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BAHAWASANYA negara kita Malaysia mendukung cita-cita hendak mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya; memelihara satu cara hidup demokratik; mencipta masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama; menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai-bagai corak; membina satu masyarakat yang progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden;

MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip berikut:-




Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha berterusan ke arah lebih memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk melahirkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bertujuan untuk melahirkan warganegara Malaysia yang berilmu pengetahuan, berketerampilan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggunjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberikan sumbangan, terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.


Kata Pengantar Kurikulum persekolahan kebangsaan mendukung hasrat mulia negara bagi menyediakan pendidikan bertaraf dunia kepada generasi masa kini dan akan datang. Kurikulum ini bertujuan menyepadukan elemen terkini dalam pendidikan, memenuhi semangat Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan, dan menyediakan warga Malaysia untuk menghadapi cabaran pendidikan pada abad ke 21. Kurikulum ini memberikan penekanan pada nilai murni dan semangat patriotik bagi menyedarkan murid akan peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai warganegara maju dan ahli masyarakat berilmu. Murid dididik untuk berfikir, berilmu pengetahuan luas, beretika tinggi, bijaksana, serta dapat menggunakan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi secara berkesan. Diharapkan kurikulum ini dapat melahirkan murid yang berkeyakinan dan tabah mengatasi segala rintangan dan cabaran dalam kehidupan. Bahasa Inggeris ialah bahasa kedua yang merupakan mata pelajaran wajib di peringkat sekolah rendah dan sekolah menengah. Kini bahasa Inggeris menjadi penting selaras dengan perkembangan pesat negara ke arah negara maju berlandaskan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi. Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris untuk Sains dan Teknologi akan menyediakan murid untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggeris bagi mendapatkan maklumat dan pengetahuan daripada pelbagai sumber, serta membina jaringan dengan masyarakat setempat dan sedunia. Kementerian Pendidikan merakamkan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada setiap individu dan institusi atas sumbangan kepakaran, masa dan tenaga sehingga terhasilnya sukatan pelajaran ini.

(DATUK ABDUL RAFIE BIN MAHAT) Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan Malaysia Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi


INTRODUCTION In line with globalization and the rapid advances in information and communications technology (ICT), knowledge is available in greater volume and speed than ever before. Learners should be taught the various ways of accessing this information and to use the information to advance their knowledge in various fields. This syllabus is a step in that direction. English for Science and Technology is introduced as an elective at the upper secondary school level. Students opting for this elective will also be required to study English as outlined in the general English syllabus. This general English syllabus is developed in line with the way English is used in society in everyday life, i.e. when interacting with people (the Interpersonal), when accessing information (the Informational), and when enjoying books (the Aesthetic). General English Syllabus English for Science & Technology Syllabus


Gr SS Vocab

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Acquiring Information

Gr Vocab Register

Processing Informatio


Present ing

(Key: Gr-Grammar; SSSound System; Vocab- Vocabulary) The Informational component of this general English syllabus forms the focus of the English for Science and Technology syllabus which also draws upon interpersonal interaction and the aesthetic use of language when one gives an opinion based on ones value system. The syllabus is organised in terms of acquiring information from various sources including the electronic media, processing that information, and presenting it for different purposes. The English for Science and Technology syllabus lays the foundation in the use of English in the fields of science and technology not only for the present but also for further studies at

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi

tertiary level. This programme does not aim to teach the subject matter of science. Rather, it is designed to help students develop an ability to grasp basic concepts and ideas in science and to understand methods of scientific thought and enquiry in English common to all kinds of scientific and technical discourse. The knowledge gained will not only enhance personal learning but also enable learners to think critically of issues in science and technology. Science and Technology embraces a wide area of knowledge. For the purposes of this syllabus, areas covered include general science, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, environmental education, and various technologies. As such, the syllabus uses topics and themes that relate directly to all of the science and technology curricula taught at the upper secondary school level. With this syllabus, learners will be introduced to the main scientific concepts and ideas of science in English. Topics or themes for study are founded upon the basic concepts, ideas and methods of scientific thought and enquiry that are common to the many branches of science and technology such as describing, classifying, accounting for observed results, concluding, and so on. Notions and ideas such as time, space, place, size, similarities, differences and relationships are also incorporated. Topics and themes act as vehicles for instruction and incorporate basic concepts and ideas. These topics and themes are kept as simple as possible, referring wherever possible, to everyday examples. The use of authentic materials is greatly encouraged so that students become familiar with the register of science. Where texts need to be adapted and modified to suit student ability, then care must be taken to ensure factual accuracy of content is not compromised. The communicative methodology is recommended for teaching this syllabus. Teachers are encouraged to teach topics using the four language skills in an integrated manner. Learners are also encouraged to use the language actively and to participate actively in the learning process. The use of English for science and technology supports the aims and objectives of the National Philosophy of Education and the Education Act 1996 and contributes towards the optimisation of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical potential of the learners. The curriculum also recognises that learners learn in different styles and ways. They possess their own unique strengths and weaknesses and wherever possible individual needs should be taken into account in teaching. This document, which is the syllabus, gives an overview of the curriculum for English for Science and Technology at the upper secondary level. To explain the curriculum in greater detail, a set of Syllabus Specifications has been prepared with some sample teachinglearning materials and activities.

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi

The Syllabus outlines the Aims, Objectives, and Learning Outcomes to be achieved. Also included are descriptions of Language Content.

AIMS The syllabus aims to provide students with the language basis to access and understand materials on science and technology and to express ideas and concepts in English.

