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lf you are looklng for a beneflclal rellable and easy Lo employ ulglLal Camera wlLh affordable prlce look

no more Canon Sx40PS ls Lhe one LhaL you could be seeklng Pave Lhe efforLlessly capLures amazlng
phoLos and vldeos 121 Megaplxel CMCS sensor 33x CpLlcal Zoom 24mm ulLra WldeAngle lens makes
lL useful Lo Lake plcLures of large Leams of people Lall bulldlngs expanslve landscapes and even more
8ased 1he opLlons LhaL may make many lndlvlduals choose Canon Sx40PS dlglLal camera
1hls Canon Sx40PS dlglLla camera works really speclal now for Lhose of you who complaln abouL vlceo
quallLy several Lhlngs Lake lnLo play as soon as you capLure Lhe vldeo on Lhe compuLer l dld a dlrecL plug
ln lnLo Lhe flaL screen and Lhe quallLy was ouLsLandlng Maybe you quesLlon whaL are Lhe beneflLs
Canon Sx40PS ? Well leLs flnd Lhe answer l supply you wlLh lnformaLlon abouL beneflLs from Sony
handycam sx44 llke as
1he Canon PS S?S1LM boosLs lowllghL performance wlLh all Lhe new Canon ulClC 3 lmage rocessor
and a hlghsenslLlvlLy 121 Megaplxel CMCS sensor Colors are more vlbranL and whlLe balance ls Lrue
Lollfe 1he owerShoL Sx40 PS ls mosLly a versaLlle compacL polnLandshooL camera LhaL easlly
capLures amazlng plcs and vlds 1hls advanced Canon Lechnology dellvers sLunnlng lmage quallLy wlLh
reduced nolse and blur 1he camera also feaLures a 27lnch varlangle LCu for greaL shooLlng flexlblllLy
acked wlLh an array of powerful Lechnologles Lhe owerShoL Sx40 PS ls a convenlenL dlglLal camera
capable of brllllanL lmage capLure 1he 33x CpLlcal Zoom offers lncredlble reach and range allowlng you
Lo shooL any scene near or far 1he CpLlcal lmage SLablllzer helps lmages klck off sLeady and clear and a
24mm ulLra WldeAngle lens makes lL easy Lo Lake plcLures of large groups of people Lall bulldlngs
expanslve landscapes and much more
Cpt|ca| Image Stab|||zer
Canon Sx40PS lor phoLos lL enables shooLlng aL slower shuLLer speeds accommodaLlng more lowllghL
shooLlng slLuaLlons Lhan any oLher Llme wlLhouL havlng Lo boosL lSC senslLlvlLy WlLh camera shake and
vlbraLlon reduced you geL a sharper sLeadler lmage And because lL ls an opLlcal sysLem Lhere ls none
of Lhe lmage degradaLlon Lyplcal wlLh elecLronlc lmage sLablllzers Pandheld shooLlng can ofLen lead Lo
camera shake maklng phoLos and vldeos blurry Canon's CpLlcal lmage SLablllzer ls a sophlsLlcaLed
sysLem LhaL uses lensshlfL Lechnology Lo correcL for unwanLed camera movemenL lL makes handheld
phoLography more pracLlcal provldlng excellenL lmage quallLy ln many dlfflculL shooLlng slLuaLlons
ouLdoors aL dusk lnslde wlLhouL a flash and even aL Lhe LelephoLo end of Lhe zoom range wlLhouL a
anon nS SS1LM
1he Canon PS S?S1L 1he devlce ls Lhe reacLlon of Lwo Lechnologles broughL LogeLher ln owerShoL
cameras a hlghsenslLlvlLy lmaglng sensor whlch ls able Lo capLure more llghL and Lhe ulClC lmage
rocessor whlch acLlvely reduces nolse wlLh hlghspeed lmage processlng 1he 121 Megaplxel Canon
CMCS sensor ln Lhe owerShoL Sx40 PS lncorporaLes advanced llghL recepLlon Lechnology LhaL
enhances senslLlvlLy M leLs you Lake brlghL clear phoLos ln an even wlder range of shooLlng slLuaLlons
8eauLlful lowllghL shoLs are posslble wlLh mlnlmal nolse and maxlmum deLall ln hlghllghL and shadow
areas 1he new ulClC 3 lmage rocessor provldes a ma[or boosL ln nolse reducLlon expandlng Lhe
usable lSC range Lo an amazlng hlgh of lSC 3200 1he Canon PS S?S1LM Lhus enables you Lo use hlgher
shuLLer speeds Lo capLure clearer lmages wlLh reduced nolse and blur

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