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Determine what level to begin Peacebuilding? Community members committed to their own healing.

Case studies of individuals provided as examples Address effects of colonization, residential school, and Ethnostress in our community

Members of the Church community in support

Clanmothers, Chiefs and Faithkeepers on board Ogwehonwe peoples of Grand River that believe in PEACE People committed with courage and living a balanced lifestyle To resolve disputes, to transform conflict to harmony, lacrosse used to settle disagreement

Principles: Ganikwiyho, Ganohkwasra, Gendao, Awaohode, Gasahsra. Case studies & stories to model these traits Process everyone is comfortable with Peoples Will and Awareness of Self Language using wampum for edge of woods, 4 strings, small condolence

Haudenosaunee worldview: Creation Story, Great Law, Ceremonies, Gawihyo, Roles of titleholders/men/women

What conditions are needed to build Peace? When is Peacebuilding used?

Used in an Individual, Family, Clan Family, Nation, Community and World environment

Common knowledge of ancient process, protocols, and modern approaches that are proven

What is used to build Peace?

Starts in the home with Self 1 then your Family

State of Being List skills of members with experience in areas EGO in the way: Anger, Pride, Laziness, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Greed

Intergenerational Trauma

Ethnostress, distress patterns created by oppressive conditions forced upon by colonizers Little compassion for Others, DO in Isolation, Lack of celebrating others & youth, lack of unity factions, no forgiveness

What prevents us from building Peace?

Anyone willing FEAR to take ACTION

Peacebuilding Initiative Project (PIP)

What is Peacebuilding?

Resolving disputes, communication, conflict 2 parties, listening, using common sense, keep it simple, work from common ground, win-win for both, negotiating Defined as using Reason, Good Mindedness and Courage to negotiate difficult matters without resorting to violence, corruption, fraud or manipulation.

Build Trust, Respect, Friendship

Open Mind Good Mind

Violence a motivator for social change in communities using anger & intimidation All Ogwehonwe, Chiefs & Clanmothers Cultural Advisors, Knowledgeable People Other Indigenous Nations that accepted the message of Great Peace Other Cultures that actively practice like Mennonites, Gandhi followers etc. Institutes willing to Partner to help train, mentor Individuals Research opportunities to gather statistical data from social projects & experiments.

Natural born leaders are needed to build peace within community

Who is a Peacebuilder?
Its in our blood

How does Peacebuilding work?

Operate on Principles looking for COMMON GROUND What skills sets are needed? Skills from the Boat and Canoe People have to want it and it is up to them to LEAD it

Married, 30s, living Great Law, over their fun

Who enforces Accountability?

Why Peacebuilding?
Explore ways from within the community.A Combination of Traditional and Modern methods Everyone has the ability to be a peacebuilder

Commitment to process by Leadership

Builds Trust, Respect, Friendship for a Healthy commUNITY Employment Opportunities in Education & Research

Deliberate Strategy to reverse impacts and effects of colonization/ethnostress


(5th DRAFT)

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