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Aquino, Kenneth S. Rendel R. Fernandez LEARNING FEEDBACK DIARY The young is our future.

We look toward the youth for our emancipation from the bondage of fear, for illumination in our search for nurturing care and establishment of trust, for it embodies the role of a school nurse that continue to elucidate their function in the school setting. In school nursing, the student nurses are set to be prepared for their experience in different schools. We are oriented about guidelines, activities, assignments and routine. The group was divided by pair and we are assigned in Tambo Elementary School. When we arrived in the school, we observed that the students decorating the school are very polite and kind to us, they greet and helped their teachers which are result of teaching good conduct and were pleasant to the eyes. We roam around the school looking for the principal as we address our intentions and role as a school nurse that will serve the students and staff of the school. One thing that is not present to deliver our services as a school nurse is the absence of the school clinic. The Home economics room served as the clinic for them and first aid kit is not present in times of emergency or availability of medications because it is very important in providing nursing interventions too. We checked the BP of some teachers and workers and also assessed their habits and foods that they it in correlation in checking of their Blood Pressure. Some students that we saw walking and running in the campus have no pair of shoes, sandals nor slippers and not wearing them properly and it may cause helmintic infestations which are difficult to treat not only that but the concern of staying in school is out instead the student will be at home and will miss certain requirements and assignments. The campus also show a potent hazard for the students because of the stagnant water that are very dirty, in pitch black and can be possible breeding sites for mosquitoes. These must be taken into action and remove as soon as possible so it cannot impart threat. Broken windows and doorknobs can also cause injuries and must be repair at once. The lack of water supply especially in the comfort room is the root of unpleasant odor and untidiness inside because no water can be use to wash and flush. Water supply must fix so that water source can be present and there will be an adequate supply. As a school nurse we also provide health teachings for the students and our topic covered the proper hygiene, good nutrition and performing proper hand washing because the students are lacking knowledge about it and they are not doing it. We taught the students to take a bath once a day and apply lotion, brush their teeth to remove bacteria and prevent tooth decay, maintain short nails, proper hand washing techniques, always wear their shoes and apply socks, comb hair and remove lices and eggs if any, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid junk foods, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and sleep 6-8 hours every night. The set up in school nursing and community health nursing have similarities and differences although school nursing focuses in school, the nurses function is still the same in rendering care to different individuals. We learned how to support students and teachers from public school even though they lack facilities, the key to a successful achievement of good health starts to themselves and we student nurses should guide them in the process and accompany them to have the right knowledge, attitude and skills in achieving healthy living so that they can also be a model or an instrument for others to share how to achieve a wealthy health.

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