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(44-45) 5-19 (2011)

: 551.4.03(497.723)

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In this paper are presented geomorphological and geoarchaeological characteristics of Tsotsev Kamen site which is located in the village Shopsko Rudare near
Kratovo. Actually, Tsotsev Kamen is remarkable like rock, built in andesitic ignimbrites with numerous denudation landforms on the surface and around. Except
these natural forms, different anthropogenic interventions like steps, basins, pools
etc., are clearly visible in the rock. For that reasons, some archaeologists assume
Tsotsev Kamen as a sacral place and even megalithic observatory.
Key words: geomorphology, denudation, Paleolithic, observatory

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(44-45) 5-19 (2011)


X-, XVI- , ( , , ,
.), . ,
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, , ,
. . , ,

. (2006): - , : , ,
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joins the grounds for sacri cial rituals, a temple, painted rock art and a prehistoric observatory. XXII Valcamonica Symposium, Italy 21-29
(1996), T 2, , , 189.
. 2010, , , , , 30-37.
. 2012 ( ), , 6, , .
., . (1976): .
. . - .
. (1993): , , .
. (1968): - ,
Masson E. (2007), Le site pr/protohistorique de Cocev kamen (Macdoine): ses
analogies avec des sites europens, 9, , 7-13.
. (2001):
, , ,
. (2006): , -,


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Milevski I. (2008): Basic geomorphologic characteristics of the west (Macedonian)

side of Osogovo Mountain Massif. Problems of Geography 2008/3-4, BAN,
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Milevski I. (2010): Geomorphological Characteristics of Kratovo-Zletovo Palaeovolcanic Area. Scientific Annals of the School of Geology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. 475-482.


Tsotsev Kamen is an interesting geomorphologic (denudation) occurrence in
stack-type rock, and also remarkable archaeological site. In fact, here the two
things are intertwined, because throughout the past, the man broke and formed
parts of the rock adjusting to their needs and goals.
Geologically, Tsotsev Kamen is composed of tuffs and andesitic ignimbrites of
upper-Miocene to lower-Pliocene age (6-10 million years). In the vicinity are still
present upper-Eocene sediments, colluvial and river sediments. Except andesites as
quite solid rocks that remained to stick out in relief, others are poorly resistant
rocks, which were eroded very quickly and taken away by fluvial denudation
processes. The very formation of the rock began with its disclosure by Vrlej river
waters, about 150,000 years ago or on the level of the river terrace of 60-70 m.
Before 50,000 years ago a river terrace of 30 m is created, and part of the rock (to
the level of lower cave) was above the riverbed. This means that from that period
(middle Paleolithic) until today, there were conditions for the settlement of the
rock and interventions on it. However, the rock was completely separated in relief
around 20,000-15,000 years ago (end of Wrm, which coincides with the end of
the late Paleolithic) when river Vrlej was cut to the river terrace of 10 m. During
Holocene, the intensity of erosive processes and the incision of Vrlej were significantly faster (about 0.8 mm/yr) due to favorable climate and anthropogenic impacts
through deforestation in the watershed, especially since the XVI century.
In terms of palaeogeographic features, from our previous research and datas
comes that from the beginning of the rock formation by the end of Wrm (12,000
years ago), the climate in this region was cooler and with less amount of rainfall.
Unlike today, the whole environment Tsotsev Kamen (Stone) was covered with
dense coniferous forest, humus-rich forest soils and numerous, but relatively weak
springs (due to the geological composition). Thus, although Vrlej over a year had a
significant amount of water, fluvial-denudation processes were slower. With
warming of climate during Holocene, the amount of spring and running water has
increased even more. Then probably anthropogenic impact was strengthened by
expanding arable land and pastures at the expense of forests, which in turn reinforced erosion. Probably in this period the man's reshaped 2 large caves, carved
staircases, swimming pools and other structures in the rock, which probably served
for ritual shrines function.

(44-45) 5-19 (2011)


Tsotsev Kamen began to form in the Middle Paleolithic, and during transition
from the Paleolithic to the late Mesolithic (which coincides with the beginning of
Holocene), already received modern morphological appearance. The two major
caves with southeast direction and many others smaller, in late Paleolithic were
above the water surface, suggest that may have been temporarily or longer inhabited by people in the past. Because of lack of cave sediments in both caves the
results in relation to earlier periods of the Neolithic, will stand at the current level
of research. Lack of Paleolithic, Mesolithic early-Neolithic sites in the Republic of
Macedonia now exclude the possibility of discussing issues related to evolutionary
trends of artifacts, especially those of carved stone found in the vicinity of Tsotsev
Kamen. But this discontinuity is artificial and due to incomplete survey of these
periods, and therefore cannot confirm or deny the existence of this type of prehistoric sites in the wider region of Kratovo.
From X-th century and especially after the XVI-th century of excessive and
almost complete destruction of forests in these areas (for ore melting, protection
from guerrillas during Karposh uprising, then expanding pastures, selling timber
for survival, etc.), the environment becomes completely degraded. The lack of forests, soils, surface waters, make living conditions in the vicinity of Tsotsev Kamen dramatically worse, while excessive erosion, droughts, floods and deposition
with sediments prevails. Such an unfavorable situation in this area continued until
today. Tsotsev Kamen however, remained a vivid testament to human activities in
the past and his primordial relationship with nature.

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