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Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asar, Auset, Setheku, Neb-het, Horakhty, Het-Heru, Khepri, Mont, the Lord

of thebes, Amun the lord of the thrones of the two lands, the great ennead, the lesser ennead, the neteru who are in the primordial water, sobek of crocodilopolis, sobek in all his many names in every place of his where his soul desires to be; the southern gods and the northern gods, those who are in the sky and those who are on earth: may you give this pure garment to the worthy spirit (insert name here) may you grant that it be beneficial to him; may you remove the evil which is on him. As for this pure garment for (insert name here) may it be allotted to him for ever and ever and may you remove the evil which is on him.

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