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RAPID CITY #27 BY JOSH DAHL JOSHDAHL75@GMAIL.COM Page 1 Panel 1 The return. 5 panels ICICLE walking down sidewalk in slightly "low-rent" part of Rapid City. She is wearing a hoodie and has her hands in the front pocket. She is looking down as she walks. It is late autumn. NARRATION For a second, I forget, and I'm just walking down the street. NARRATION But as soon as I notice it, the moment's gone and I remember why I'm here. Panel 2 She is still walking, but now she is looking back over her shoulder to see if anyone is watching her. NARRATION To kill a man. Panel 3 Shot from just behind her head, getting roughly her POV as she looks toward the fence behind the houses she is walking past. NARRATION Don't know who thinks I'm alive and who thinks I'm dead, but there's no point in giving up the element of surprise. Panel 4 She is quickly climbing over that fence. NARRATION Play it safe. Panel 5 Now on the other side of the fence, she stands looking at the house where she and Piledriver used to live. It used to be pretty nice, but it has fallen into dis-repair and been divided up into many smaller apartments. She is looking up at the attic window. NARRATION Gotta make this quick, I can't stay here. For all I know, anyone could be up there. The police. Maybe even Coil. Page 2 Panel 1 Entry. 1 panel Full page shot. From inside the attic bedroom that Icicle and Piledriver shared, Looking out the single window as Icicle climbs in through it. She has

generated spiky ice-gauntlets which she has used to open the window. All of the scenes in this apartment are dark and shady. Lit only by the small bit of light coming through the windows. NARRATION There's no one here but me. NARRATION The apartment that Piledriver and I shared is empty. Page 3 Panel 1 Supplies. 5 panels Icicle walking carefully through the small kitchen. There are still dirty glasses and beer bottles on the table. NARRATION I shouldn't have come back here. There's nothing left here. NARRATION We were going to leave it all behind. That was the plan. Panel 2 She is standing in front of the opened fridge holding an open styrofoam take-out box. She is eating a chicken-finger from the box. NARRATION Before it all went bad. Panel 3 Icicle holding an open beer bottle and opening her closet door. It is very dark in there. NARRATION Just a few days ago, I walked away thinking I would never see any of this again. We thought we took it all with us. Panel 4 Icicle standing in front of a dresser stuffing a handful of bras and underwear into a gym bag. She is looking at a black leather jacket slung over the back of a chair. NARRATION But you always forget something. NARRATION He forgot his favorite jacket. Panel 5 She is clutching the jacket to her chest and fighting back tears, or some other powerful emotion. NARRATION The cold never bothers me. I don't even notice it.

NARRATION But Piledriver had to know winter was coming. NARRATION How could he leave this behind? Page 4 Panel 1 At Coil's office. 6 panels Tight shot on a young black man with a shaved head. This is STRETCHER. He wears a bulky super-villain out fit. STRETCHER Help me out, Coil. Are we talkin' here? Panel 2 Wider shot showing a spread of the vacant factory space from the previous issue. COIL and Stretcher are standing near each other in front of a wall of frosted windows. Stretcher is pointing at Coil, but not in an aggressive way. Nearby are CHARGE and HECTOR. COIL Of course. Why else would we be here? STRETCHER Well, there's a difference between you telling.... STRETCHER and us talking. You get me? COIL I do get you. So we must be talking, Stretcher. What've you got to say? Panel 3 Full body shot of Stretcher. STRETCHER Look. I'm just a normal guy. I didn't come up in all the Don Corleon business. STRETCHER When I hear all these dudes talking "syndicates" and "underbosses" and stuff, it sounds just like when some ignorant clown tries to open his mouth in court. STRETCHER You know, just sayin' stuff he heard on Law&Order and trying to sound official. Panel 4 Coil standing in front of Charge and Hector. COIL You think we're putting on a show here? Panel 5 Shot of Stretcher.

