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_FL-100 ‘Tomy ORDA TNOUT TOME Hane Baw a 7 « UMELANIE D, MANDLES, ES. 193179 WASSER, COOPERMAN & CARTER PC 2029 CENTURY PARK EAST, #1200 LOS ANGELES, CA go087 rearieneno: 310-277-7117 ecv0 ney 310-553-1793 ILE mere 102 FILED | rrromuer ron aie PETITIONER LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR. PRIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES] steer aooress: 111 N, HILL STREET pec 302011 Ee wane cores: 111 N-HILL STREET IANO 2 CODE ee ANE, CA 90012 saxon wate: CENTRAL DISTRICT S$ Y EPUTY (ARRIAGE OF 7 BY. Dl PETITIONER:RUSSELL BRAND “_esonpenr KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON eee sue Ld ac ner [PETITION FOR : = 1™-(Z1 Dissolution of Marriage BD556 Cy Legal Soparation 634 © Nutty of tarriage C1 Aménoeo 1, RESIDENCE (Dissolution only)’ [Z]} Petitioner (1) Respondent has been a resident of this state for at least six months and ‘of this county for at least three months immediately preceding the fling of this Pettion for Dissolution of Marriage. 2. STATISTICAL FACTS ‘a. Date of marriage: 10/23/2010 «. Time from date of marriage to date of separation (specify) b. Date of separation: TBD Years: Months: 3. DECLARATION REGARDING MINOR CHILDREN (include children of this relationship bom prior to or during the marriage or adopted during the mariage): 2, LZ There are no minor children. (2 continued on Atachment 2b. } «¢. there are minor children ofthe Pettioner and Respendent, a completed Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jusdcton ‘and Enforcement Act (UCGJEA (form FL-105) must be attached, 4. CD A completed voluntary declaration of pater regarding miner children bom tothe Petiioner and Respondent prior to the mariage is aitached 4, SEPARATE PROPERTY Petitioner requests that the assets and debts fated (Cin Property Declaration (rom FL-160) (in Attachment TV" below be confirmed as separate propery. tem ; g Ther ae separate property assets an obgaons ofthe pis, the exact 2 nature and extent of which are unknown fo Petiioner at tis time, 7 NOTIGE: You may redact (black out) social other than a form used to collact child or spousal support. Bb Eaves Faguapeaia rsa PETITION MARRIAGE om Saas Sen. eieethor Tansey) (Family Law) Sts BRAND, RUSSELL MARRIAGE OF (last namo, first ante of parties) ‘SRE NOUR | BRAND, RUSSELL ‘AND KATHERYN fa “ABETH HUDSON 5. DECLARATION REGARDING COMMUNITY AND QUASFCOMMUNITY ASSETS AND DEBTS AS CURRENTLY KNOWN 2. C2) There are no such assets or debts subject to disposition by the court in tis proceeding b. ZI Allsuch essets and debts are listed) in Property Declaration (orm FL-160) (_) in Attachment Sb. TZ beiow spect): There are community property assets and obligations ofthe partis, the exact nature and ‘extent of which are unknown to Petitioner at this time. 6. Petitioner requests. dissolution of the marriage based on 6. nutty of voidable marriage based on (1) QZ inreconcilable differences. (Fam, Code, §2310(a).) (1) (CD petitioner's ago at time of marriage, @ CA incurable insanity. (Fam. Code, §2310(b)) (Fam. Code, §2210(a)) », (2 Iegal separation of the parties based on (2) CX prior existing marriage. (1) C2 inreconcitabe aliferences. (Fam. Code, §2310(@)) (Fam. Code, §2210()) @ C) incurable insanity. (Fam. Code, §2310(b).) (3) C2) unsound mind, (Fam. Code, §2210(c).) ©. CA nullity of void mariage based on (4) CB frous. (Fam. Code, §2210(4)) (1) Cy incestuous marriage. (Fam. Code, §2200.) (5) TA force. (Fam. Code, §2210(e)) @ C2 bigamous marriage. (Fem. Code, §2201.) (©) C2 physical incapacity. (Fam. Code, §2210(0.) 7. Petitioner requests that the court grant the above relief and make injunctive (including restraining) and other orders as follows: Petitioner Respondent Joint Other a. Legal custody of children to. aoe fe vee CD Qo a a b. Physical custody of children to. uo ao ¢. Child visitation be granted to ete eee Oo a Qo Ag requested in form: CQFL-311 CQFL912 CQ rL-sac) CQri-341) C2FL361@ CQ Attachment 76 4.) Determination of parentage of any children bom to the Petitioner and Respondent prior to the marriage. 2. Attorney foes and costs payable by .2e¢h pay. fo edvance hisher own without prejudice... ZY {.. Spousal support payable to (earnings assignment wil be issued) Oo a 4.C] Terminate the courts jurisdiction (ably to award spousal support to Respondent. Property rights be determined i. G2 Pelitioner's former name be restored to(specity) i CD Other (specify): (Continued on Attachment 7). 8. Child supports there are minor chitdren bom to or adopted bythe Peltoner and Respondent before or curing tis martiage, the court wil make ordere for the support ofthe children upon request and submission of facial forms by the requesting party. An ‘earings assignment may be issued without futher notice. Any party required to pay support must pay interest on overdue amounts at the "legal" rate, which is currently 10 percent. 