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sou eo 0 of A Landau-Ginzburg Model of the Co-existence of Free Tubulin and Assembled Microtubules in Nucleation and Oscillations Phenomena D. SEPT! and J.A. TUSZYNSKI Sam Diego, ba Atherts, 766281, Canada M Intively rigid cylindrical protein thomselves to participate in and perform various func Of the most is what has bee found above a threshold of tut undergo smooth, damped o: totn! amount of assembled tubul single microtubule have been extensivel such as Monte Carlo simulations, chemi ro butfer. The dynamics of a ng a variety of techniques the master equa- AND L.A TUSZYRNK yrmation about where ‘These waves of asscml the sample and propag: ly {18}, a model the observed microtubule osc! 5 was shown to reproduce dimers bound description wa MT, +Tu— GPP SMT ay MT,—“2n(Tu ~ GDP) aay ndTu = GTP) MT, 3) Tu GDP*+Tu — GTP aa) MT, + Tu— GDP—>(n + Tu GPP), an unassembled tubulin dimer onomer (see [18} for more the variables depended onl ay well in order to gain i extend our mod! sume extent. Assembled microoubules aren fand would thus diffuse much more slowly. so their dit With these ack me hy NT — ha + byt + Da? | found a value of Ds = 56 x 10-* {19}. Since we are modeling i joice of Da, To the best of our knowled; where we have expanded the denomin: concentration of microwubules to warrant such a proced ) to obtain b= Dib + kab — js in the form of the s played a prom fe will demonstrate in the remainder of where g 2 i "Sa é 30 75 “Tubulin Concentration (iM) Figure 1 Fygenson of the mathematical analysis done the existence of both waves and plane wave propa by v such th ier case reduces to: Dif" +08! + hag — kid" = 0 aay db Kk 5 =xcvn @ = and ky = cas) fax-wi oa oe @ » ter section and show its relevance to the process of microt eof shedding new proportional 10 the

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