STRETCHER No. I'm saying that when you talk it sounds like the real-deal. And I don't want to be the ignorant clown trying to sound official. Panel 6 Tighter on Stretcher. STRETCHER So I'm askin' you.... STRETCHER What is the deal? Page 5 Panel 1 Coil Explains it All. 6 panels. Coil sizing up Stretcher. COIL That's a good question. Makes me wonder, though, why no one else was asking it. Panel 2 Coil and Stretcher challenging each other verbally. STRETCHER That's bad guys for ya. They always gotta look like they know all the angles. COIL But not you? STRETCHER Not me. I find asking questions gets better results than pretending you know the answers. Panel 3 Closer on them, still verbally challenging. COIL So, what do you want to know? STRETCHER Same old questions. What's in it for me? And what's in it for you? Panel 4 Coil, more relaxed, talking. COIL For you? Money, support, and respect. For me? Money and power. STRETCHER But your money, that's coming from me. Right? Panel 5 Coil starting to walk back toward his desk. Stretcher follows him and the two others follow behind. COIL Everyone pays up a percentage of their take.

STRETCHER Right now, I keep it all. Why should I give up any of it? COIL Let me tell you exactly what I'm offering you, then you tell me if it is worth a cut. Panel 6 Coil leaning casually on his desk. COIL Right now, this whole city sucks. Everyone's organized but us. The cops, the heroes, the Feds...even the mafiosos... they're organized. Page 6 Panel 1 Organized Crime. 5 panels. Coil, still leaning, is gesturing to the office chair in front of him. Stretcher is standing behind the chair, and Charge and Hector are behind him. COIL Everyone but us. We're tripping all over eachother for pieces of a shrinking pie. And every single time, we're starting back from zero. STRETCHER But not anymore? How? What's the difference. Panel 2 Shot from behind Charge. He is crowding in on Stretcher. Stretcher is looking back at Charge, he is threatened by this invasion of space. Past them, in the background, Coil is still talking. COIL Ok. From now on if you do something in Rapid City, you come to me first. You tell me the job and the take. I 'ok' it and I tell you how much of that I expect. Panel 3 Charge slides the office chair closer to Stretcher. He is offering a seat, but looking mean. He holds the chair with both arms so that his arm tattoos are clearly visible. In huge block letters, the right reads "WHITE" and the left reads "POWER". Stretcher is glaring back at him. COIL My cut is a percentage of yours, so it's in my best interest that you stay out there working and bringing in money. If your job isn't going to work, I'm not going to allow it. On the other hand, if you need something else to make it work, I'll provide it. Panel 4 Coil standing now, with his arms spread graciously. Stretcher is clearly positioned between a rock and a

hard place. He does not look too happy about it. COIL We want you out there putting in work. So, all the things that get in your way, we handle. That leaves you better jobs for better money. STRETCHER Makes sense. STRETCHER And if I say 'no', these guys will do me like they done Lizard Man? Panel 5 Coil smiling cruelly. COIL Now you're getting it. Page 7 Panel 1 Infra-Riot. 5 panels Close on a a stack of screen-printed "Occupy Rapid City" posters. They are sloppily tossed onto the pile like they are mis-prints. Everything about this scene is dim and dingy. If possible, text reading "When: All day Saturday. Where: Mission Park" can tie it to the following scene. Wider shot of Icicle walking into the production area of a screen-printing shop. It is a small business with lots of tools and supplies hanging from pegs on the walls. There is a light near the door, and a bunch of switches, but most of the shop is pretty dark. ICICLE Hello? Panel 3 Very tight shot on a man's face. He is wearing an air-filtering respirator mask over his mouth and nose. His skin is blood-red and his eyes are yellow. He is squinting and looking to his right suspiciously. INFRA-RIOT Back here. Panel 4 Icicle walking from the front room of the shop, which is mostly paints and brushes and hand tools, into a large back room which has a lot more large mechanical presses and ventilation systems. She calls out to whoever might be back there. To accommodate the venting, the ceilings are high. Only a few lights are on back there. ICICLE Hi. Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for a guy