9. HAVE READ THE RESTRAINING ORDERS ON THE BACK OF THE SUMMONS, AND | UNDERSTAND THAT THEY APPLY ‘TO ME WHEN THIS PETITION IS FILED. | decaro under penalty of prjury under the laws ofthe State of California thatthe foregoing is true and corect. Date:December 2014 ‘SIGNATURE FOLLOWS. ‘RUSSELL BRA! : ND oT y _ BERET Date: December 3® , 2011 > WW» MELA DANO Sale war TSIGHATURE OF BTTORNEY POR PETIHONERY NOTICE: Dissolution or legal separation may automatically cancel the rights of a spouse under the other spouse's wil, trust, retirement plan, power of attorney, pay on death bank account, survivorship rights to any property owned in joint tenancy, and any ‘other similar thing. it does not automatically cancel the right of a spouse as beneficiary of the other spouse's life insurance policy. ‘You should review these matters, as well as any credit cards, other credit accounts, insurance polices, retirement plans, and credit reports to determine whether they should be changed or whether you should take any other actions, However, some changes may require the agreement of your spouse or @ court order (ase Family Code sections 231-236). FL Ro tary 1 28) PETITION-MARRIAGE Pama Sear (Family Law) es) BRAND, RUSSELL TORRE OF Toc: Tatras cane ‘oF partes | BRAND, RUSSELL AND KATHERYN FAIZABETH HUDSON 6. DECLARATION REGARDING COMMUNITY AND QUASI:COMMUNITY ASSETS AND DEBTS AS CURRENTLY. KNOWN, ‘a. Ca} There are no such assats or debts subject ta diaposiion by the cout in this proceed b, CZ] Al such assets and debts are isted — in Proporty Dacleration (form FL-160) in Attachmont Sb. TZ tow speety); Thore are community property assets ani obligations of the parties, the exact nature end extent of which are unknown fo Pettioner at this time. : 6. Petitioner reaueats * ee 2.) dissolution of he marriage based on 4, [2 nutty ofvoldabie mantage béeed an ~ () [ZI ireconctiable diterences. Fam, Code, §2310(a)) (1) CA patiloners:ege at time of mariage,’ * @) Cod lncurable insoniy. (Fam, Code, §23100)) (Fam. Code, §2210(0).) +», C2) legal separation ofthe pares based on @) C2 bir existing mariage. (©) Cl imeconcitabe diferences. Fam. Code, §2310(2)) (Fam, Code, §2210(0)) 2 CA incurable insanity. (Fem. Code, §23100)) (9) [2 unsound mind. (Fam. Code, $2210(c)) ©) nuttyot void mariage based on (6) Go fraud. (Fam. Code, §221010.) 1) Cal incestuous mariage. (Fam. Code, §2200) () (Gl foro. (Fam. Code, §2210(0)) @ Co bigamous mariage. (Fam. Code, $2201) (©) CO physica incapacity. (Fam. Code, §2240()) 7) Petitioner requosts that the cour grant the above relief and make irjunctive Grcluding restraining) and other orders as flows: Pettener Respondent Joint 4. Legal custody of rem 10.-on a a ». Physical custody of citdren to, ©. Chik vataton be granted to = asegaancn om Carat Civ Chase Checssnoy Cy esate). C2 Atachmon7é. 4.(2) Determination of parentoge of ery chitéran bom fo the Pellloner and Respondent por tothe mertage, Rey fons and coni pay by, sei tees hier am winter... (ZY AZ) {L_ Spousal support payable to (earings ezsgnment wil be 188029) mene 7 a 9. CoD Terminate the courts jursditon (ably) to award spouse! suppartto Respondent 1 ZB Property sighs be determined. U Ea) Petioners formar name be restored to(speoi9): 5 Other (spacing: Conthued on Atschment 7. 8. Child support there are minor children born fo or adopted by the Pefttoner and Respondent before or dirng this manage, the Goumt wil make orders for the support oe afidren upon request and submission ef fnencial forms bythe requesting party. An aminge aesignrent may be asued wout futher nod. Any party required to pay support mua pay Interest on overdue, ‘amounts a the “Tega” rate, which scuronly 10 parca. 0. IHAVEREAD THE RESTRAINING ORDERS ON THE BACK OF THE SUMMONS, AND I UNDERSTAND THAT. THEY APPLY ‘TO ME WHEN THIS PETITIONS FILED. ncaa nr uty gy vr Dans le So aon an rong susan et Date:December 4p . 2017 ; ‘RUSSELL BRAND spe peg ———————— » 7 a Date: December, 2011 * ond HES ESO a Dn pen orc er TNOTIGE: Dissolution or legal separation may automaticaly cancel the rghis of @ spouse under the other spouse's wi, tat, * | felrement pen, power of attorney, pay on death Bank account, surviverahip ghia to any property owned in joint tenancy, and eny ‘ner simar ting. t does nol aulometcolly cancel the Aghtef a apovee as beneficiary ofthe other spouse's ie insurance potey. ‘You should review these matters, 2 wall #8 any credl cards, othor ered ancounte,ineurance polices, retirement plans, and credit Teporte to determine whether hey should be changed or whether you should take ary othar actions. However, some changes may ‘oauire the agreement of Your apoute ofa court order (soe Famly Code eactigns 231:236), : 00 Oo oo aie eT FETTOR SARA Tana @iirathas BRAND, RUSSELL

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