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Doll Quilt Tutorial

Materials 5 Coordinating Quilting Fabrics Minky Dot Fabric Rotary Cutter and Rule (not necessary but handy) Coordinating Cotton Sewing Machine

Tutorial Lets start out by getting all the fabrics cut. Take your five coordinating fabrics ready to be cut. I use a rotary cutter, rule and cutting board to make this a lot easier. You will need to cut six 4x4 squares of each of your five fabrics. You will end up with thirty 4x4 squares of Quilting Fabric. Then you must cut thirty 4x4 squares of the Minky Dot Fabric. This will give you a quilt that will be 5x6 squares in size.

It is important to take your time here to ensure that all of your squares are square. It is also important to make sure that they are all 4x4 exactly. If you are careful with the cutting it will make the whole process of piecing together a lot easier. It will also ensure that your quilt is even and a regular rectangle.

Next we need to put all of the fabric squares together with a minky dot square wrong sides together. I have included a photo for those who do not know what I mean by the wrong side of the fabric/minky. Once you have all of your fabric squares with the minky it is time to hit the machine finally.

Next we stitch across both the diagonals of each fabric and minky square. This will mean that each fabric/minky sandwich ( so hard to know what to call it) will have an X on it. You can skip this step if you want, when no batting is used it isnt really necessary. I have done it as I think it makes it easier to put the sandwiches together and also because I want it to look quilted. If you choose not to move straight on to the next step of laying out the pieces xx

Lay out all of your stitched squares to form a pattern that you are happy. This will be how your quilt will look so it is worth taking the time to play around with the positioning of the fabrics. This will ensure that the overall look of the quilt is appealing, and that each individual fabric is placed next to its best possible mate xx Now it is time to stitch each horizontal line together, minky sides together. I start from the left and work my way across. N.B. when sewing with the right sides of Minky together it is important to use pins to stop it slipping as you sew. Use a inch seam when sewing the squares together. This will ensure that your quilt will be raggy when finished xx

Once you have all the horizontal lines stitched together it is time to more on to piecing all the lines together. Here it is also important to make sure you pin it all before sewing. By taking time at these steps you will ensure that your finished quilt is square.

I sewed the lines together by alternating the way in which the seams on the horizontal strips faced. I.e. On one square I would have both of the seams folded into the block (as in the purple gingham) and with the next I would have both seams folding away from the block (as in the solid pink) and so on. Continue until all horizontal strips are joined. YAY we have our quilt together!!!

Next it is time to stitch around the border of the quilt, once again using a inch seam. I laid all seams on the border flat i.e the minky can be seen.

Now the sewing is done, and it is time to get cutting AGAIN lol xx

Snip ALL seams at inch intervals. Be sure not to snip across the stitching {I left about 1/2cm}

Yes I know the snipping takes a loooonnnnggg time but it will be worth it in the end, trust me xx

And tada all finished.. Isnt it gorgeous?? {To fluff it up and make it raggy machine wash and tumble dry} Love Designer Mumma xx

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