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Font- the font is big and it stands out from most of the picture so it draws you in to the righting

then u look at the pictures it gives you a different point of view of the poster

Body- the body language is confident and bold this signalises that there will be fighting and he is serious so he is fighting for a good cause Lighting- the light is more dark and serious you can see him amongst the rain the light effects signalises that he is a lone fighter also he is quite serious Title- the title is the dark night rises this signalises that its more of a dark film and serious film to have more effect to older people eg teens and adults Costume- the costume is bold bulky to signalise that he is strong and power full Colours- the colours used are black and grey this signalises that it is modern and serious (he uses gadgets meaning he is modern)

Props- the props used is the batman mask smashed on the floor to signalises that he is very serious and he feels so angry with what has he has become or what has happened

Tagline- the choice of tag line chosen is the legend ends this signifies this could be the end of batman or its a darker version

Other images- there is a bat at the bottom of the screen it is black. This signifies batmans symbol

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