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ELIE IY MV NN VY METU NETER Vol. The Greed Oracle of Tht tard the Egyption Sytem of Spiritual Cultination METU NETER Vol. 1 ‘The Great Oracle of Tehuti And the Egyptian System of Spiritual Cultivation ‘The author and publishers acknowledge with thanks, first of all, the great devotion shown by Raar Mesh User (Jay Barker). We cannot thank him enough for the long hours, and love that he poured into the rendition of the art work for the deck of cards, the cover design, and the illustrations. big thanks also goes out to Hrimgalah Amen and Greg Thomas for their editing assistance, to Merisa Amen for her typing assistance, to the priests and priestesses of the Ausar ‘Auset Society who, in testing the Metu Neter oracle, trusted it with their lives. METU NE’ Vol. 1 TER The Great Oracle of Tehuti ‘And The Egyptian System of Spiritual Cultivation RA UN NEFER AME) © 1990 Ra Un Nefer Amen All sights reserved. No part af this book may be copied, stored or reproduced in ay Form without express writcen permission feom the publisher. Published by Khamit Media Trans Visions, Inc. 1100 Albemarle Road, Brooklyn, NY 11218 Website address: ISBN 978-1-877662-03-4 Contents AUTHOR'S PREFACE ‘The Divine Plan CHAPTER 1 Introduction ‘The Hemispheres of the Brain A Brief Definition of Religion Religion, Trance, and Ancestors CHAPTER 2 The Black Founders of Civilization ‘The Three Fundamental Races of Mankind and the Principle ‘of Geographic Contiguity CHAPTER 3 ‘The Source of the Light of the East CHAPTER 4 Cosmology and Cosmogony CHAPTER 5 ‘The Two Great Reams of Being ‘The Subjective Realm ‘The Objective Realm The Cosmogenesis of the Objective Realm ‘The Noumenal Plane ‘The Divisions of the Noumenal Plane ‘The Great Divine Trinity ‘The Phenomenal Plane The Step by Step Manifestation of Subjective Being The Paut Netern (Tree of Life) CHAPTER 6 Analysis of the Cosmogonical System The Six Acts of Creation The Creation of the Celestial Government The Creatidn of the Celestial Workers ‘An Analysis Of The Process Of Creation ‘The Duality Principle In Cosmogony ‘The Complementary Dualities On The Tree Of Life CHAPTER 7 The Cosmotogical View Of Man ULERSSSRRBBS BBE Ssssresx BRalae ‘The Spirimal Anatomy Of Man ‘The Tree Of Life As A Guide To Man's Spirit Or "Mind" ‘A Comparative Analysis Of Man's Complementary Faculties ‘The Five Principles Governing Man's Life Man’s Self-identity The Will Man's Power Man's Knowiedge Of Reality CHAPTER 8 The Three Types Of Men Stage [of Man’s Evolution Stage IT of Man’s Evolution Stage IM of Man's Evolution Religion Economics Government Education CHAPTER 9 The Spiritual Cultivation of Man ‘The Ausarian Metaphorein The Metaphorein of Ausar in the Spiritual Evolution of Society CHAPTER 10 The Tree Of Life Initiation Sysiem The Two Principles Underlying the Problems to be Overcome through Initiation ‘The Four Principles Underlying Initiation CHAPTER 11 The Ten Stages Of Initiation Preliminary Requirements to Initiation Sphere 10, Geb, The Khaibit The Care of the Life Force Level 1 -Stage 1 of Initiation Level 1 -Stage 2 of Initiation Sahu division of the Spirit, Sphere 8, Scbek Level 1 - Stage 3 of Init Sahu Division ofthe Spirit, Sphere 7, Het-Heru Ir 2 a 96 9 101 302 103 105 105 107 110 2 ug m2 123 124 1s 125 18 130 133 133 135 136 138 138 138 138 139 12 u2 Ms 14s Level 2 - Stage Four of Initiation Level 2- Stage 5 of Initiation Level 2 - Stage 6 of Initiation Level 3 - Stage 7 of Initiation Level 3 - Stage 8 of Initiation Level 3 - Stage 9 of Initiation Level 4 - Stage 10 of Initiation CHAPTER 12 Meditation And Rituat ‘The Means of Realizing Spiritual Growth ‘The Principles of Meditation ‘The Fundamental Components of Man's Being Stages in the Process of Meditation ‘The Process of Meditation ‘Th: Components of a Meditation ‘The Importance of Trance CHAPTER 13 Level 1, First Three Stages of the Meditation Process Care of the Life-force ‘The Four Principles Underlying the Process of Meditation Level 1 of the Meditation Process, Stage 1, Sphere 9 Lerel 1 of the Meditation Process, Stage 2, Sphere 8 Level 1 of the Meditation Process, Stage 3, Sphere 7 (CHAPTER 14 Level 2, Second Three Stages of the Meditation Process Level 2 of the Meditation Process, Stage 4, Sphere 6 Men Ab em Aungk em Maat Pert Em Her Level 2 of the Meditation Process, Stage 5, Sphere 5 Level 2 of the Meditation Process, Stage 6, Sphere 4 CHAPTER 15 Levels 3 and 4 of