Panel 2

who works here. He's sort of a friend-of-a-friend. ICICLE You'd know him. He calls himself 'Infra-Red'. Panel 5 Icicle now in the back room. She is standing next to the operating stations for one of the smaller press machines. The only lights in the room are lighting up that spot. There are several open bottles a different inks and dyes. There is a tall, rolling, chair that has been pushed back from the work-station. All indications are that someone was just there. Icicle looks confused. She is talking to herself. ICICLE Well, where did he go? Page 8 Panel 1 There he is. 2 panels Low angle shot from below Icicle. We are looking up past her toward the ceiling. Up near the ventilation ducts is INFRA-RIOT. He wears a dirty wife-beater and cargo pants as well as the respirator from the previous page. He is levitating and his hands are glowing slightly. He has a menacing posture. She is turning to look at him, startled. This panel takes up most of the page. Leaving only one thin panel across the bottom the page. INFRA-RIOT I know why you're here, Icicle. Panel 2 Long thin panel across the bottom of the page. Infra-Riot is swooping down toward Icicle. He has his hands out, planning to grab her and force her to the floor. She is raising her arms defensively. Arrays of small ice spikes are forming on her arms, shoulders, neck, and back. INFRA-RIOT And the answer is still NO. Page 9 Panel 1 A fight. 5 panels She partially deflects his attack, but she is knocked back in to a wall of lockers. SOUND EFFECT SLAAM Panel 2 Icicle swinging a fist covered with chunky, spiky, ice-armor up at Infra-Riot. He's dodging it by floating upwards. Spiky ice battle-armor is forming on her. INFRA-RIOT Tell your boss I don't do that any more.

Infra-Riot firing a blast of black energy from his hands down at Icicle. He is missing her because she is running up the side of the wall and/or a large printing machine. There are ice foot-holds tracing her path upwards. ICICLE You're crazy. Panel 4 Icicle leaping from the machinery toward the airborne Infra-Riot. One hand is about to grab his thigh. Her ice gauntlets are long and spiky, for grabbing. He is twisting to avoid her and firing a blast. He misses her. Small panel of her hand seizing his leg. Her spikes do not seem to be drawing blood, but they are certainly poking him. Gotcha now. 5 panels Icicle and Infra-Riot in the air. She still has one hand firmly gripping his leg and is reaching for another hold further up. Infra-Riot. He is trying to twist away from her and firing an energy blast that shatters some of her ice helmet. They are tumbling in air with no particular sense of up or down. INFRA-RIOT No. Get off! Get off! Panel 2 Tight shot of the two of them in a tight grapple. She has clawed her way onto his back. He has grabbed one of her wrists and is pulling her hand away from his chest. Again, the angle of the shot gives no indication of up or down. INFRA-RIOT Get. Off. ICICLE Stop fighting me. Panel 3 Similar shot, but now we can see that Infra-Riot has flown upwards and is slamming Icicle into the ceiling. By their expressions, this hurts both of them. ICICLE Nnnnnn. INFRA-RIOT Uooff. Panel 4 Very tight shot of Icicle growling into Infra-Riot's ear as ice crystals (not as spikes) spread from her hands across his chest.

Panel 5

Page 10 Panel 1

ICICLE Damn you. I said.... Panel 5 Large panel looking up at the ceiling form the floor. Icicle's back and shoulder ice armor is spreading across the ceiling and her gauntlets are spreading out out and restraining Infra-Riot. With her ice spreading and her limbs and head hanging down she looks very much like a predatory spider. Infra-Riot just looks trapped. ICICLE Stop it. ICICLE I'm not here to fight you. I don't know what the hell you are talking about. Page 11 Panel 1 Clear the air. 6 panels It is a few minutes later and they are both standing on the ground. Infra-Riot is cracking small chunks of ice off of his clothing. He has taken off the breathing mask. Icicle is standing a few feet away. She is not completely relaxed. She still has ice shoulder armor on and thin, spiky, ice gauntlets on her hands and forearms. INFRA-RIOT I just need you to be completely clear on this point. I'm not that guy anymore. INFRA-RIOT When you knew me before, I was pretty messed up. I was pissed off and I thought the world owed me. I did some really stupid stuff. INFRA-RIOT You remember. Panel 2 Focus more on Infra Riot talking. INFRA-RIOT I'm not Infra-Red anymore. I still use the look and the powers sometimes, but not to steal and scare people. INFRA-RIOT I'm an activist now. As a symbol, I go by Infra-Riot Panel 3 Both of them talking. Infra-Riot looking down in disappointment. ICICLE What does this have to do with me?


