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DateTime GetFromGps(int weeknumber, int seconds) { DateTime datum = new DateTime(1980,1,6,0,0,0); DateTime week = datum.

AddDays(weeknumber * 7); DateTime time = week.AddSeconds(seconds); return time; }

function [UTC_time, leap_sec, day_of_year] = gps2utc(GPS_time, offset) % [UTC_time, leap_sec] = gps2utc(GPS_time, offset); % % Converts a GPS time into an equivalent UTC time (matrices). % % Input: % GPS_time - GPS time (nx2) [GPS_week GPS_sec] % valid GPS_week values are 1-3640 (years 1980-2050) % GPS week values are kept in linear time without the 1024 rollove rs % (e.g. UTC time [1999 10 1 0 0 0] = GPS time [1029 432013]) % use the MATLAB "mod" function to obtain 1024 based weeks % new_GPS_week = mod(GPS_week,1024); % valid GPS_sec values are 0-604799 % offset - leap seconds for the GPS times (optional) (1x1 or nx1) % valid offset values are 0-500 % Output: % UTC_time - matrix of the form [year month day hour minute second] % with 4-digit year (1980), nx6 matrix % leap_sec - leap seconds applied to UTC relative to GPS (optional) % % Note: Any invalid inputs times will result in the UTC equilivant time % being filled with inf (infinity) and a warning will be issued. If % all of the GPS time input is invalid, the function will terminate % with an error. % % See also UTC2GPS, GPS2LEAP % Written by: Maria Evans/Jimmy LaMance 10/16/96 % Copyright (c) 1998 by Constell, Inc. % functions called: ERR_CHK, UTC2LEAP %%%%% BEGIN VARIABLE CHECKING CODE %%%%% % declare the global debug variable global DEBUG_MODE % Initialize the output variables UTC_time=[]; leap_sec=[]; % Check the number of input arguments and issues a message if invalid msg = nargchk(1,2,nargin); if ~isempty(msg) fprintf('%s See help on GPS2UTC for details.\n',msg); fprintf('Returning with empty outputs.\n\n'); return end if nargin < 2

offset = zeros(size(GPS_time,1),1); end % if nargin < 2 if nargin == 2 & size(offset,1) == 1 & size(offset,2) == 1 offset = offset * ones(size(GPS_time,1),1); end % Get the current Matlab version matlab_version = version; matlab_version = str2num(matlab_version(1)); % If the Matlab version is 5.x and the DEBUG_MODE flag is not set % then set up the error checking structure and call the error routine. if matlab_version >= 5.0 estruct.func_name = 'GPS2UTC'; % Develop the error checking structure with required dimension, matching % dimension flags, and input dimensions. estruct.variable(1).name = 'GPS_time'; estruct.variable(1).req_dim = [901 2]; estruct.variable(1).var = GPS_time; estruct.variable(1).type = 'GPS_TIME'; estruct.variable(2).name = 'offset'; estruct.variable(2).req_dim = [901 1; 1 1]; estruct.variable(2).var = offset; % Call the error checking function stop_flag = err_chk(estruct); if stop_flag == 1 fprintf('Invalid inputs to %s. Returning with empty outputs.\n\n', ... estruct.func_name); return end % if stop_flag == 1 end % if matlab_version >= 5.0 & isempty(DEBUG_MODE) %%%%% END VARIABLE CHECKING CODE %%%%% %%%%% BEGIN ALGORITHM CODE %%%%% % Break out GPS week and seconds into separate variable GPS_week = GPS_time(:,1); GPS_sec = GPS_time(:,2); % allocate the momory for the UTC_time working matrix UTC_time = ones(size(GPS_week,1),6) * inf; % compute gpsday and gps seconds since start of GPS time gpsday = GPS_week * 7 + GPS_sec ./ 86400; gpssec = GPS_week * 7 * 86400 + GPS_sec; % get the integer number of days total_days = floor(gpsday); % % % % % temp is the number of completed years since the last leap year (0-3) the calculation begins by computing the number of full days since the beginning of the last leap year. This is accomplished through the rem statement. Since GPS time started at 00:00 on 6 January 1980, five days must be added to the total number

% % % % % % %

of days to ensure that the calculation begins at the beginning of a leap year. By subtracting one from this result, the extra day in the first year is effectively removed, and the calculation can simply be computed by determining the number of times 365 divides into the number of days since the last leap year. On the first day of a leap year, the result of this calculation is -1 so the second statement is used to trap this case.