the Meditation Process Level 3 of the Meditation Process, Stage 7, Sphere 3 Level 3 of the Meditation Process, Stage 8, Sphere 2 ‘The Two Fundamental Actions of the Mind ‘Thinking vs. Thought Drift Level 3 of the Meditation Process, Stage 9, Sphere 1 Level 4 of the Meditation Process, Stage 10, "0" rr 182 156 157 158 159 160 160 161 161 161 161 161 162 163 166 168 in im m am 174 178 187 187 187 189 194 195 195 199 199 199 202 202 202 205 Initiation and Society CHAPTER 16 The Oracles CHAPTER 17 ‘The Deities Of The Metu Neter ‘Amen ‘usar Tebuti The Utchau Metut Spatial - Hierarchical Dimension Classification, and Evaluation (Utchau) of Life Problems Seker Maat Herukhuti Herw Het-heru Sebek Auset Seb, Or Geb, The God Of The Earth Sheps & Dark Deceased Ra Nekhebet And Uatchet CHAPTER 18 The Metuts ‘The Philosophical and Psychological Foundation of the Met Neter Oracle System Shaping Factors of Success The Shaping Factors of Failure A Place and Time For All Things CHAPTER 19 The Metts ‘Amen ‘Ausar Tehuti Seker Maat Herukhuti Heru Het-Hera Iv 212 m2 212 24 216 216 29 Sebek Auset Geb Sheps & Dark Deceased Nekhebet Uatchet CHAPTER 20 ‘The Meanings of the Combined Metutu CHAPTER 21 Consulting The Oracle Tae State of Mind, and Motives For Readings Suggested Questions How to Consult CHAPTER 22 Interpreting The Oracle The Suits Tae Utchau Metut and Interpretation Modes and Levels of Interpretation Why Should Oracles be Used? Significators Rituals and the Readings Rituals and the Significators tiation and the Readings CHAPTER 23 Meditations and Rituals State of Trance ‘Waking Trance States Mediumistic Trance Breathing The Key To Meditation Tension Diaphragmatic Breathing ‘The Physiological Basis of Kumbbaka Breathing And The Internalization Of Consciousness 387 ‘The Harmonics Of Breathing Breathing And Wakefulness Rituals CHAPTER 24 BaSRSSVRseey 88 361 g How To Meditate And Perform A Ritual Posture In Meditation ‘The Procedure Functioning In The Meditation Stage Managing the Sphere of Awareness During Meditation 400 ‘Meditating on your Readings Hekau Of The Deities Coordinating the Breathing with the Chanting The Rate of Breathing APPENDIX A Sesh Metut Neter SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX VI Author’s Preface The Divine Plan We live in a world that was created, and is maintained by the unified working of a multiplicity of agencies. We live in a world that is composed of a multiplicity of ‘entities that are unified through a web of interdependence. 1m the infancy of his spiritual evolutionary career, Man is unable to perceive the hidden forces and abstract principles that unify, the working of the shaping forces of the world, and the entities that make up the world. He creates, therefore, a way of life-systems ‘of religion, science, economics, government, education, family, philosophy, ete, - that is incapable of establishing, and maintaining unity-law, order, peace, harmony-in the world. Thus the world has been plunged, and is sinking deeper, day by day, into the jaws of death. It is true that he has amassed a great number of facts concerning the workings of nature, and a great collection of ideas concerning religion, and so on, but the possession of a mass of facts, however reliable the facts are, does not constitute the possession of a science, nor docs the possession of a collection of ideas about rcligion, constitute the possession of a religion, for the knowledge contained in these facts regarding nature, and these ideas concerning religion, does not embody the principles that are necessary to unify the facts, and ideas. It is only when the facts concerning nature, or the ideas about religion are linked to each other, and to the whole, that a science, or a religion is formed. Man's perception of the world, however, cannot change the reality that the world is shaped, and maintained by a unified multiplicity of agencies, and that the world is made up of an infinitud: of interdependent entities. This realty has been known to Black and Oriental cultures, and ignored by Westerners as far back as history can take us. The Black nations of antiquity, through the cultivation of the science of inducing the state of waking trance, which enables Man to perceive the working of abstract principles, and the hidden shaping forces of the world, were able to create a way of life-systems of religion, science, philésophy, government,

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