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Source of Ron Paul Newsletters?

From the remorseless liars that brought America into the Iraq War, have kept the US mired in Afghanistan for now over a decade, oversaw the genocide in Libya wrought by NATO-backed Al Qaeda terrorists, and are attempting to incite war with both Syria and Iran, comes a frothing, if not entirely elementary attack against one of the few obstacles that stands in their way of perpetual war fought at America's expense but for their personal gain. That obstacle is Ron Paul and the Constitutional reawakening he has spurred. Leading the charge is a slightly misfitting addition to the Neo-Conservative corporate-fascist propaganda machine, openly-homosexual warmongering "libertarian" James Kirchick. While Kirchick's sexual orientation really is a matter of his own personal business, the necessity of him making it a public issue and the fact that those he works for have used anti-homosexual rhetoric to manipulate the American political landscape for decades is already a display of undermining and astounding hypocrisy.

Photo: James Kirchick, of the Neo-Con corporate-fascist "Foundation for the Defense of Democracies" leads the attack on Ron Paul. Having previously worked for the US State Department funded Radio Free Europe (RFE/RL), he is no stranger to peddling propaganda.

Kirchick's argument is based on the same tired, already addressed "newsletter" published in Ron Paul's name decades ago, and despite none of the articles cited by Kirchick actually even being

written by Ron Paul, he still enjoys preceding each accusation with, "He says..." Kirchick's servile obedience to the Neo-Con agenda, which has cultivated and is directing Ron Paul's competition - Cain, Romney, Perry, and Gingrich - is fairly obvious to detect. However, it is now a matter of record that Kirchick literally sits, as a "fellow" within a Neo-Con corporate and US State Department-funded think-tank, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD). The FDD features as its "executive team," the likes of James Woolsey and Clifford May while its "leadership council" includes Paula Dobriansky, Steve Forbes, Max Kampelman, Bill Kristol, and Senator Joseph Lieberman. Richard Perle, Eric Cantor, Gary Bauer, and Charles Krauthammer sit on the FDD's "board of advisors," while Reuel Marc Gerecht, Bill Roggio, and James Kirchick himself sit as FDD "fellows." Truly exemplary of everything that is wrong with America, and everything Ron Paul and the ideals he promotes aim at fixing, the FDD is a weed that needs to be pulled from America's political landscape. (For further reading regarding these names, please see "NED & Freedom House are run by Warmongering Imperialists," "Neo-Cons for Human Rights?" and to see a good example of FDD's contrived propaganda exposed and in action, "NeoCon Infomercial: Iranium.") Of course, despite a "Democratic" president sitting in the White House, America's foreign and domestic policy has been drawn up and carried out by corporate-fascists who hold sway over both sides of America's political aisle. "Obama's" military adventure in Libya, for instance, wasnot only supported by what Americans might call "Neo-Conservatives," but the war itself was drawn up by them in the first place. This indicates an overarching agenda that transcends presidencies and the perceived political ideologies they supposedly adhere to. The necessity then, to keep puppets like Bush or Obama in place is realized, as any truly independent, principled president would expose and disrupt this long running charade. From April, 2011's "The Globalists Coming Full Circle:"

"Ten days after 9/11, General Wesley Clark visited the Pentagon where an officer from the Joint Staff warned him of an impending attack on Iraq. After the Afghan invasion, this officer shared with Clark a document handed down from the Office of the Secretary of Defense indicating plans to attack and destroy the governments of 7 countries; Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Lebanon and Libya. General Wesley Clark would go on to share this story in a 2007 speech given to the Commonwealth Club of California where he repeated this list. Of course, the campaigns have already begun against each of the nations Clark listed. Iraq was invaded, decimated, and has been occupied by US troops since 2003. In 2006, Israel attempted to invade and dismantle Hezbollah in Lebanon but the conflict ended in a stalemate and an eventual Israeli withdrawal. Somalia was attacked by a proxy Ethiopian invasion force with US air support starting in 2007, but it too eventually ended in failure. A silent war has already begun within Iran, including covert military operations, the arming of terrorists, assassinations, and 2 failed US backed color revolutions. Sudan has been recently carved into two states and Syria is now being intentionally destabilized by US trained and funded activists.

