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DOS is the Iirst oI MicrosoIt operating system that is used

on computers the old version. DOS is the basic operating system on the Windows
operating system nowadays. Maybe now we've rarely uses the DOS
operating system because Windows operating system already has
a GUI (Graphical User InterIace) which is very good. For computer booting
Iacility and run multiple soItware applications, such as WS and Lotus. There are
many DOS Iunctions that are used now. Especially to
resolve some troubleshooting on computer hardware. Although it can be done on
the GUI-based operating systems.
The Iunctions oI DOS:
Organizing or control the computer activity
Set up memory
Set the process oI input and output data
Management Iile
Management directory
DOS is an operating system that uses interIace with user based text
(text-mode user interIace), with a readiness to receive commands Irom a user that
is called prompt. Prompt deIault that is used in the DOS is path name plus a
greater sign (~), such as C: \~, C: \ DOS \ and others. Users can also
use other symbol oI prompt using the PROMPT command.
This operating system is single-tasking (run one program at
a time only), run the processor in real mode , and can support one user at a time
(single user).

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