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Based on our storyboard, animatic and plot summary , we have composed a short film for our preliminary task

meeting all aspects of the brief . Although we made a good attempt to edit this prelim. to be completely perfect there are however a few things in this that could have gone better. Such as at 0:30 the dialogue is very quiet and it makes it hard to hear what the characters are trying to say. We could have somehow tried to improve this by raising the volume in the editing side of it all, which we did to the maximum so another alternative would have been to go and re-film the two that are limited in dialogue audio. On the other hand i feel that the Shot-Reverse-Shot went extremely well because the eye-line stayed level in each shot and I feel it also added effect to make you feel as though you, the watcher, were also receiving the terrible news given to Ellie by her best friend, which enhances the emotional reaction in these shots. At 0:48 however the end of the word lying is cut off because it has been edited out this could have been avoided by being more tentative to the dialogue in editing.

In the final shot of the character Ellie calling her friend a liar because she doesnt want to believe the information she is hearing whether it is the truth or a lie. She would rather block it out to the extent that she would call her best friend a skank and walk out of the room. I believe this over the shoulder shot as Ellie walks out of the room makes the watcher feel as though they are a by-stander in the same room as the characters in this accusatory conversation. Also the way the music, Ellie Goulding-Your Biggest Mistake, fades into the scene creates a feeling of dread as you feel the reality of the truth flood down on Ellie as she storms past the camera, the viewer as an by-stander, out of the room. The viewer can also relate to Lauren as at the end the guilt of having to be the one to tell her best friend such terrible news becomes to heavy an emotion for her to carry anymore so she hangs her head down in defeat. As the saying says Dont shoot the messenger, in this case she does get shot and Ellie and Laurens friend ship doesnt survive. An effect i really personally like about the ending is that we never find out if Lauren ever really is telling the truth or not!

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