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SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )

SouthLast As|a Schoo|

r|nc|pa|s Iorum
" Let's Move Ahead"
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
W@M I (Gent|ng n|gh|ands Ma|ays|a Nov 2006)
sLabllshmnL of nLworklng collaboraLlon among ASLAn LducaLlon
W@M II (8a|| Indones|a 26 28 Nov 2007)
claraLlon of SouLh LasL Aslan School rlnclpals lorum (SLASl) as Lh
prfrrd organlzaLlon of schools prlnclpal assoclaLlons ln SouLh LasL Aslan
81Mls Lh SLASl's pollcy maklng body
SLASI ermanent Secretar|at |s |ocated |n Iakarta and hosted by
M|n|stry of Nat|ona| Lducat|on epub||c of Indones|a
Indones|a sha|| e|ect the I|rst res|dent of SLASI
ndonsla shall hold 1
Confrnc of SLASl wlLh Lh maln purpos ls
sLabllshmnL of SLASl
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
I|s|on and M|ss|on
vision 5totement
SLASl Lo b Lh prfrrd profsslonal organlzaLlon for all
prlnclpal assoclaLlons aL Lh SouLhasL Aslan rglonal ll
,ission 5totement
SLASl wlll prold ladrshlp profsslonal dlopmnL and
supporL for prlnclpals assoclaLlons wlLhln SouLhasL Aslan
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
1 SouLh LasL Aslan School rlnclpals lorum rporLs Lo Lh Chalrman of Lh
8oundLabl MLlng for ASLAn LducaLlon Ladrs
2 SouLh LasL Aslan School rlnclpals lorum wlll mL aL lasL onc a yar
3 1h rsldnLshlp of SouLh LasL Aslan School rlnclpals lorum ls for Lwo
yars prlod and wlll b roLaLd alphabLlcally by counLry
4 1h hosL counLry of Lh Confrnc of SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals
lorumshall b roLaLd alphabLlcally by counLry
3 1h scrLarlaL of SouLh LasL Aslan School rlnclpals lorum shall b basd
prmannLly ln !akarLa ndonsla
6 SouLh LasL Aslan School rlnclpals lorum shall b rprsnLd ln ry
8oundLabl MLlng of ASLAn LducaLlonal Ladrs
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
r|or|t|zed rograms
1 Sharlng bsL pracLlcs and dlscusslng currnL lssus among prlnclpal
2 Smlnar and confrncs
3 Lxchang programs
4 1ralnlng and scholarshlp
3 ubllshlng [ournal and xchang publlcaLlons
6 roldlng a LhlnkLank
7 !olnL acLlon rsarch programs
8 nLworklng wlLh oLhr lnLrnaLlonal assoclaLlons
9 MuLual consulLancy among mmbr counLrls
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
SLASI Act|v|t|es as Imp|ementat|on of @M Dec|s|ons
1 Shar|ng best pract|ces and d|scuss|ng current |ssues among
pr|nc|pa| assoc|at|ons
1) 1
nLrnaLlonal Confrnc on 8sL racLlcs !akarLa 16 19 !un
2009 (1hm 5tteoqtbeoloq 5A5ll tbtooqb ffectlve lotetoctloo ooJ
commoolcotloo lo tbe cootext of ClobollzeJ wotlJ)
2) 2
nLrnaLlonal Confrnc on 8sL racLlcs !akarLa 6 9 !un
2010 (1hm 5ttoteqles ooJ 1ecbolcol xpetleoces lo oboocloq
5cbool Moooqemeot ooJ 1eocbloq ltoctlces)
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
SLASI Act|v|t|es as Imp|ementat|on of @M Dec|s|ons
2 Sem|nar Meet|ng and conferences
1) nLrnaLlonal ConfdraLlon of rlnclpals Councll MLlng Wlndsor uk 20
22 no 2008)
2) SLAMLC PCM ln 8angkok 1halland 19 21 !anuary 2009
3) ASLAn Smlnar ln 8angkok 19 21 lbruary 2009
4) SLAMLC MLlng backLoback wlLh ASL MLlng hukL 1halland 3 8
Aprll 2009
3) 2
SLASl Confrnc nang Malaysla 24 27 May 2009 (1hm
5A5ll os o ltofessloool leotoloq commoolty)
