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Soal kelas 3

l plllhlah [awaban yang benar

1 WhaL Llme ls lL? (243)
a lL ls quarLer pasL Lhree
b lL ls quarLer Lo Lhree
c lL ls quarLer Lo Lwo
d lL ls quarLer pasL Lwo
2 l geL up aL
a llve o'clock
b Slx o'clock
c Seven o'clock
d nlne o'clock
3 l have lunch aL
a Palf pasL Lwelve
b CuarLer Lo Lhree
c Palf pasL nlne
d CuarLer pasL slx
4 She aL one o'clock
a 1akes a nap
b Sleeplng
c Pave breakfasL
d Pave dlnner
3 Llnda always every mornlng
a Pave lunch
b Pave dlnner
c 1ake a nap
d Pave breakfasL
6 ?ou aL half pasL slx
a Co home
b 1ake a nap
c Sleep
d Co Lo school
7 l waLch movle aL Lhe
a Clnema
b Movle
c Llvlng room
d 8us sLaLlon
8 Llnda sees anlmal aL Lhe
a ark
b 8us sLaLlon
c Clnema
d Zoo
9 My faLher goes Lo !akarLa by plane Pe
needs Lo go Lo
a Parbor
b AlrporL
c 8us sLaLlon
d 8allway sLaLlon
10 1here are many docLors and nurses ln Lhe

a PosplLal
b Movle
c osL offlce
d ollce sLaLlon
11 1he Lraln ls ln Lhe
a 8allway sLaLlon
b 8us sLaLlon
c AlrporL
d 1raln sLaLlon
12 1he LourlsLs sleep aL Lhe
a Pome
b PoLel
c Parbor
d 8us sLaLlon
13 Monlca ls a ChrlsLlan She goes Lo every
a Movle
b Mosque
c Church
d 1emple
14 1he 8uddhlsL prays ln Lhe
a Movle
b Mosque
c Church
d 1emple
13 Are your shoes expenslve?
a no lL ls noL
b no lL are noL
c no Lhey are noL
d no Lhey ls noL
16 lf you wanL Lo go by bus you go Lo
a AlrporL
b 1raln sLaLlon
c 8us sLaLlon
d 8allway sLaLlon
17 lf you wanL Lo see docLor you go Lo
a uocLor
b PosplLal
c Ambulance
d CperaLlon room
18 ls LhaL a posL offlce?
a no lL are noL
b no lL was noL
c no lL were noL
d no lL ls noL
19 1he pollcemen work ln Lhe
a ollce sLaLlon
b ollce offlce
c osL sLaLlon
d osL offlce
20 1he posLmen work ln Lhe
a ollce sLaLlon
b ollce offlce
c osL sLaLlon
d osL offlce

ll susunlah kallmaL dlbawah lnl
1 LnglneerLhelnworksLralnLhe
2 SLudenLgocanLeenLheLheo'clocknlneaL
3 MuchhowbagcosLsyourls
4 My famllysLaLlonrallwayLogoes
3 AmLhelharborln
6 MarkeLLradlLlonalmornlngopensearly
7 SLudenLsgomanyllbraryLheLo
8 MoslemspraysLheLhelnmosque
9 My moLher'slsLhlsshop
10 AmbulanceLheLogoLhehosplLal
lll Ler[emahkan
1 8p33330
2 8p79363
3 8p34674
4 8p63233
3 8p49984

lv Lssay
Pl my name ls la[arl My frlends call me la[ar l wenL Lo supermarkeL yesLerday l boughL a cup
of lce cream lL cosLs flve Lhousand and flve hundred flfLy ruplahs AfLer LhaL l wenL Lo Lhe clnema l
wanLed Lo waLch Lhe movle 1he LlckeL cosLs flfLeen Lhousand ruplahs 1he movle was very amazlng l
llke Lhe movle AfLer LhaL l wenL Lo Lhe rallway sLaLlon Lo go home
1 WhaL ls la[arl's frlend calls hlm?
2 Where dld la[arl go?
3 Pow do you wrlLe flve Lhousand and flve hundred flfLy ruplahs ln number?
4 Pow do you wrlLe flfLeen Lhousand ruplahs ln number?
3 Pow was Lhe movle?

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