INFRA-RIOT Look, it makes me sad that Black Flag couldn't commit to our ideals. But that's his choice, not mine. ICICLE Just like that? You can just write him off? He was your friend. Panel 4 Infra-Riot talking. He is getting up on his moral high-horse. Icicle is stunned. INFRA-RIOT Was. As long as Black Flag continues to work for Coil, he is an enemy to this movement. And, I can't consider him my friend. ICICLE Working? No. ICICLE He's not working for Coil. Panel 5 Icicle talking and looking very serious. ICICLE He's dead. Coil murdered him. Panel 6 Infra-Riot wide-eyed in shock. Icicle talks from off panel. ICICLE Along with everyone else on that job. ICICLE He used one of Black Flag's own devices to do it. Page 12 Panel 1 Taking sides. 6 panels Infra-Riot planting both hands on a work bench to steady himself from the shock. INFRA-RIOT I thought.... I thought you worked for Coil and this was about his syndicate thing. ICICLE What syndicate? No. I worked with him that one time, and he betrayed us. Panel 2 Shot of both of them, focusing more on Icicle. ICICLE I came to you because Coil killed your friend. ICICLE He also killed my boyfriend. I'm going to go kill


him. ICICLE I thought you might want to know that. Panel 3 The two of them still talking. Icicle has begun to walk toward the door. Infra-Riot is talking as she leaves, he is nearly pleading. INFRA-RIOT You want me to help you? ICICLE I told you what I'm doing. You do whatever you have to. INFRA-RIOT Coil's not just one guy anymore. He's connected. He's a syndicate boy now. The Syndicate is huge, they're multi-national. They hold military contracts. Panel 4 Icicle turning back toward Infra-Riot. She is raising one hand to quiet him and settle the issue. ICICLE You're talking crazy. But I don't even care. None of that matters. ICICLE He took my life away, so I'm taking his. Panel 5 Infra-Riot with a little more feeling this time. He sees the flaw in her plan. She now has both hands up, holding off his words dismissively. INFRA-RIOT And then what? Where are you going to hide from The Syndicate? ICICLE Ok. Just forget it, then. Forget I said anything. Panel 6 Shot of Infra-Riot, now begging Icicle to listen to reason. INFRA-RIOT Listen, Black Flag is my... was my friend. Of course I'm furious about this. Of course I am. INFRA-RIOT But what can I do? Page 13 Panel 1 Choices. 6 panels Infra-Riot talking and looking serious.


INFRA-RIOT I chose a different life. And it breaks my heart, but Black Flag made his choice too. Panel 2 Icicle looking at him icily. ICICLE He made the wrong choice, so he has to die and you get to live? INFRA-RIOT Am I wrong? All of you chose that life, and now Flag's dead, your boyfriend is dead. And whether you're next or Coil's next... Panel 3 Infra-Riot talking with a bit of confidence. INFRA-RIOT I guarantee the other one won't be far behind. Panel 4 Just icicle staring icily. ICICLE So that's it? ICICLE Fine. Panel 5 Very similar to panel 4. ICICLE Enjoy the life you chose. But try to think of what Black Flag would have done if it had been you? What choice would he make then? Panel 6 Icicle walking toward the door, leaving infra-Red standing behind her. Her word balloon is small. ICICLE Coward. Page 14 Panel 1 Panel 2 In the park. 6 panels Tight shot on a kid with a jacket and gloves spinning other kids on a merry-go-round. Wider shot, the kids and the playground equipment are off in the background. In the foreground is HARTBORN standing and watching the kids. He is holding out a coffee in a to-go cup to ANDREW who is just arriving. Hartborn is holding his own coffee. HARTBORN Coffee? ANDREW What's going on?


HARTBORN Kids playin' around. Panel 3 Hartborn giving a look of scrutiny and gesturing with his coffee. HARTBORN But this one kid, she's bossy. To her, "playing" means telling everyone else how to play. How long you think that's going to last? Panel 4 The two of them talking to eachother. ANDREW What are you talking about? HARTBORN You asked what was going on. ANDREW That's what you brought me here to show me? Panel 5 From across the playground looking back at the two men talking. HARTBORN No. I'm showing you that to make it clear, we are not at the office. HARTBORN We're just two guys standing in the park having a conversation. ANDREW About little kids? That doesn't seem a little odd to you? HARTBORN Seems just fine. A thing like that is only as odd as you make it. Hear me? Panel 6 Hartborn talking. HARTBORN All you're seeing here is a man standing in a park having a coffee. Anything else, any sinister intent, is coming from you. Not from what you're seeing. HARTBORN You see darkness around you because you've got darkness in you. Page 15 Panel 1 The darkness. 6 panels The two of them talking.


