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FONT I have used the same font all the way through my advert so people can recognise it when

they see it in the street and on billboards, also my font is quite bold like the shoe itself, and that reflects on the choice of people I have chosen, people aged between 9 and 25. CHOICE OF PEOPLE This is the advert i have made for my GCSE course work. The choice of people that I have chosen are people witch there age ranges from 9 to 25

IMAGE SIZE The shot that I have used for this part of my advert was a close up shot because I wanted to show my target audience straight away what was for sale. Also I wanted to get my brands logo across and the big orange tick was the perfect opportunity to do that without being obvious. IMAGE ANGLE I have used this side on image angle so on the poster/billboard people can see as much as the shoe possible.

SLOGANS / WORDING My main heading is nikay universally known because nikay is basically Nike but that would but copyright and universally known is because of the theme of the whole advert being exclusive, not from this world (ect), and my slogan there out of this world is for the same reasons. PRODUCT I have shown the product [my shoe] as the main part of the advert because I want my target audience to see what is for sale.

COLOUER I have used these colours because of the actually name of the shoe LAZER BEAM, and where do you find lazer beams? out of space that is why my background is light streaks because they are bright like a lazer beam. Implying that they are out of this world and out of this world is my slogan. Also my main heading is nikay universally known and that ties in well with my background because my background is of light streaks and the universe.

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