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*24/7 meaning: All the time; always available; without a break example: 1) In New York City, a lot of stores

are open 24/7. 2) I had to move because my neighbors played loud dance music 24/7. *Ace meaning: To do something very well Example: 1) I'm going to ace this exam - I've been studying all week! 2) Lois Lane was the ace reporter for The Daily Planet -- although she did have a lot of trouble uncovering Superman's identity! *Afro meaning: A bushy haircut of curly hair, as worn by some African-Americans. example: 1) Did you see that guy ? His afro must have been two feet high. *Airhead meaning: Someone who isn't very smart; a stupid person. example: 1) Susan and Jim are such airheads -- they love sports but they are failing all of their classes at school! 2) I woudn't ask Alaine for the answer -- she's an airhead! *All ears meaning: Listening carefully; keenly attentive =AGUDAMENTE ATENTO. example: 1) I was all ears as Svet told me this exciting story. *And arm and a leg meaning: A large amount of money; very expensive or costly. example: 1) My new Mercedes cost me an arm and a leg! *Ants in your pants meaning: To be nervous or anxious or jumpy; to be unable to sit still. example: 1) The children had ants in their pants, so we took them outside for some exerci se. 2) Would you please stop tapping your foot?! You must have ants in your pants! *Axe meaning: To eliminate someone from their job; to terminate employment. example : 1) My old company axed me after they found out I had been sleeping on the job. Synonyms: downsize, get fired, pink slip *Back burner meaning : Not an urgent priority. To put something on the 'back burner' is to put somethin g off until later stage. example: 1) We worked hard on the project at first, but when a new project came along, we put it on the back burner. *Back on your feet meaning: To recover, usually from an illness; to feel better after being sick. example: 1) Rick has been in the hospital for a week, but he'll be back on his feet in no

time. *Bad-mouth meaning: To say negative things about someone or something. Example: 1) Lisa bad-mouthed her boss at the water cooler. 2) I wish people would stop bad-mouthing Cleveland. It s really a very nice city. *Basket case meaning : Crazy; hopelessly broken down Example: 1) After his wife left him, Paul was a real basket case. 2) The corporation was such a basket case that the owners had to shut it down. *Bender meaning : An episode of heavy drinking example: 1) After losing my job, I was so depressed that I went on a three day bender. *Blow it meaning : To lose or waste something; to do very poorly or fail miserably. Example: 1) Don't blow all your money in that one store--there are five more down the roa d. 2) You didn't study for your exam, so you blew it. *B.O. meaning : Body odor, usually caused by sweating; an unpleasant smell coming from the human body. Pronounced 'bee oh'. example: 1) The taxi driver had such horrible b.o. that I almost passed out. 2) Man, you've got to do something about your b.o. Do you ever take a shower? *Bump off meaning : To kill or murder; to assassinate. example: 1) Igor got bumped off last week. The police have no clue who did it. *Butts meaning: Cigarettes, or the remains of cigarettes. example: 1) Hey, do you have any butts ? 2) Look at this mess! There are broken dishes, newspapers and butts all over the floor. *Burned out meaning: Extremely tired; lacking energy; worn out from working too much. example: 1) I was completely burned out after working on a big project for three weeks st raight. 2) After staring at a computer for 80 hours per week for the last two years, Mic hael was finally burned out and quit his job. *Chic meaning: Stylish, elegant, fashionable. example: She looked so chic in her long silk dress. Strike a pose= una pose heartache=angustia

When all else fails and you long to be=Cuando todo falla y tu anhelas ser *Cut a deal =make adeal example: ) We cut a deal with Sony and now we handle all of their accounts in Jersey City . *Early bird = Madrugador example1) Tom's a real early bird--he's always the first person at the office in the morning. *Doctor meaning: To tamper with something; to fiddle or interfere with Example: 1) He doctored the video game, so that he won every time. 2) You want to know why your VCR doesn't work ? Ernie doctored it ... *Ditch meaning: To leave an unwanted person, place or thing behind; to get rid of something or s omeone. Example: 1) Terry ditched his girlfriend so he could go hang out with his friends. 2) When are you going to ditch that ugly old hat? *Fat cat meaning: A person who has great wealth and power; a tycoon. example: 1) Many of the city's fat cats eat at that steak restaurant on First Avenue. 2) Those fat cats in Washington are going to keep pressuring Congress to pass th e tax bill. *Glam meaning : Glamorous; wearing fashionable clothes and make-up, particularly when done to ex cess. example: 1) She's so glam that people think she's a model. 2) I love David Bowie and all of those glam rockers. *Goner =someone who has died or is about to die also means something that has failed or is ruined. example: is a goner .............t hasn't made any money in over three years. *Grub = food example : 1) The grub they serve in the cafeteria is pretty good! *Gumshoe=Detective example: 1) Captain Harris assigned two gumshoes to the case. *hang out meaning: To pass time idly; to loaf with pleasure, at ease. example: 1) We spent the weekend just hanging out at my pad.