ANDREW You don't think that's because of the work we do, Agent Hartborn? HARTBORN The chicken or the egg, man. We can do this work because we've already got that badness inside us. That's how we spot it in other people. Bad knows bad. Panel 2 Hartborn leaning slightly into Andrew's personal space. HARTBORN And that's how we both know, Andrew, that I'm not just talking to talk. This is the truth. HARTBORN You know something about Coil. You've had contact with him which, for some reason, you've kept off of the books. ANDREW The only time I ever heard that name was in... HARTBORN No. That's what your paper trail says, but we're not talking about that. We're just two guys in the park. Panel 3 Hartborn staring off into space as he talks. Andrew watching him nervously. HARTBORN You did something wrong to get close to Coil before. I don't care what that was, and I'm not here to accuse you, so don't argue with me. HARTBORN Whatever he's up to now, Coil crossed some kind of line. He's not just another crook anymore. He's a sickness. A badness in the heart of this city. ANDREW What are you talking about? Panel 4 Hartborn smiling a small smile down at Andrew. HARTBORN Talking 'bout you and me. We're working together now. We're going to figure out what Coil's up to, we're going to find him, and we're going to shut him down. ANDREW But he's National Security's problem now.


Hartborn now smiling more amicably at Andrew. HARTBORN Again, not askin', not accusing. Telling. Panel 6 Pull back so that Hartborn and Andrew are in the background and there are kids playing in the foreground. The bossy girl is pointing to where the other kids should go and the other kids are simply ignoring her and playing. HARTBORN You and I are taking Coil out of the game. Page 16 Panel 1 Hard Luck Katy. 6 panels A guy in a run-down convenience store reaching for scratch tickets from the roll dispenser. A voice comes from off panel. KATY Two fives and two sixes. CLERK Four dollars. Panel 2 Shot of the customer and the clerk on opposite sides of the counter. The clerk is punching keys on the cash register. KATY, the customer is mostly obscured from view by the bulky hoodie she is wearing. She is tall with an athletic build. Along with the tickets, there is a gallon of milk on the counter between them. If it can be shown, the clerk is uncomfortable talking to her. CLERK Is that all? KATY Yeah. And the milk. Panel 3 Katy has moved her purchases down the counter and is standing right there scratching the tickets. This is a very tight shot on the surface of the counter. We see the milk behind her hands and the tickets. Her skin has, every few inches, small spikes similar to a horned lizard. She is using one of these spikes on her knuckle to scratch the ticket. He speech comes from off panel. KATY Ahh, come on. Panel 4 Katy tossing the four tickets into the trash as she steps away from the counter. She is carrying the milk by the handle. Now we can see that she has those same small spikes on both hands and on her face and neck.


She has a small white bandage across the bridge of her nose and a few more on her neck and hands. She is smiling a little bit. KATY Isn't that just my luck. Panel 5 Outside the store. Katy is turning left out the door. To the right there is a young woman leaning against the store. It isn't completely clear, because she is hunched over, but this is Icicle. She is watching Katy walk in the other direction. Similar to panel 5. Katy has continued a few feet down the sidewalk and Icicle is following her. Bad news Katy. 6 panels Icicle, still a few feet behind Katy, gets her attention. Katy is pleasantly surprised, Icicle is very serious looking. ICICLE Katy. KATY Steph! ICICLE Can we talk. Panel 2 Panel 3 Close shot on Katy suddenly looking very serious. Both of them very serious. KATY What's up? ICICLE Nothin'. I just gotta talk to you. Where you headed? KATY Where do you think I'm goin' with a gallon of milk? Home. KATY What's this about? Panel 4 Shot of Icicle trying her hardest just to hold it together. ICICLE Piledriver's dead. Panel 5 Small panel of the milk hitting the ground and busting open.

Panel 6 Page 17 Panel 1


As large a panel as the page will allow of Katy grabbing Icicle into an awkward hug. It is awkward because Katy is carefully keeping her spiky hands from poking Icicle. KATY Oh, Steph. No. You poor... KATY Come here. ICICLE He's dead, Katy. He's dead. Page 18 Panel 1 Panel 2 Going Cold. 6 panels Small panel showing two sets of milky foot prints heading up the sidewalk together. Close on a low-ball cocktail glass with a few mostlymelted ice cubes in it. The glass is being refilled with an amber liquid. Words come from off panel. ICICLE It was Coil. Panel 3 Icicle and Katy sitting at the small kitchen table in Katy's small kitchen. Katy is holding the cheap bottle of scotch with which she had just refilled Icicle's glass. KATY How can you be sure? ICICLE He's the only one. He knew the whole plan. He had both bags. ICICLE He told us to leave without him. He knew what was going to happen because he planned it. Panel 4 The two of them still talking. Katy is looking at Icicle. Icicle is staring in to her glass. KATY That bastard. ICICLE And for nothing. He could've just took the thing and run. He didn't have to do it like that. KATY Well... Panel 5 Icicle glaring at Katy. Katy leaning back slightly, holding her hands up defensively.