And now, of course in Libya's case, aerial bombardment by US, UK, and French warplanes has begun, while the CIA and MI6 are on the ground attempting to collapse the Qaddafi regime. Wesley Clark would backtrack in his 2007 talk in California and recall a conversation he had in 1991 with then Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz regarding Desert Storm. Clark was told that America's intervention in Iraq proved that the US could use its military force and the Soviets wouldn't stop them. Wolfowitz said the US had 5-10 years to clean up the old Soviet "client regimes" before the next super power rose up and challenged western hegemony. Clark claimed that this, along with the aftermath of 9/11 constituted a policy coup where Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and the other members of the of Project for a New American Century had hijacked US foreign policy to destabilize and turn the nations of the Middle East upside down - much the way they are now. The "Neo-Conservative" element of this current round of destabilization goes deeper than the promotion of war, as the "Neo-Cons" have uncharacteristically dedicated themselves to "human rights" and "democracy" side-by-side with the likes of George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Bush campaigned on an anti-war, anti-nation building platform. Obama then pledged to roll back the agenda Bush swindled the nation into, only to then continue it in earnest. All along we have been treated to the theatrics of the corporate-owned media, with pundits on the left and right reacting in shock and surprise as these engineered events unfolded according to plan. Despite Wolfowitz' agenda being meted out nearly 20 years ago, the ham-fisted nature of both the operation itself in Libya and the propaganda surrounding it suggests a rushed sense of desperation on the globalists' behalf. Wesley Clark suggested that the operation to destabilize the Middle East and Northern Africa would take 5 years, starting in 2001. Wolfowitz believed that in 1991 the operation would have taken 5-10 years. The failed FBI attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 was most likely the staged impetus to trigger the first blitzkrieg. Not only did the attacks fail to cause the catastrophic effects needed to justify such an operation, the Egyptian informant assisting the FBI had recorded his conversations with agents [which are published in the NYT] indicating that they were indeed building a bomb for extremists and providing them with real explosives as well. 1993 would have fit in perfectly to tip off Wolfowitz' plan. Upon failing, he and his PNAC cadre would attempt to destroy the World Trade Center buildings again, this time successfully on September 11, 2001. The catastrophic loss of life, the confusion, and the rage that was left in its wake gave the PNAC what they called a "new Pearl Harbor" they claimed they needed in their September 2000 report titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses." These men, who in fact helped create Al Qaeda in the mountains of Afghanistan to face the Soviets in the 80s would call on their legion of foreign mercenaries to wreck havoc across the planet, heralding globalist intervention along the way. Certainly this had nothing to do with defending America or spreading "democracy" but rather bolstering the hegemony of the corporate-financier oligarchy that both the PNAC cadre and the bankers who thoroughly saturate Obama's administration constitute.

What appears to have happened is a costly delay in 1993 and a post-9/11 campaign that has dragged on 5 years longer than expected. With the same clumsy hands fumbling in Libya also trying to stab simultaneously at both Moscow and Beijing with their agenda laid on the table openly for all to see, failure on the globalists' behalf now may incur a wrathful response from a planet about to truly awaken. It should be expected that that any excuse to complete regime change in Libya will be made, including creating the conditions necessary to put troops on the ground - be it because of a failing rebellion, a false flag attack carried out in Qaddafi's name, or even feigned fears the globalists' own Al Qaeda might "seize" Libya should they not intervene. Similarly, with the US openly admitting to funding subversive activities across the Arab world, in Iran, and even as far as China, the globalists have painted themselves into an irredeemable, inescapable corner of confrontation." For those interested in reading the recycled propaganda oafishly wielded by Kirchick for his politically motivated attack, read his latest article, "The Company Ron Paul Keeps." However, now, readers should have a better appreciation of the company "Kirchick keeps," the fact that they have done more to send misled American and Israeli troops to their needless deaths than all of Ron Paul's non-existent "antisemitism" combined, and that Kirchick's campaign to slander Ron Paul is built on a foundation of fear and self-preservation, not genuine concerns based on a real threat. Kirchick and the "company he keeps" are also wary of an American awakening stoked by the real issues Ron Paul brings to debates - one that isn't swayed by left or right puppets but instead focuses on the corporate-financier puppet masters to whom all the strings lead. While Kirchick and company labor under the delusion that Americans stand behind the endless war profiteering carried out by his peers throughout the FDD, its doppelganger the Foreign Policy Institute (FPI), and other corporate-financier driven think-tanks and US taxpayers endlessly funding the purposefully abusive Israeli military, in reality the fact that the US government, as well as the Israeli government have been pursuing the interests of Wall Street and London at the expense of both the American and Israeli people is gaining mainstream traction. Wishing the awakening away will not work. At this point, now more than ever, instead of being caught up in the minutia of Kirchick's recycled attacks, we must continue to point out the corporate-financier interests that truly drive America's agenda, boycott these interests, and replace them entirely with local, pragmatic solutions.

