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Falsely Accused Carers and Teachers

Monthly Update

December 2011

Welcome to the December update for members. Whatever your circumstances hope your Christmas will be better than it might have been.

Christmas Vigil
This month we have very little news other to thank those of you you who attended, or supported in other ways, our annual Christmas gathering and vigil. As in previous years this was organised by Joy and Ian to whom we are very grateful. Not only were we able to enjoy a very pleasant meal and each others company but also some carol singing. All that was missing was the log fire! We were particularly pleased to see two people recently released from prison and family members During the proceedings we also held a candle light vigil for all those FACT members who are (or have been) in prison and have been denied justice. In particular we thought of the eight FACT members still in prison (and their families) as well dozens of FACT members who, during the past decade, have been wrongly convicted and denied justice

Numbers were a lower than in previous years due largley to the fact that, thankfully, well over 90% of FACT members who have been wrongly imprisoned have now either been released or served their prison sentances. Despite this almost 50 people attended to whom we are very grateful. Thankyou.

On behalf of the National Committee and whatever your circumstances I wish you a peaceful and restful Christmas. Some of you we know will be missing loved ones but please remember you are not alone and that you will be in our thoughts throughout the Christmas period.

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