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The chess with golden coins

Once their was a very joyful king that gives everything to his citizens, the King gives more than just a wonderful life to his beloved citizens. The king had a very special chess full of golden coins. He could not live with out this chess because it did something very special. If you took out one golden coin for one hour it would make the citizens full of life, if you took out two golden coins for two hours it would give a lot of food and drink. Every day the king had to take at least ten coins of the chess to give his citizens a good daily life. Now if the king took lots coins he was wasting the golden coins but if the citizens are happy the golden coins would duplicate. If the king wasted the coins on himself they would divide, good thing he was a humble king. so the king didnt have to worry about anything except keeping the citizens happy and that no one stole the chess. The other golden coins were used only for an emergency. Things did not stay peaceful for long, the horrible giant snake, her name is Slither Slith. Slither Slith was enormous twenty meters long, all red with yellow spots on her back and slimy green stripes, she was very poisonous. Slither slith dreamed all the great things that she could do with the chess! But she didnt know the rule she could only waste the coins on the citizens to make them happy and not on herself. So one night she went down to the castle slithering smoothly, Slither nally found the room which the chess was kept but there were guards guarding the chess. She resolved that problem by opening her mouth, her breath ultra intoxicating because she ate the most exotic creatures every day. Slithers breath was so strong that made the men stay unconscious for twenty four hours. Enough time to steal the chess of golden coins. That morning the king did his normal morning business, and then he went to the chest room; when he opened the door he couldnt believe what he was seeing, he nearly fainted, when he put himself all back together he rubbed his eyes twice, when he was nally certain that the chess wasnt there he shouted at the other guards Who dared to steel the chess, the punishment is horrible how could someone DARE, Robert? Luke? who stole the golden chess hem? who did?, The guards didnt answer. WHO DID? The king exploded. We d-d-d-nt see anybody,sorry. The king was furious he sent the three guards to the dungeons. No one in his kingdom had ever went to the dungeon, so it was all very puzzling. He couldnt bare living with out the chess. Some days passed and the king was even more tough about the food and drink. He had become grumpy and short tempered; While the chess was stolen.

One day a goddess came down to the city where the king lived and said to a boy what was going on, and why the king was acting this way, the boy understood perfectly. The goddess told the boy, which his name was Intel, that he was the wisest and the most intelligent person in the country, so that he must get that chess back. The boy stood their taking all the information in, and he said Ok ill go, but how am I going to defeat this monster? the goddess replied At the higher hill is the chess; you will nd a monster named Slither, so ill give you this dust; it makes you shrink. The boy was confused up. But how can I defeat the monster... er Slither, by a simple dust that makes things shrink? the goddess said youll see youll see with these words she faded away. The boy knew where to go because he already studied the nearby zone, the hill the goddess told him is the Hamalaya hill. The little boy went on with his journey. He knew the faster he went the quicker he would solve this problem. The boy went on and on the pathway seemed that it would never end. The boy couldnt carry on he was exhausted. He was always keeping an eye out for the traps. He knew this because he knew the Monster would keep the chest safely. Meanwhile the snake was asleep at the bottom of the hill what was not good. Intel tried not to make a noise he passed by the snake and when he was climbing the hill he stepped on a loose stone. That stone fell on top of Slithers head, that woke the Slither Slith. She was not happy because she thought that he was trying to take her chest. So she started climbing the hill madly. Intel was very frightened but then he remembered, he could use the magic dust to shrink things. So he opened the lid and letted some shrink dust fall onto the snake. The snake was surprised by this action, she started shrinking at an incredible rate, she was so astonished she fell down hill Mean wile Intel got to the top of the hill. First he admired the view. He realized how beautiful his country was! Then he picked up the box which was very heavy. Intel had an idea. Intel through the chess wright on top of Slither Slith. Intel killed Slither Slith and ran with the box to the city. Intel said to the guards that he needed to talk with the king. The guarders letted Intel speak with the king. When he went to the room the king was, he said Almighty king I have found the the chess with golden coins, and hear it is. The king was so delighted that he gave the boy one piece of golden coin. And gave permission to mary his beautiful daughter.

The End

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