6) 1
8glonal Confrnc on Ladrshlp and ManagmnL (SLASl rsldnL
as a kynoL Spakr) A8 kdah Malaysla 10 12 nombr 2009
7) Annual 8oard MLlng of Asla loundaLlon 1h unlrslLy of Mlbourn
AusLralla (CusL Spakr) 2
c 2009)
O Inieinaiional Siudenis' Confeience,
Augusi :oii Penang- Malaysia
8oundLabl MLlng of
Asan LducaLlonal Ladrs
O M III (Manila, Plilippines),
- November
O M V (Singapoie)
- july
O M V (Biunei Daiussalam )
- jonuory
O M VI (Banglol, lailand)
- October,
O M VII (Hanoi, Vieinam)- uqust,
SLASl Confrnc (s)
O SEASPF Confeience II
Penang- Malaysia, :
- :
May :oo
O SEASPF Confeience III
onJor Seri eqowon- runei Dorussolom, -
O SEASPF Confeience IV
onqkok- TboilonJ - October,
O SEASPF Confeience V
Hanoi- Vieinam, qustus
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
SLASI Act|v|t|es as Imp|ementat|on of @M Dec|s|ons
3 Lxchange rograms
1) Crossbordr CoopraLlon bLwn schools from onLlanak
ndonsla and schools from kuchlng Srawak Malaysla (17 19
cmbr 2009)
2) SlsLr School rogram bLwn schools from ndonsla and Malaysla
(7 11 nombr 2010)
3) SlsLr School rogram bLwn schools from ndonsla and 8runl
arussalam (26 28 !anuary 2011)
4) SlsLr School bLwn schools from ndonsla and SouLh kora
(AugusL 2011)
3) SlsLr School bLwn schools from ndonsla and 1halland
(14 CcLobr 2011)
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
SLASI Act|v|t|es as Imp|ementat|on of @M Dec|s|ons
4 @ra|n|ng and Scho|arsh|ps
1) vlslLlng AusA PadquarLr ln Canbrra AusLralla for Lh purposs
of xplorlng scholarshlps for prlnclpals from SLASl mmbr
2) 1
Asla aclflc Ladrshlp Acadmy for School rlnclpals on
LducaLlon for lrslLy 8publlc of kora 4 13 CcLobr 2010
(SLASl snL 4 parLlclpanLs from 1halland hlllpplns Malaysla and
3) 2
Asla aclflc Ladrshlp Acadmy for School rlnclpals on
LducaLlon for lrslLy 8publlc of kora 7 16 CcLobr 2011
(SLASl SnL 4 parLlclpanLs from hllllplns ndonsla and Malaysla)
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
SLASI Act|v|t|es as Imp|ementat|on of @M Dec|s|ons
S Network|ng w|th other |nternat|ona| organ|zat|ons]
1) Slgnlng Mou wlLh AusLrallan Scondary rlnclpals AssoclaLlon (ASA)
16 AugusL 2008 followd by lslL Lo ASA PadquarLr ln Mlbourn
AusLralla !akarLa 24 CcLobr 2008
2) Slgnlng Mou wlLh SLAMLC nnoLch !akarLa 16 AugusL 2008
3) lormlng Asla Ccanla rglon of nLrnaLlonal ConfdraLlon of
rlnclpals 22 CcLobr 2008
4) Slgnlng Mou wlLh nsLlLuL Amlnuddln 8akl ln kdah Malaysls 27
May 2009
3) Slgnlng Mou wlLh Asla aclflc CnLr of LducaLlon for nLrnaLlonal
undrsLandlng (ACLu) unLSCC !akarLa 19 !un 2010
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )
SLASI Act|v|t|es as Imp|ementat|on of @M Dec|s|ons
6 rov|d|ng w|th a th|nk tank
1) SLASl rsldnL lrcLor of ScrLarlaL and LxcuLl ScrLary
ha frqunLly conLrlbuLd as rsourc prsons Lo a numbr of
pro[cLs conducLd by MlnlsLry of naLlonal LducaLlon 8publlc of
ndonsla as wll as by a numbr of prolnclal gornmnLs
2) SLASl lrcLor and LxcuLl ScrLary ha also conLrlbuLd Lo Lh
dlopmnL of prlnclpal ladrshlp Lralnlng programs conducLd by
nLrnaLlonal 1sLlng CnLr LducaLlon 1sLlng Srlc (L1S) branch ln
!akarLa ndonsla
SouLh LasL Asla School rlnclpals lorum ( SLASl )

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