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DAILY LESSON PLAN Date : 5/3/07 Day : Monday Time : 9.45 10.

.15am Class : 2A Topic : Learning Area : Learning objectives: Learning outcomes:

Whole numbers Addition with the highest total of 1000 Understand addition as combining two groups of objects. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to add correctly two numbers without regrouping that is: a. a 3-digit number and a 1-digit number b. a 3-digit number and a 2-digit number, and c. two 3-digit numbers, orally and in written form. The pupils have already learned how to add two numbers up to two digits without regrouping. Cooperation, Neatness To generate ideas Flash card, worksheet. Teaching & learning activities 1. Teacher gives the pupils a few questions regarding the basic facts of addition. eg: 4 + 5 = ______ 2. Teacher asks the pupils to answer orally. 1. Teacher shows questions to the pupils and guide the pupils on how to solve it. 1. 521 + 6 = 2. 350 + 48 = 3. 647 + 102 = The teacher also include addition using standard written method. 2. Teacher write a few questions on the board and asks a few pupils to come in front to solve it. Remarks Resource: Flash cards. CCTS: To generate ideas. CCTS: To generate ideas

Pre-requisite knowledge: Inculcate values: Thinking skill: Resources: Step Induction set (5 minutes) Step 1 (10 minutes) Content Revision

Add two numbers up to three digits without regrouping.

Value: Cooperation Resource: Worksheet CCTS: To generate ideas Value: Neatness

Step 2 (10 minutes)

Individual activity


The teacher gives worksheet to the pupils and ask them to complete the answers in 8 minutes. Pupils carry out the addition mentally.

Closure (5 minutes)

Conclusion of today lesson

2. After finishing, teacher asks the pupils to pass up their work. Teacher again emphasize on using standard written method to solve addition of two number

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