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CHOICE OF PEOPLE The choice of people that they have in this advert is a young attractive woman because they

are implying that you will look like her younger and attractive. Y hi how are COULERS The main colour in this advert is pink implying that whatever the advert is selling it is for a female even though the actual product is black PROPS AND COUSTUMES The costume the they have put the model in is a bit revealing and there for become more attractive to the opposite sex. IMAGE SIZE The size of the product is not he biggest image because the acctuall product is not the main point of the advert the mai point of the advert is what you will look and feel like when you use it PRODUCT NAME The product name is French so I cant understand but I think that it probably means something romantic or something like that

FACIAL EXPRETIONS Her facial expressions are confident saying that you will feel confident and better about yourself.

BODY LANGUAGE Her body language is also confident and she is holding the perfume above her head as if it is the most important thing in the world youp OTHER IMAGES The other images in the advert are stars because they are saying that you are a star if you buy this product and reinforcing the product name black STAR FONT I think the different type of font is a bad thing because people wont recognise the brand when they see it when they are out and about. PRODUCT The product is shaped like a 3d star to tie in with all the other parts of the advert

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