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Sem|nar on the Iuture of n|gher Lducat|on |n Sr| Lanka

9.30 - 11.00 ane|
choir: Dr N|rma| kan[|th Dewas|r| (Un|vers|ty of Co|ombo)

1he ob[ect|ves of n|gher Lducat|on: Dr Sumathy S|vamohan,
(Un|vers|ty of eraden|ya)
1he pr|vat|sat|on of n|gher Lducat|on: Mr D||eepa W|tharana,
(Cpen Un|vers|ty of Sr| Lanka)
Are state un|vers|t|es fu|f||||ng the|r mandate? Dr nar|n| Amarasur|ya
(Cpen Un|vers|ty of Sr| Lanka)

11.00 - 12.00: Cpen D|scuss|on
choir: rofessor r|yan D|as (Un|vers|ty of Moratuwa)


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