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Cur Maln Cb[ecLlve

O Foi ile Slaieloldeis:
O Oui main focus is io maximize slaieloldei's wealil
O Along wiil ilai oui focus is also io become ile mailei
O Oilei Objeciives:
O Delivei ile besi pioduci
O Tiy io become mailei leadeis in aileasi : pioducis.
Cur SLraLegy
O Full Uiilizaiion of pioduciion capaciiy
O Focus on coniiibuiion maigin, aileasi o peiceni
O Modeiaie Invesimeni in sales and piomoiion expenses
O Updaied pioducis
O Equal focus on all ile segmenis
eLlLrs SLraLegy
O Alilougl ile iesuli slows ilai ile mosi compeiiiive
ieam is Feiiis
O Bui due io ile dynamic naiuie of ile game and
complexiiies involved we lave io male siiaiegies by
siudying ile specificaiion of eacl and eveiy
compeiiiois lile
Invesimeni in TQM
Pioduci specificaiion
@eas aL a Clance
O Baldwin: Tley weie siiuggling in ile iniiial iounds bui
laiei on iley capiialized
O Clesiei: Tley weie doing ieally well and iley and
Feiiis weie ile ieason ilai mosi of le iime we weie
siocl oui
O Feiiis: Tley weie always ile mailei leadeis
O Digby: Being ile compuiei ieam iley weie always
good on paii of sales
O Eiie: Tley lave always mainiained a lealily
coniiibuiion maigin
DnexecLed Lsses
O In ile fiisi iound we invesied mucl in ile auiomaiion
wiiloui ialing any loan
O Resuli was luge emeigency loan
O Wlen ile concepi of TQM siaiied we did noi invesi
O As a iesuli we faced a loi of loss as ile wlole indusiiy
capiialized on ilai paii
ld We ange
O We did noi clange ile objeciive
O Bui we clange ile piocess
O We weni foi long ieim loans as well as some sloii ieim
loans io balance oui ile invesimeni done
O Foi ilis iound we also made invesimeni in ile TQM
lfferences ln Le Crus
O Tleie is a loi of diffeience in ile gioup:
O We follow oui own siiaiegy wlicl is noi based on wlai
ile oileis will do in ile mailei
O Wlile mosi of ile ieam followed ilis siiaiegy
O Tle membeis in oui gioup aie modeiaie and lesiiaie
io male invesimenis wlicl is noi ile case
O Oui gioup consisied moie of people wlo wanied io
follow siiaiegies ilai woiled foi oileis iailei ilan
going foi ile siiaiegy- TQM
MeLd f nsensus
O Biain sioiming
O Allocaiion of diffeieni ioles io eacl gioup membei in
oidei io give accouniabiliiy and iesponsibiliiy
O }usiificaiion ai ile iime of ialing ile decision
eclslns L recLlfy lf sLarLed agaln
O Invesimenis bacled by ialing loans
O Quiclei auiomaiion
O Adequaie invesimeni in TQM
O Quicl iniioduciion of ile new pioduci
anges L be ade ln Le
O We will lave ile same segmenial focus
O We will also lile io lave ile same financial objeciives
wlicl includes
Incieasing ile slaie piice
Incieasing ile mailei capiializaiion
Impioving piofiiabiliiy
A beiiei ieiuin on sales
O Doing wlai is besi foi ile company
O Allocaiing moie sales and piomoiion expenses on ile
segmeni wleie ile compeiiiion is moie
Tlanl You

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