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The Genre of the film is emphasised through the codes and conventions of the horror genre.

These include; sound, typography and editing. The sound in the title sequence starts with a steady 4/4 drum beat. When the lyrics enter they sound as though it is coming through an old record player. In this world where we live there should be more happiness, this is ironic as the disease that it spreading around the world causes people to kill each other in brutal ways, it also make the population become extremely sinister and the survivors are left with no hope and no reason to bring anyone sunshine. Towards the end of the title sequence a jazzy piano tune comes into the foreground this can be representative of how the world as they know it, shown as the beginning of the song, is being altered and will not return to their normality.

The typography of the title sequence fits with the genre of horror well. As the words come into the screen they are off centre and they jump and falter to get into their positions, this can show how the disease in the film start out patchy in areas and then amalgamates to engross the entire world. The font of the lettering is typical American military style, this is a metallic silver colour, whilst the font is blocky, the size of it is controlled this can be symbolic of how the American forces tried to keep the disease under some form of control but that fact that it is still faltering and jumping around shows they cannot and will not have full control over it.

In editing, the sweep diagonally down from right to left which was done in a transparent white colour was effective as it shows how throughout the film there will be sly diseased people flashing by you in the same manor throughout the film.

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