2) We'll leave soon. Just hang out for a minute. *Icky meaning: Displeasing, disgusting, unappealing. Example: 1) Your kitchen is so icky ! Why don't you bother to clean it up ? *In da funk meaning: Depressed or upset. Example: 1) This winter weather really has me in a funk. 2) Holly is in a funk about her new haircut. She thinks it's much too short. *Hit the spot meaning: That was really good or that was just what i needed example: 1) Mmmm - that cup of coffee really hit the spot ! 2) I needed a good laugh, and that slang cartoon really hit the spot. *Jumpy = neravous or apprenhesive example: 1) I'm always a little bit jumpy when I walk by the graveyard at night. 2) Rachel sure is jumpy today. I said 'hello' and she nearly hit the ceiling ! *Kooky = crazy example: 1) I realized Peter was a little bit kooky when I saw him running naked down the street. *La la land meaning: An unreal place; a fantastic dreamworld. Example: 1) Most celebrities live in a la la land of luxury hotels, expensive cars and ex otic travel. 2) Going to school is fun, but eventually you have to leave the la la land of th e university and start working for a living. *Nuke meaning: To cook or re-heat food in a microwave oven. Example: 1) Frozen food is so easy - just nuke it for two minutes and you're ready to eat ! *Outta here = marcharse 1) I'm outta here! See you next week! 2) It looks like Stephan is finally outta here -- we will miss him as the chicke n misses flight. *Peace out meaning : A friendly way to say goodbye. Example: 1) Peace out, guys. I'm going home. *Pig out meaning : To eat large amounts of food quickly and without good manners; to overeat Example: 1) The pizza is here ! Let's pig out ! *Pipe down = be quiet! example: 1) Pipe down! Mom's talking on the phone.

2) Hey, pipe down in there -- I'm trying to think! *Rookie meaning : A beginner; one who is new to a profession or field. Example: 1) The older players taught the rookie how to play the game. 2) It's not easy being a rookie police officer. *Screw up meaning: To make a major mistake. Example: 1) Tom screwed up the whole project, and now we're four weeks behind schedule. *Shoot Hoops = play basquetball example: 1) I like to shoot hoops after work. *Tightie whities meaning : underwear that clings to the body example : 1) Which do you prefer, tightie whities or boxer shorts ? *Tripping meaning : to be under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD Example: 1) The sky looks red ? Dude, are you tripping ? *Veg out meaning : To spend time relaxing, doing nothing at all. Example: 1) After a long day at work, I usually just veg out in front of the TV. 2) I'm going to the mountains to veg out for a few days. *Wig out meaning: get crazy To go crazy; lose your mind. Example: 1) Maria wigged out when she found her husband in bed with her best friend. *Yellow meaning: A person who is scared easily; a cowardly individual. Example: 1) Chris didn't surprise me when he ran away from the war zone -- I always knew he was yellow. *Zone out meaning: To lose all concentration; to slip out of normal consciousness, and have nothing on your mind.

Example: 1) After working on a document for four hours straight, I zoned out in front of my computer screen. Vocabulary: airhead= cabeza hueca although=aunque haircut=corte de pelo worksheet=hoja de calculo backbone or spine=columna vertebral skull=craneo rib=costilla rib cage=caja toracica jaw=mandibula gums =encias kidney=rion brain=cerebro lungs=pulmones windpipe=traquea veins=venas arteris=arterias hip=cadera pelvis=pelvis neck=cuello chest=pecho armpit=axila nipple=pezon belly=vientre tummy=barriguita arm=brazo wrist=mueca thigh=muslo knee=rodilla leg=pierna palm=palma pinkie=dedo meique ring finger=segundo dedo despues del meique middle finger=tercer dedo index finger=cuarto dedo thumb=pulgar ankle=tobillo heel=talon arch=arco big toe=dedo gordo del pie toes=dedos de los pies knuckle=nudillo fingernail= nail =ua calf=chamorro hamstring=tendon buttock=nalga butt=trasero back=espalda shoulder blade=omoplato o espaldilla elbow=codo shoulder=hombro apple=manzana apple slice=rebanada de manzana seed=semilla apple core=el nucle de la manzana o hueso orange=naranja lemon=limon lime =lima

