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Three- Dimensional Design (ART 2203c) Spring 2012 Semester, 1/6- 4/27/2012 Fridays 9:00am-1:50pm, Room 1606 in FAC

Instructor: Mark Creegan Office hours by appointment Course Facebook page: Unf 3d design/Spring 2012 (you must like the page)

Course Description This course is an introductory studio experience in the visual arts, focusing on the structural and spatial exploration of three-dimensional form through a variety of media with an emphasis on design and construction. Students will develop presentation skills and craftsmanship, while formulating problemsolving skills and concept generation. The five hours of studio class time will consist of hands-on projects, instructor lectures and demonstrations, readings, and critiques. Course Objectives To develop an understanding of basic concepts and vocabulary related to 3D design To experiment with many different materials and processes and improve the student s technical skill in using the materials To expand the student s knowledge of historical and contemporary approaches to design To develop creative thinking skills and improve skills related to the creative process Expectations Come to class regularly and on time and with all preparatory work and materials needed for each session. Actively participate in class critiques and discussions and have assigned work completed for critique days. Work hard in class and also possibly work a few hours each week outside of class. Read the assigned readings and regularly check the class facebook page to view videos, images and texts. Just generally have a positive attitude and desire to learn, experiment, take risks, and share with others.

Class Attendance Policy Other than critique days, I will not be checking for attendance for grading purposes. It is assumed that each student is an adult and can assess for his or herself how much to gain from the course and what to experience. That being said, it is still highly recommended that you attend each scheduled session because a lot of material is covered each day, assignments will be routinely given out and I may need to demonstrate some process or materials, and working with others in the class is highly beneficial to everyone involved (rather than just working alone at home). This will be a very enjoyable class if everyone participates and interacts regularly with each other. Attendance IS MANDATORY for all scheduled critique days. A sign-up sheet will be provided on those days. Any missed crit will negatively affect your final grade. If you know ahead of time you will be missing a crit day, let me know so we can devise another way for you submit your work.

Class Facebook Page The class facebook page is way for me to provide you access to resources related to the course material. I will be periodically uploading documents (the syllabus, project sheets, etc), and posting comments, videos, and images to the wall. There will also be at least one assignment that requires you to post some images and information. It will also be another point of contact between the students and the instructor for questions and discussions. It will also be used as an alternative way to submit work if any critiques are missed. The policy will be if you miss a crit session, you can still submit the work on time via facebook (by uploading images). If it is uploaded by the end of class your work will still qualify for a chance to redo the work for a better grade. But, your physical absence will still be negatively reflected in your overall participation grade. The facebook page is called Unf 3d design/Spring 2012. Search for
the page as it is exactly titled and like it so you get notified of updates. If you do not have a facebook profile, either talk to me or another student to find a way to gain access.

Grading Policy A very important skill for a designer or artist is selfassessment or the ability to critically analyze one s own work. With this in mind each project that is graded (5- 7 projects) will include a self-assessment form that you will complete and turn in to me with your project. Each graded project will be assigned with a rubric of criteria to follow and the grade I assign will follow the particular rubric for each. The letter grade I assign each project will consider the particular criteria as well as your overall effort and level of improvement in the class. Any project turned on time (on the scheduled crit-day) will be eligible to be re-done for a better grade, and you have until the end of the semester to redo a project. Some exercises will not receive a grade but will count towards participation. Grading Criteria General concepts considered for each project: 1. Technical- this deals with the level of craft and ability to manipulate the materials. This also looks at how well the works are presented during critiques. 2. Conceptual- this examines if you understand the concepts of the course assignments and are able to demonstrate that understanding 3. Aesthetic- this is the most subjective part, here we are looking at how inventive and interesting are your solutions. Even though this category may not be as objective as demonstrating technical skill or knowledge of the concepts involved, during critiques it will be clear to all involved how some solutions will have more creativity than others. 4. Process- Here, we look at how prepared you are for class sessions, how much effort you make in critiques, and how much work you put into the design process through preliminary sketches and research included in your sketchbook. Each project will have more specific criteria listed. Final Grade Breakdown: Overall Project Grades= 80%, Quiz and Participation= 20%, Critiques Critiques are meant to be collaborative exercises rather than competitive ones. The group critique is a process of mutual discovery and the attitude of the participants should be of

mutual help and encouragement. Much information can be gained from seeing your work in relationship to others efforts. Sometimes, for example, one student s piece may be technically skillful but lack conceptual development, whereas another s may be the exact opposite. Critiques work well when these two students can help each other out, share ideas to improve each other s work. The other purpose for the group critiques is to help develop your vocabulary and methods of speaking about design. It is assumed that you will be taking part in critiques in future courses, so this class is meant to help develop those skills. It is actually one of the most important skills you will learn in your art education. Your attendance and active participation in critiques will heavily affect your final participation grade in the class. Sketchbooks 3d design is a mix of making and thinking and discussing. Think of your sketchbook as an extension of your brain. It is a way of recording your thought process in visual terms and shows me how well you are working out your ideas if you comprehend the concepts. Most of the projects require some preliminary sketch work which will usually be turned in with your projects. Projects and Assignments For the most part, the hands-on assignments will be worked on during class sessions, but you may need to work on them (to varying degrees) at home in order to complete them for critiques. They will be assigned in a way that progressively touches on the basic design elements and principles and involve different levels of preparatory work and may have different presentation requirements. Needed materials and textbook There is no required text. The facebook page should be considered and alternative text. But a recommended text: Design Basics 3D by Richard Roth and Stehen Pentak,. A more comprehensive list of needed materials will be provided with the complete schedule, but to begin with you will need much of the same materials you used for your drawing classes Disabled Student Services

Students with disabilities who seek reasonable accommodations in the classroom or other aspects of performing their coursework must first register with the UNF Disability Resource Center (DRC) located in Building 57, Room 1500. DRC staff members work with students to obtain required documentation of disability and to identify appropriate accommodations as required by applicable disability laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). After receiving all necessary documentation, the DRC staff determines whether a student qualifies for services with the DRC and if so, the accommodations the student requires will be provided. DRC staff then prepares a letter for the student to provide faculty advising them of approved accommodations. For further information, contact the DRC by phone (904) 620-2769, email <> , or visit the DRC website <> Military and veteran students may need both physical and academic accommodations and may contact the DRC to find further information. Military and veteran students who return from combat exposure may be utilizing the post 9/11 GI bill to continue postsecondary education goals. Contact Military and Veterans Resource Center by phone (904) 620-2655 or e-mail <> Clean Room Policy Making these projects will undoubtedly result in mess. It is our responsibility to leave the room (or better). Make sure you allot yourself enough of each class session to clean up your materials around you.

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