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<Kumar HarsI


Cbotl 8azaar Near [aln Dbaram Sbala,
8anoa, UP, 210001

Pbone: 7569380250
Lma|| harsh786kumarQgma||com

| am looklng torwaro tor roles ln tbe marketlng oepartment ot an organlzatlon tbat can
belp ln utlllze tbe skllls | bave earneo tbrougb my eoucatlon. My areas ot career lnterests
are Marketlng ano Retall
O Pursulng M8A(v trlmester) wltb 6.51 CGPA ln tbe tlrst year, G|TAM Unlverslty
ot Management, vlsakbapatnam
O 8.8.A, H|LRANK 8US|NLSS SCHOOL, CCS UN|vLRS|TY(scoreo 59.4)
O |ntermeolate C8SL boaro Noloa (scoreo 52)

Project ExperIence

Unoertaken tbe Researcb project on CONSUMLR 8UY|NG 8LHAv|OUR |N vAR|OUS
SHOPP|NG MALLS OF NO|DA ano learneo a lot on, CONSUMLR 8LHAv|OUR,

Unoertaken tbe mlnor project on "COMPARAT|vL STUDY ON v|vLL ACT|vL FA|RNLSS

CRLAM AND THL|R COMPLT|TORS" ln |TC lto. company, Lucknow.

Unoertaken tbe project on "8|G 8AZAAR" ourlng tbe tlme ot "8|G DAYS" ln

Currently oolng a project on sales ln 8lg 8azaar vlsakbapatnam ourlng weekenos.


O on Prlzes ln sports ano cultural test.
O Organlzeo varlous events ano cultural tests belo ln G|TAM.

Computer ProIIcIency
O oro
O Lcel
O PowerPolnt
O |nternet/L-mall

Extra CurrIcuIar ctIvItIes

O Actlve partlclpatlon ln stuoent commlttees ano eco trlenoly orlves.
O Actlve partlclpatlon ln stuoents commlttee ot Sanskrltl Club.
O Partlclpateo ano conoucteo semlnars ln college ano unlverslty.
O |nvolveo as a member ot tbe organlzlng team ot events ano tests.


O Strong communlcatlon, negotlatlng skllls , learnlng ano organlzlng skllls.

O Gooo ln Brand Positioning, Pronotions Managenent, Consuner 8ehavior.
O Flelble ano Aoaptlve.

PosItIon oI ResponsIbIIIty

Part ot vent Conpany, BOOK MY 5HOW, 2008
ork ln |CL matcbes unoer event management company, BOOK MY 5HOW,2008
| was a captaln ot crlcket team ln my scbool level.

Otber HobbIes

Playlng games

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