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PARINTELE EFREM FILOTHEITUL (Arizona): Pecetea va fi impusa dupa cel de-al treilea razboi mondial!

Iubii frai ntru Hristos, Pe data de 13 martie am vorbit cu Printele Efrem la Mnstirea Sfntul Antonie din Arizona. Pe lng multele pcate i neascultri ale mele i-am transmis mesajul i ngrijorarea Printelui Iustin de la Petru Vod. Am amintiri foarte plcute despre sfinenia i ospitalitatea obtii monahale de la Petru Vod i dragostea ce ne-a artat-o Printele Iustin. [ - n anul 2005] Am fost rugai atunci s vorbim despre cteva lucruri i n particular despre semnele timpurilor. Unii dintre frai, la momentul respectiv, erau de prere c cipurile/cardurile sunt ntrun fel echivalentul pecetei fiarei din Apocalips. Bineneles c nu am fost de aceeai prere i am insistat c posesia unui asemenea card nu ne separ de Harul Divin. Ni s-a atras atenia c nsui Cuviosul Paisie Aghioritul s-ar fi referit la acelai lucru [n. tr. - pierderea harului]. neleg acum c fraii notri romni sunt forai de ctre Comunitatea European s-i demonstreze buna purtare i s foloseasc cea mai nou tehnologie (cipurile biometrice) n scopuri de identificare (buletine, premise de conducere, paapoarte, .a.m.d.). Din nefericire aceast tehnologie se folosete n Statele Unite i Grecia. Puternica demonstraie a vrednicului ntru pomenire, nalt Prea Sfinitul Hristodulos [n. tr. - mitingul din Salonic de acum civa ani cnd milioane de greci au rspuns apelului Bisericii Ortodoxe a Greciei] a rmas fr roade deoarece dup ce a strns milioane de semnturi a renunat brusc, fr nici un motiv evident. n timpul spovedaniei mele recente i-am transmis Printelui Efrem de la Sfntul Antonie ngrijorrile frailor notri romni i ale Printelui Iustin i dac acceptarea acestor cipuri biometrice RFID i nstrineaz de Biserica lui Hristos. Rspunsul Printelui a fost categoric: Nu, n nici un caz! Aceasta nu este pecetea fiarei. Pecetea va fi impus dup cel de al treilea rzboi mondial! Preoii greesc dac ndeprteaz credincioii de la sfntul potir pentru folosirea acestei tehnologii! (Comentariile mele bazate pe nvturile sfntului i nvatului meu printe Atanasios Mitilinaios + 2006). Sunt de aceeai prere cu Printele Iustin c aceast tehnologie este un naintemergtor al sistemelor ce vor fi folosite ntr-un sfrit la nsemnarea oamenilor cu semnul fiarei. Ne ndreptm ctre un Guvern Mondial ce va fi instituit dup un rzboi mondial precum spune Printele Efrem. Cu toate acestea, Semnul Fiarei, care va fi deplina acceptare a duhului lui Antihrist va fi o aciune voit i contient de dedicare i devotament fa de acest nou dezvluit dumnezeu! Pecetea nu va avea nici o semnificaie dac va fi impus unei persoane prin simpl for, unei persoane aflate ntr-o stare de inconstien fie pe un pat de spital, n timpul somnului sau pruncilor. Pecetea final, precum i Botezul cretin nu este ceva magic. Necesit aderarea cu adevrat la perceptele credinei. Oamenii vor accepta pecetea deoarecea vor crede de fapt c Hristos din Nazaret a fost un filozof, un mare nvtor .a.m.d., dar nu divin precum conductorul apocaliptic al lumii. Pentru c aceasta s se ntmple trebuie nti s capitulam n ntregime ecumenismului, sinistrul amestec al tuturor religiilor ce va fi nlocuit ntr-un final de religia lui Antihrist. De aceea Hristos ntreba cu tristee: Dar Fiul Omului, cnd va veni, va gsi, oare, credina pe pmnt? (Luca 18:8). Oamenii vor pierde credina n persoana Dumnezeu-om a lui Hristos. Cu toate c vremurile noastre sunt pline de pcate nu suntem nc n ultimile zile ale istoriei deoarece nu avem semne sigure c antihrist s-ar fi nscut.