peel =cascara de platano grapes=uvas raisins=pasas(uva) jelly=jalea de uva grapefruit=toronja steam=tallo cherry=cereza avocado=aguacate peach=melocoton pear=pera plum=ciruela prune=ciruela pasa olive=aceituna fig=higo kiwi=kiwi watermelon=sandia rind=cascara de sandia raind (pronunciacion) cantaloupe=canaloup=melon strawberry=fresa berries=semillas de fresa raspberry=frambuesa blueberry=arandano blackberry=mora coconut=coco mango=mango pineapple=pia lettuce=se pronuncia lerus =lechuga cabbage=col corn=maiz tomato=tomate o jitomate green onion=cebollita cambray mushroom=hongo onion=cebolla potato=papa carrot=zanahoria celery=apio celeri broccoli=brocoli caulifolwer=coliflor garlic=ajo garlic clove =diente de ajo sweet potato=camote salad=ensalada pepper=pimienta bell pepper=pimiento beans=frijoles pea=chicharo pea pod=cascara de chicharo eagplant=berenjena cucumber=pepino= kiuquember el sonido Q en ingles =kiu zuchinni=calabacin pumpkin=calabaza beet=remolacha radish=rabanos artichoke=alcachofa =arichuk asparagus=esparragos =espargus crumb=miga o migaja slice=rebanada flour=arina rice=arroz noodles=fideo pasta=pasta

soup=sopa milk=leche butter=mantequilla cheese=queso nuts=cacahuates almond=almendras pecan=pistache peanut=cacahuate peanut butter=crema de cacahuate cereal=cereal pancakes=pastel o cakes syrup=jarabe muffin=mufin o mantecada rolls=rollos (pan dulce) biscuits=bisquets fried egg=huevos estrellados yolk=llema whites=clara de huevo eggs=huevos hard boiled egg=huevo cocido scrambled eggs=huevos revueltos egg shell=cascara de huevo carton of eggs=carton de huevos omelette=omelette pork=carne de cerdo grease=grasa de tocino meat=carne beef=carne de res drum stick=pierna de pollo ham=jamon steak=steik =bistec bacon=tocino sausage=sosesh=longaniza bun=bollo patty=empanada hamburger=hamburguesa hotdog=hotdog french fries=papas fritas sandwich=sanduish coke or soft drink= refresco pizza=pizza condiments=condimentos mustard=mostaza mayonnaise=mayonesa pickle=pepinillo honey=miel potato chip=papas sabritas popcorn=palomas de maiz sugar=azucar sugar cube=cubo de azucar candy=dulce lollipop=paleta de dulce(caramelo) chocolate=chocoleit candy bar=barra de dulce o chocolate wrapper=envoltura cake =pastel icing=rebanada de pastel cookie=galleta pie=pai gum=chicle ice cream=helado cone =cono del helado

sundae=helado pero en taza popsicle=paleta de hielo donut=dona cupcake=mantecada light blue=azul claro o cielo dark green=verde oscuro navy blue=azul marino turquoise=azul turquesa maroon=marron magenta=rosa mexicano bark=corteza trunk=tronco tree=arbol leaf=hoja twig=ramita root=raiz flower=flor stem=tallo petal=petalo thorn=espina rose=flor catus=cactus spine=espina acorn=bellota mushroom=hongo palm=palmera palm frond=hoja de palmera pine tree=pino pinecone=pia de arbol pine needles=ramitas de los pinos grass=pasto blade of grass=hoja de pasto fern=helecho vine=enredadera(rama) water lily=nenufar reeds=caas de flor de rio bamboo=bamboo forest=bosque desert=desierto jungle=jungla cave=cueva mountain=montaa hill=colina canyon=caon cliff=acantilado volcano=volcan river=rio creek=steam=arroyo canal=canal lake=lago pond=estanque dam=presa waterfall=cascada oasis=oasis dune=duna city=ciudad twon=ciudad o pueblo down town=centro cloud=nube rain=lluvia raindrop=gota de lluvia lightning=rayo