ICICLE "Well" what? KATY Well, he couldn't really just run off. Could he? ICICLE What do you mean? Panel 6 Close on Katy. KATY You should know as well as anyone, there's no such thing as honor among thieves. Page 19 Panel 1 No Honor. 6 panels Icicle pointing angrily across the table at Katy. ICICLE Coil. He's the one with no honor. KATY No argument there. I'm sayin', if he had just run off with the loot.... KATY Whatta you think the rest of the crew woulda done? Panel 2 Shot of Katy talking sarcastically. KATY Maybe you all woulda tipped your caps and said "Well played, sir." KATY Hell no. You woulda found him and you woulda killed him. Panel 3 Katy now leaning forward and talking seriously. KATY I'm sorry as hell that this really a surprise? You knew kill the guards between him were you any different from Panel 4 Both of them talking quietly. ICICLE Because we're in this life. We're supposed to be in this together. KATY You think that, Steph, but no one else does. To the rest of these guys, this isn't a life, it's just a way to get money. happened, but is it Coil was willing to and that crown. How them?


Icicle frowning as she considers this information. Panel 6 Katy standing up from the table. KATY Look, my kid's gonna be back soon. I hafta get some more milk. Page 20 Panel 1 A kid. 5 panels Katy putting the bottle of gin back up on top of the fridge, Icicle is watching her. ICICLE I'm going to kill Coil. Will you help me? Panel 2 Katy turning toward Icicle and raising her voice in frustration. KATY Are you listening? I have a kid. My mother's going to be here with him any minute. KATY I can't help you kill someone, I have to go get milk. You shouldn't even be here. KATY If my mother sees you here, sees that we were drinking, she'll have them take my kid away. Panel 3 Icicle starting to walk out of the kitchen. Katy is following her. ICICLE Ok. KATY Steph, I'm sorry. You know I loved Piledriver, but there's nothing I can do. This is my family. Panel 4 Icicle walking out the front door and not looking back as she talks. ICICLE I understand. Just don't.... ICICLE Don't tell anyone I was here, ok? Panel 5 Page 21 Panel 1 Icicle walking all alone down a wind-swept neighborhood street. It is getting dark. All alone. 6 panels Tight on Icicle, she is squinting in the wind and looks upset.


NARRATION Katy's a friend. She wants to help me, I know she does. But she has her kid to think about. NARRATION That's family. Panel 2 Icicle looking tiny and insignificant as she starts across a wide, mostly deserted, grocery store parking lot. NARRATION Still, leaves me with nowhere to go tonight. NARRATION Tomorrow I can start again. But right now I just need to rest. NARRATION Clear my head. Pass out for a while. Panel 3 Nearer to the store, she stands looking at her truck. NARRATION The cold never gets to me, anyway. Panel 4 Panel 5 Tiny panel of a small red light flashing in darkness. Hartborn sitting up in a darkened hotel room, he is answering his cell phone. Andrew's voice is coming through the phone. HARTBORN This is Hartborn, go ahead. ANDREW It's Andrew. I was putting out alerts on anyone connected to Coil's heist, like you asked. HARTBORN Ok. Panel 6 Andrew in his dimly lit office talking into his phone. ANDREW I was about to shut down and head home for the night when I got a hit. HARTBORN What is it? Page 22 Panel 1 Cold night. 1 panel Full page. Shot from inside Icicle's truck. She is sleeping curled up on the back seat. She is, of course, unaware that there are two cops shining


flashlights in through the other windows (either front or back, whichever looks best). Her peaceful slumber is about to be interrupted. Andrew and Hartborn are talking as voice-over in caption boxes. ANDREW Could be nothing, but RC police just ran plates on an abandoned car, came up registered to one of our persons of interest. HARTBORN Who? ANDREW A girl we think might be the one in the security footage. The one with the ice powers. HARTBORN Mmm. Her apartment was empty, right? Makes sense they ditched the car on the way out of town. HARTBORN Well, have them impound it anyway. CONTINUED

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