temp = floor((rem((total_days+5),1461)-1) ./ 365); I_temp=find(temp < 0); if any(I_temp), temp(I_temp) = zeros(size(temp(I_temp))); end % if % compute the year UTC_time(:,1) = 1980 + 4 * floor((total_days + 5) ./ 1461) + temp; % data matrix with the number of days per month for searching % for the month and day % days in full months for leap year leapdays = [0 31 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335 366]; % days in full months for standard year noleapdays = [0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365]; % Leap year flag % determine which input years are leap years leap_year = ~rem((UTC_time(:,1)-1980),4); I_leap = find(leap_year == 1); % find leap years I_no_leap = find(leap_year == 0); % find standard years % establish the number of days into the current year % leap year if any(I_leap) day_of_year(I_leap) = rem((total_days(I_leap) + 5),1461) + 1; end % if any(I_leap) % standard year if any(I_no_leap) day_of_year(I_no_leap) = ... rem(rem((total_days(I_no_leap) + 5),1461) - 366, 365) + 1; end % if any(I_no_leap) % generate the month, loop over the months 1-12 and separate out leap years for iii = 1:12 if any(I_leap) I_day = find(day_of_year(I_leap) > leapdays(iii)); UTC_time(I_leap(I_day),2) = ones(size(I_day')) * iii; clear I_day end % if any(I_leap) if any(I_no_leap) I_day = find(day_of_year(I_no_leap) > noleapdays(iii)); UTC_time(I_no_leap(I_day),2) = ones(size(I_day')) * iii; clear I_day end % if any(I_no_leap) end % for % use the month and the matrix with days per month to compute the day

if any(I_leap) UTC_time(I_leap,3) = day_of_year(I_leap)' - leapdays(UTC_time(I_leap,2))'; end % if any(I_leap) if any(I_no_leap) UTC_time(I_no_leap,3) = day_of_year(I_no_leap)' - ... noleapdays(UTC_time(I_no_leap,2))'; end % if any(I_no_leap) % compute the hours fracday = rem(GPS_sec, 86400); UTC_time(:,4) = fix(fracday ./ 86400 .* 24); % compute the minutes UTC_time(:,5) = fix((fracday - UTC_time(:,4) .* 3600) ./ 60 ); % compute the seconds UTC_time(:,6) = fracday - UTC_time(:,4) .* 3600 - UTC_time(:,5) .* 60; % Compensate for leap seconds % check the input agrument list for offset (leap seconds) if nargin < 2 % offset is not given and must be computed % Call utc2leap to compute the leap second offset for each time leap_sec = utc2leap(UTC_time); else leap_sec = offset; end % if num_args < 2 UTC_time(:,6) = UTC_time(:,6) - leap_sec; % Check to see if leap_sec offset causes a negative number of seconds I_shift = find(UTC_time(:,6) < 0); UTC_time(I_shift,5) = UTC_time(I_shift,5) - 1; UTC_time(I_shift,6) = UTC_time(I_shift,6) + 60; % Check to see if the leap second offset causes a negative number of minutes I_shift = find(UTC_time(:,5) < 0); UTC_time(I_shift,4) = UTC_time(I_shift,4) - 1; UTC_time(I_shift,5) = UTC_time(I_shift,5) + 60; % Check to see if the leap second offset causes a negative number of hours I_shift = find(UTC_time(:,4) < 0); UTC_time(I_shift,3) = UTC_time(I_shift,3) - 1; UTC_time(I_shift,4) = UTC_time(I_shift,4) + 24; % Check to see if this causes a 0 day value I_shift = find(UTC_time(:,3) <= 0); UTC_time(I_shift,2) = UTC_time(I_shift,2) - 1; I_yr_shift = find(UTC_time(:,2) <= 0); UTC_time(I_yr_shift,1) = UTC_time(I_yr_shift,1) - 1; UTC_time(I_yr_shift,2) = UTC_time(I_yr_shift,2) + 12; % Leap year flag % determine which input years are leap years leap_year = ~rem((UTC_time(I_shift,1)-1980),4); I_leap = find(leap_year == 1); % find leap years I_no_leap = find(leap_year == 0); % find standard years if any(I_leap), % in seconds!

UTC_time(I_shift(I_leap),3) = leapdays(UTC_time(I_shift(I_leap),2) + 1)' ... -leapdays(UTC_time(I_shift(I_leap),2))'; end; if any(I_no_leap), UTC_time(I_shift(I_no_leap),3) = ... noleapdays(UTC_time(I_shift(I_no_leap),2) + 1)' ... -noleapdays(UTC_time(I_shift(I_no_leap),2))'; end; day_of_year = day_of_year'; %%%%% END ALGORITHM CODE %%%%% % end of GPS2UTC

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