thunder=trueno wind =viento rainbow=arcoiris thermometer=termometro weathervane=veleta snow=nieve snowflake=nieve (bolitas o icono de nieve) snowman=mueco de nieve ice=hielo icicle=lo que se forma de la nieve (como una ramita) raincoat=impermeable umbrella=paraguas flood=inundaciones tornado=tornado sewing=coser se dice soguin tailor=sastre measuring tape=cinta para medir needle=aguja thread=hilo spool of thread=carrete de hilo thimble=dedal sewing machine=maquina de coser pin cushion=alfiletero pin=alfiler o pasador vowels=vocales such as :a,e,i,o,u here are rules for when to use "A" or "An" , "The" The first time you speak of something use "a or an", the next time you repeat th at object use "the". I live in a house. The house is quite old and has four bedrooms. I ate in a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was very good. Noun=sustantivo Adjectives: Adjectives are placed directly before a noun Example: Tom is an excellent singer. I bought a comfortable chair. She's thinking about buying a new house. Adjectives are also used in simple sentences with the verb 'to be'. In this case , the adjective describes the subject of the sentence: Jack is happy. Peter was very tired. Mary'll be excited when you tell her. Prepositions next to=junto a o a un lado de near =cerca a o de past=pasando el, la , los across the= atraves de about=cerca de more vocabulary: bib (bib) - babero blocks (bloks) - bloques, cubos bottle (btl) - bibern cradle (kridl) - cuna mecedora crib (crib) - cuna diaper (diaper) - paal doll (dl) - mueca doll house (dl hus) - casa de muecas nipple (npl) - tetilla

pacifier (psifier) - chupete playpen (plipen) - corral de juego potty (pti) - vacinica puzzle (pzl) - rompecabezas rattle (rtl) - sonajero stroller (struler) - carreola swing (sung) - columpio, hamaca teddy bear (tdi br) - osito de peluche toy (ti) - juguete toy chest (ti chest) - caja de juguetes walker (uker) - andador shirt = camisa t-shirt = remera polo shirt = polo, chomba blouse = blusa sweatshirt = sweater = pullover = jersey = slip-over = suter dress=vestido vesr=chaleco suit=traje three-piece suit = traje de tres piezas coat = saco raincoat = piloto waistcoat = chaleco overcoat = sobretodo mackintosh = abrigo de tela o lana gruesa anorak = campera, anorak bomber jacket = campera ajustada en la cintura duffel coat = abrigo de lana denim jacket = campera de jean trousers = pantalones slacks = pantalones informales jeans = jeans shorts = pantalones cortos pinafore overalls (US) - dungarees (GB) = jardinero, peto trainers (GB) - sneakers (US) = zapatillas boots = botas wellingtons = botas slippers = pantuflas clogs = zuecos shoes = zapatos sandals = sandalias high-heeled shoes = zapatos de taco alto sole = suela have your shoes soled = ponerle suela a los zapatos heel = taco have your shoes heeled = ponerle taco a los zapatos shoelaces = cordones flip-flops = chanclas espadrilles = alpargatas flip it =tapalo bathrobe = bata nightdress = nightgown = camisn pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = pijama socks = calcetines knee-length socks = medias 3/4 tights = calzas underwear = ropa interior bra = brassiere = corpio

knickers=bombacha o bragas(parecido a la tanga) tong=tanga slip=enagua underpants=calzoncillos bathing-suit=traje de bao bikini=bikini swimming trunks=short de bao clothes hanger=gancho para ropa =hanger=gancho en britanico belt = cinturn hood = capucha tie = corbata bowtie = moo tie-pin = traba de corbata braces (GB) = suspenders (US) = tiradores cravat = pauelo o corbata pronuncia crevat handkerchief=pauelo neckerchief = pauelo de cuello gloves = guantes scarf = bufanda shawl = chal cloak = capa cap = gorra beret = boina pronuncia breit hat = sombrero wide-brimmed hat = sombrero de ala ancha bonnet = gorro para beb top hat = sombrero de copa helmet = casco animals: honey bee= miel de abeja bee=abeja bear=oso bull= toro camel=camello cat=gato cow=vaca deer=ciervo dog=perro elephant=elefante ferret=huron fox=zorro goat=cabra hippo=hipopotamo horse=caballo kangaroo=canguro Koala=koala o Koala bear lion=leon monkey=mono pets=mascotas pig=cerdo rabbit=conejo rhino=rinoceronte sheep=oveja snake=serpiente bugs=bichos birds=aves water animals =animales acuaticos school subjects=materias del colegio

art=arte o dibujo biology=biologia chemistry=quimica se pronuncia quimestri music=musica botany=botanica history=historia literature=literatura english=ingles computer studies=informatica french=frances geometry=geometria geography=geografia math=matematicas R.E.=religion sciences=ciencias social studies=sociales physics=fisica spanish=espaol bus stop=parada del camion crossroads=cruce lamppost=farol letterbox=buzon sidewalk=acera pedestrian=peaton phone box=cabina telefonica road=carretera road sweeper=barrendero bulky=estorboso stuck=atorado subway=metro knock down=demoler lend =prestar(dinero) turn my back on you =te doy la espalda pass before my eyes=pasan ante mis ojos crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see=se desmorona en el suelo unque no s neguemos a ver KEEP ME POSTED= MANTENME AL CORRIENTE O INFORMADO

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