Vremurile sunt coapte totui pentru a nva, a educa i a ncerca s-i trezim pe fraii notri i pe cei din lumea ntreag prin orice mijloace posibile. i, dei cred c ar fi ludabil pentru evlavioii notri clugri, preoii i mirenii naintai duhovnicete, s reziste implementrii acestei tehnologii astfel nct s creeze o vlv ce ar putea fi folositoare n trezirea oamenilor, nu putem impune aceast aciune voluntar publicului general. De asemenea i dau dreptate Printelui Iustin c timpul martirajului e acum! Trebuie s vorbim credincioilor notri despre pericolele acestea i trebuie s-i pregtim s aleag moartea de 1000 de ori n locul vnzrii sufletelor pentru civa euro, pentru cteva psti de rocove care n curnd le vor provoca o indigestie teribil precum afl acum srmanii greci. Ceea ce nu au reuit s realizeze turcii n 400 de ani [n. tr. - de ocupaie a Greciei], au reuit rocovele Uniunii Europene n mai puin de 30 de ani. Grecul de rnd triete astzi o via de idolatrie i respir duhul antihristului. Asta nu are nimic de a face cu buletinele electronice, ci cu robia fa de patimile trupeti. Trebuie s izgonim duhul lui antihrist din vieile noastre i s ncepem s trim viaa lui Hristos. Curindu-ne inimile i practicnd smerenia l vom avea pe Hristos n inimile noastre, Care va lupta cu uurin mpotriv dumanilor notri cu mna Sa atotputernic. Un Post binecuvntat i o nviere fericit. Constantine Zalalas 15 martie, 09 Arizona . P.S. Daca aceasta scrisoare ajunge la Parintele Iustin , il rog sa ma ierte pentru egoism si indrazneala si il mai rog sa se roage pentru familia mea. In loc sa-mi plang pacatele incerc sa-i invat pe altii. Versiunea originala: "Dear brothers in Christ: On March 13, I saw Elder Ephraim at the monastery of Saint Anthony in Arizona. Along with the multitude of my sins and transgressions I also conveyed to him the greetings along with the concerns of our Elder Justin of Petru Voda. I have very good memories of the holiness and great hospitality of the monastic brotherhood of Petru Voda and the love of the Elder Justin toward us. We were asked to speak on a number of things and specifically of the signs of the times. Some of the brothers at the time held the opinion that the magnetic stripe of contemporary bank cards (visa,m/c etc.) is somehow equivalent to the sign-mark-charagma of the Apocalyptic beast. Of course we disagreed with them at the time insisting that the ownership of such a business card does not separate one from the grace of God. We were made aware that even Elder Paisios may have alluded to that effect. I understand now that our Romanian brothers are being compelled by the European Union to show their good behavior and use the latest technology (biometric chip) for identification purposes (ID cards, licences and passports). Unfortunately this technology is being used in the US and Greece. The powerful display of the reposed Archibishop Christodoulos was fruitless because after he received millions of signatures he suddenly abandoned the struggle for no apparent reason. During the time of my recent confession I explained the concern of our Romanian brothers and Elder Justin to Elder Ephraim of St. Anthonys and whether the acceptance of this biometric RFID chip alienates them from the Church of Christ. The response of the elder was very direct: NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! THIS IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST. THE MARK WILL BE IMPOSED AFTER WORLD WAR THREE! AND PRIESTS ARE WRONG TO EXCOMMUNICATE CHRISTIANS FROM THE HOLY CUP BECAUSE THEY ARE USING THIS TECHNOLOGY! (My

comments based on the teachings of my holy and learned elder Athanasios Mitilinaios.) I do agree with Fr. Justin that this technology is a forerunner of the systems used to eventually mark people with the sign of the beast. We are headed toward a one world government which will be instituted after a major world war as Elder Ephraim said. However the Mark of the Beast -which will be the full acceptance of the spirit of the Antichrist- will be a willful and conscious action of self- dedication and devotion to this newly revealed god! The mark will not have any meaning if imposed to a person by mere force or unconsciousness whether at a hospital bed, during sleep or at the state of infancy. The final mark much like the Christian Baptism is not something magic. It requires the actual adherence to the precepts of faith. People will accept the mark because they will actually believe that the Christ of Nazareth was a philosopher a great teacher and so on but not divine like the Apocalyptic world leader. For this to happen we must first succumb to total ecumenism, the sinister admixture of all religions which will eventually be replaced by the religion of the Antichrist. This is why Christ sadly asked: When I return will I find faith on earth? People will lose faith in the God-human person of Christ. Although our times are very sinful we are not at the final days of history since we dont have any definite signs that the antichrist might be born. However the time is ripe to teach, educate and attempt to awake our people and the people of the world by every possible means. And while I believe that it would be commendable for our pious monks, priests and spiritually advanced laypeople to resist this technology to cause some commotion which could be instrumental in peoples awakening we cannot impose this voluntary action to the general public. I also agree with Elder Justin that the time of martyrdom is now! We must speak to our faithful about these dangers and we must prepare them to prefer 1000 deaths over the selling of their souls for a few Euros , a few carob pods that will soon give them a terrible indigestion as the poor Greeks are now finding out. What the Turks could not accomplish in 400 years the carob pods of the European Union did in less than 30. The average Greek today lives a life of idolatry and breathes the spirit of the antichrist. This has nothing to do with the electronic ID card, but with the bondage of the carnal passions. We need to expel the spirit of the antichrist from our lives and to begin to live the life of Christ. By purifying our hearts and practicing humility we will have Christ in our hearts Who will easily fight our enemies for us by His mighty hand. A blessed Lenten season and a joyous Ressurection. Constantine Zalalas 315-09 Arizona. Ps. Please have father Justin forgive me for my egotism and audacity if this letter gets to him and to please pray for my family. Instead of crying for my sins I attempt to teach others."

E foarte binevenita atentionarea asupra duhului lumesc antihristic, pe carel respiram zilnic prin patimile noastre si de care, obsedati deja de lupta anti-cip, riscam sa nu ne mai preocupam deloc. Si prin el vom cadea, chiar daca nu vom accepta actele cu cip! Apoi sunt si vor fi mult mai multe probleme MARI DE TOT, iar daca ne centram NUMAI pe actele biometrice, ajungem sa nu mai vedem padurea din cauza copacilor. Trebuie sa vedem TOT ansamblul atacurilor antihristice si mai ales cele care privesc direct constiinta si inima noastra. Si sa continuam lupta cu intelepciune.

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