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System administration means System administration generally refers to configuring a Computer or computer systems, software, Databases etc.

It Involves creating users, user groups, accesses, setting up Network configurations, IP addresses and so on. It involves Installing software patches such as the Operating System Upgrades. It may also involves some amount of computer Hardware knowledge.

System administration means An individual responsible for maintaining a multi-user Computer system, including a local-area network (LAN). Typical duties include: # adding and configuring new workstations # setting up user accounts # installing system-wide software # performing procedures to prevent the spread of viruses # allocating mass storage space

The system administrator is sometimes called the sysadmin or The systems administrator. Small organizations may have just One system administrator, whereas larger enterprises usually Have a whole team of system administrators System administration means Full control of system

System administration means System administration means: creating and managing the System, includes: manage user Accounts/group, hardware/software installation, defragment, Update patches.

System administration means Creating and managing the system System administration means System administration means to take care all activities of System related to hardware and software is system Administration. Like software 1) Install and upgrade operating system 2) Installing, configuring and maintain application software 3) Installing, configuring and maintain database software 4) Configuring network setup like LAN, WAN, VPN, VLAN

Like hardware 1) Installing NIC (network interface card) 2) Installing game cards 3) Installing peripheral devices 4) Installing LAN, WAN, VPN, and VLAN components.

i hope that above explanation is enough,.,., all the best

System administration means administration of system resources like 1) Server Installation \ up gradation 2) Installing, monitoring & troubleshooting server important,security,moderate patches 3) Looking after server disk space, memory utilization, CPU Utilization & so on... 4) Looking after Backup of all the servers happening or not Systematically. 4) Troubleshoot the critical hardware failures. 4) Looking after server uptime. & so on......

System administration means

System Administration means to manage and control the whole systems of an organization

REMEDY is a customer relationship tool which can be used to Log / monitor the issues or problems faced by customers by The means of incident management tickets. Each ticket is Like an incident (problem) which is created by helpdesk and Assigned to relevant support team. Concerned support team member take the ownership of the Ticket and updates the work log (troubleshooting steps Performed during the course of action) Also, it can be used to monitor Service Requests / change Management (Change Requests) and problem management

Remedy is a customer relation tool which you can use log the

Monitor the issues or problem faced by customer REMEDY is a Third party Tool or it is a Tracking toll, Which is used to track the issues, what ever the requests? Getting from customer we need a create in terms of PMR (Problem Management Report), and also it is used to monitor Service Requests, Change Requests and problem management Reports. For Example TALLEY its tracking Account related issues, Same manner REMEDY is using for track the issues.

Remedy ticketing system is a incident management tool. This Was developed by BMC software. This is a tool is frontend Of huge database of incidents (tickets). In support Organization sers report troubles (issues) or few troubles Can be reported automatically through traps. These troubles Or issues are reported through applications. Remedy is one Such application which is developed by BMC software. These Trouble tickets or incidents are managed by the company who Owns the database or can also be accessed by the customer To get the status update or provide feedback. This tool can Be effectively used to download data from database for Problem management and incident management

Whenever a student, faculty member or staff member reports a technical problem (i.e. a problem with their computer hardware or software), it's recorded as a Remedy "ticket." The ticket is tracked in the Request for Service problem tracking system (UNC-CH PTR) until it is resolved. Remedy provides a way to track customer problems whether they report them by telephone, Internet, e-mail, in person at the ITS Information Technology Response Center (ITRC) or at one of the other campus technical support centers

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