Gloria Borger - Lance Morgan James Kirchick - Newt Gingrich

"When I wrote the story four years ago, I never thought that I would have to do this all over again," Kirchick told The Huffington Post by phone Friday, shortly after attending the funeral for the late Czech leader Vaclav Havel. The fact that Kirchick is doing this all again has less to do with any new revelations concerning Paul's newsletters and more to do with the candidate's frontrunner standing in Iowa polls less than two weeks before the caucus. The political press, which has often dismissed Paul as a nonentity, is now taking him seriously. Like I wrote above they all work for Military Industrial Complex. Gloria Borger is married to Lance Morgan who is a chief communications strategist at Powell Tate. He specializes in developing and executing communications strategies for public policy debates, crisis communications and media training. Lance counsels clients facing national and international media attention because of public policy controversies, congressional oversight hearings, criminal and civil investigations by law enforcement agencies, labor-management negotiations and trade disputes. Prior to joining the firm, Lance served as spokesman for the U.S. Senate Iran-Contra investigating committee and press secretary to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY). Seems to me, Mr. Morgan, through his position with PowellTate and Mrs. Borger by default of her being married to Mr. Morgan stands to lose a great deal, if we were to be so lucky as to live under a President Paul administration. Conflict of interest Mrs. Borger? Just my opinion, but if I thought you to be actually capable of such an emotion, I'd say you should be ashamed of yourself. And there is MORE. Powell Tate is linked up with none other than Presidential Candidate and Ron Paul foe, Newt Gingrich. Now, if you've been following the campaigns as I have, you would be aware that Dr.Paul's campaign has been hammering Newt with the reality of the Gingrich who stole Christmas' record. In his infinite wisdom... what was Gingrich's attempt at returning fire? Try this: He doesnt want to blame the bad guys He dismisses the danger of Iranian nuclear weapon and seems to be indifferent to the idea that Israel could be wiped out. And as I said, I think the key to his volunteer base is people who want to legalize drugs.

How does Newt Gingrich link up with Powell-Tate, you ask? Well, now boys and girls, lets dig a little shall we? Let's start with some of the revolving door folks that have links to them both. Vice President Powell Tate| Weber Shandwick 2004 2005 (1 year) Press Secretary to Speaker Newt Gingrich U.S. House of Representatives Government Agency; 5001-10,000 employees; Legislative Office industry 1997 1999 (2 years) Suzanne has extensive experience in public and government relations, having worked at major DC firms such as Cassidy and Associates and Powell Tate. Suzanne began her career on Capitol Hill as Whip Assistant to Congressman Newt Gingrich. Frankly, I probably could have found more, but I found these two without much more than a cursory glance through cyberspace, but it gets even better. Remember Newt's backdoor for multimillions is his usage of "Non-Profits"? Well, one of these should get your attention as well. In the 90's Gingrich's "progress and freedom foundation" received money and lobbied on behalf of the Tobacco industry, with the PR being handled by... you know what's coming right... Powell Tate. Now, I could spend all night carving up the connections between Gloria Borger, her husband, the Military Industrial Complex, Powell Tate and Newt Gingrich, but now I put the ball in your court. If you want to take this low level research further, feel free, but please, utilize what's here and wake people up to the scam that's being perpetrated against Ron Paul. While we're at it, why don't we fill up Mrs. Borger and Wolf Blitzer's email, along with the rest of CNN's establishment with this little question: "Why is it that you, CNN, with the complicit cooperation of Mrs. Gloria Borger and Mr. Wolf Blitzer, choose to mislead your viewers by presenting a decades old story, that you actually already covered and had discredited back in 2008, as breaking news?"

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