OBJECTIVES Since emphasis is placed on accessing content, hence the ability to read and comprehend materials in English is the main priority. The English for Science and Technology curriculum enables learners to: i. Obtain information by reading and understanding different text types in science and technology in English; Obtain information by listening to and viewing texts on science and technology in English from audio-visual and electronic sources such as talks and television programmes; Access and understand information on the Internet and other electronic media; Present information on science and technology at an appropriate level in both the written and spoken form; and Think critically and give their points of view on issues pertaining to science and technology.


iii. iv.



The learning outcomes require learners to obtain information from various sources for different purposes, process that information, and present that information at a level appropriate to their ability. This requires students to understand and acquire scientific and technical vocabulary so that they comprehend simple technical literature, and subsequently, to talk about or write in simple language the various ideas or issues involved. At the same time, students should be able to use ICT resources to extend their knowledge in these areas.

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi


Obtaining Information

Learners are required to obtain information in science and technology texts. These texts seek to inform about concepts, ideas and methods of scientific thought and enquiry in a variety of ways. The texts contain materials that classify, describe and explain phenomena, ideas and processes thus leading the reader or viewer to be acquainted with the ways of observing, thinking and doing things relating to science. Learners need to be familiar with the forms and features of such texts so that relevant facts, data and other information can be easily identified and extracted for the task at hand. By the end of the programme, learners should be able to obtain information by: i. reading different text types in science and technology from both print and electronic sources such as popular science articles, extracts from textbooks, simple encyclopaedia entries; and ii. listening to spoken texts such as talks, lectures, and viewing TV documentaries and multimedia resources; The above skills are based on the following concepts and ideas in scientific thought and enquiry, namely: a. experiments in the laboratory and in the field focusing on instructions, procedure/steps, material, apparatus, conditions, results, interpretation; b. phenomena such as plants and animals, rocks and materials, structures, mechanisms, and processes focusing on such features as classification, structure, mechanism and process. c. ideas such as concepts and principles of laws, theories and tests of theories focusing on such features as definition, principle, applications, results/evidence and interpretation.


Processing Information

In processing information, learners should be able to identify relevant ideas, details, and data in order to fulfill a purpose. They should be able to interpret graphs, diagrams and tables and link data and other information to draw conclusions and predict outcomes. To facilitate the understanding and processing of the information obtained, the application of study skills and thinking skills are emphasized.

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi

By the end of the programme, students should be able to undertake a number of processing skills, among which are:
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. acquiring terminology and expressions in science; identifying relevant facts and issues; comparing and contrasting information; drawing conclusions; interpreting and analysing data from charts, tables, graphs, etc.; understanding stages in scientific methods, e.g. hypothesis, experiment, results, conclusion, theory.


Presenting Information

Information, ideas and data are to be presented in the written form as well as in spoken form wherever appropriate. In presenting the information, both the purpose and the audience must be taken into account. Presentations in clear, simple English pave the way for the future articulate scientist or technologist who is able to convey the most complex of messages in the simplest language. When presenting facts, data and information in writing, graphic forms may be used.
By the end of the programme, students will be equipped with the following skills: describing; explaining; listing; reporting; and summarising; The written and oral products expected are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. notes; brief reports; instructions; explanations; participation in discussions; summaries; and charts, graphs and tables to support texts. LANGUAGE CONTENT 1. GRAMMAR

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi

The grammar items for this syllabus are similar to those of the General English syllabus. However, there are certain specific emphases and focuses, such as the following: Compound Nouns Roots of words (Latin, Greek origins) and their formation using prefixes and suffixes Modals Passive construction Imperatives Conditional forms Logical connectors, Sequence connectors Relative Clauses

Students need to be familiar with words commonly used in science and technology literature as well as the register of these texts. To guide teachers, a word list is found in the Syllabus Specifications. The words in the list comprise semi-technical language, which is typical of scientific language. These items, however, are not exclusive to any one branch of science. Some examples are consist of, range, dependent on and pulleys. However, teachers may also need to teach other words when dealing with the themes and topics. Teachers are also encouraged to adapt and change the list according to the level and ability of their learners. EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES Current developments in education that will help learners prepare for the real world and contribute towards the building of a modern and progressive society have also been outlined. Values education such as attention to the ethical aspects of science are important in this syllabus. i. Thinking Skills Critical and creative thinking skills are incorporated in the learning outcomes to enable learners to solve simple problems, make decisions, and express themselves creatively in simple language. ii. Learning How to Learn Skills These skills are integrated in the learning outcomes and aim to enable learners to take responsibility for their own learning. These skills incorporate study skills and information gathering and processing skills to equip them to become independent life-long learners.

sukatan pelajaran bahasa inggeris untuk sains dan teknologi


Information and Communication Technology Skills (ICT) In this age of globalisation and ICT, skills relating to ICT are incorporated in the learning outcomes. These skills include the use of multimedia resources such as TV documentaries and the Internet as well as the use of computer-related activities such as e-mail activities, networking and interacting with electronic courseware. Values Education and Citizenship The values concerned include precision and accuracy of information and the need to avoid bias and fostering objectivity. Learners are trained to be environmentally aware and to preserve the bio-diversity of their country in addition to exercising their responsibility towards the environment as citizens of the world. Learners are taught that knowledge and application of science should be used to serve the community.



Multiple Intelligences Where possible, teachers should incorporate the theory of Multiple Intelligences in their lessons. For example, interpersonal intelligence is reflected when learners are engaged in discussion by accepting others ideas and/or disagreeing politely. Kinaesthetic intelligence is nurtured in project work. Logico-mathematical intellingence is especially called into play in this syllabus, especially in drawing conclusions from evidence presented.


Preparation for the Real World The syllabus encourages use of real-life situations, such as in the use of authentic materials where appropriate. In addition, situations should be simulated to reflect actual conditions and problems outside the classroom. This will equip learners better to face life when they leave school.

Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia 25 September 2001

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