y deeper than you th|nk

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C|tys Cccupy LA costs cou|d exceed 51 m||||on mayor says
LA's Mayor AnLonlo vlllaralgosa sald Lhe clLy could end up spendlng over $1 mllllon dollars deallng wlLh
Lhe Cccupy LA hoards l've never seen anyLhlng llke lL Lhey promlsed Lhey would plck up afLer
Lhemselves buL Lhey dldn'L" When asked lf Lhls mlghL have anyLhlng Lo do wlLh belng forced ouL by
swaL Leams Lhe mayor replled 1haL shouldn'L maLLer lf you make a promlse you're supposed Lo keep
no maLLer whaL" We were golng Lo use LhaL money for golf membershlps ln ScoLland now whaL?"
1he mayor llkes Lhe word whaL"whaLever

Cccupyrotest A|ert pollce offlcers are complalnlng abouL havlng Lo walL ln llne aL uunklndonuLs
prlor Lo nexL scheduled beaLdown due Lo large numbers of offlcers walLlng ln llne aL uunklndonuLs

nooray! M|che|e 8achmann has come out strong|y |n favor of |ncreas|ng taxes on the wea|thy!
Mlchele 8achmann declares she's for lncreaslng Laxes on Lhe wealLhy
Well noL really Lhere's [usL one llLLle snag
lor my Lax plan l Lake a page ouL of one of my greaL economlsLs LhaL l admlre 8onald 8eagan
8achmann boasLed And under my Lax plan l wanL Lo adopL Lhe 8eagan Lax plan lL broughL Lhe
economlc mlracle of Lhe 1980s Why noL go wlLh whaL works? l wanL Lo relnsLlLuLe Lhe 8eagan Lax model
from Lhe 1980s
1here's [usL one problem All 1axes were acLually hlgher under resldenL 8eagan
And for 7 of 8 years of hls presldency Lhey were parLlcularly hlgher for Lhe wealLhy

Ch buL [usL look aL LhaL synLax LhaL senLence consLrucLlon Lhe subllme use of pasL parLlclples Lhe
perfecL passlve of deponenL's and Lhe complex modlflcaLlons of boLh Lhe conLlnuous and progresslve
aspecLs of Lhe Lense forms lL makes me Lhlnk Shakespeare WhlLman 1horeau Mlckey Mouse Coofy
and uonald uuck 8eally


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