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Archbishop: Most Rev. Dr. Eliud W. Wabukala
Provincial Secretary: Rev. Canon Rosemary M. Mbogo Provincial Accountant: jackson Kirikiru Provincial Treasurer: Dr. William O. Ogara =:~====~~_ Mobi le numbers: 0721968399. 0734916358 Email:archoffice@swilikcnya.cull1 Elm i I:ac k psofficc((IJsw i nh :ll) a ....:om Email:wo.ogara@ corawli"
Tel: 2714755 Tel : 271475213 Tel : 2714752/3 Tel : 890 16516

A.C.K. Garden House, 2nd Fir. Wing 'C' 1st NgongAvenue ~ P. O. Box 40502 00 100 NAIROBI Website:

On Wednesday January 1th , 2012 a reconciliation meeting was in Nairobi, Kenya, held between the leaders of the Angli can Mission in Ameri ca (AMiA) and the Province of th e Anglican Church of Rwanda (PEAR) at the invitati on of the Most Rev'd Dr. Eliud Wabukala, Archbi shop of the Anglican Church of Kenya (AC K) and Chairma n of th e Primates Council of th e Global Fellowship of Confess in g Angli ca ns (GAFCONjFCA) Present were the Most Rev'd Dr. Eliud Wabukala (ACK), the Most Rev'd Onesphore Rwage (PEAR), the Rt. Rev'd Lauren Mbanda (PEAR), the Rt. Rev'd Chuck Murphy (AMiA) and the Rt. Rev'd John Miller (AMiA) . Also present were the Most Rev'd Ikechi Nwosu (Church of Nigeria), the Rt. Rev'd Joseph Kanuku rACK), the Rt. Rev'd Timothy Ran ji (ACK), the Rt. Rev'd Julius Kalu (ACK) and the Rt. Rev'd Dr. Gideon Githiga (ACK). The Chairman made it clear that while there had bee n a painful and very public breakdown in the relationship betwe en the lea dersh ip of the Anglican Mission in America and the Anglican Church of Rwanda he was confide nt that by God's grace reco nciliat ion could be achieved and harmony restored. He invited both si des to present th eir concerns openly and urged all present to li sten praye rful ly. Bi shop Chuck Murphy began by expressing his profound regret for the broken re lationship and stressed his commitm ent to lead AMiA as a singl e- mind ed mi ss ion agency. He was deeply di stressed by the public accusations made against him but remains determined to fulfi ll the mandate that had been give n to him an d Bi shop John Rodgers when they were consecrated in Singa pore in Ja nu ary 2000, by Archbishops Kolini and Tay. Archbishop Onesphore Rwage also acknowledged his deep distress at th e broken relationships since he counted Bishop Murphy to be a frie nd of many years. He also expressed his appreciation for the amazing work that has bee n accomplish ed by the AMiA. Hi s concerns were focused on th e confusion bro ught abou t by th e continuing role of the form er Archbishop, the lack of fin ancial transparency and the r ecently announced plans to separate from the Church of Rwanda and funct ion independently without adeq uate prayer or consultation.

Afte r a lengthy discussion between all parties, including those prese nt as observers, the foll owing poi nts were agreed to : 1. They were all reso lved that forgiveness should come from both sid es of the divide. 2. Th e fo unding Fat hers (Archbishops Koli ni, Young and Tay) shoul d w ork together with the incumbent Archbi shop of Rwanda w ith the former acknowledging t he ecclesi astical a uth ority of th e latter. 3. The Church of Rwanda agreed to stop looking at AMiA's mista kes and loo k forward and walk together for the sake of the Gospel. 4. AM iA agreed that they rema in ca nonica lly under the Church of Rwanda a nd accept the doctrine of forgiveness. 5. The Archbi shop of Rwa nda and Bishop Murphy agreed t o start the process of forgive ness w ith both acknowledging that th ings went wro ng between them. They both agreed that when they start talki ng together t he misunderstandings w ill be clari fied and corrected. 6. AM iA agreed to continue to work with th e Church of Rwanda and that other pl ans for r estructuring will be put on hold for six (6) months to allow time for heali ng and for other frui tful discussion s. 7. The next steps fo r the two lea ders woul d be for the Archbishop of Rwa nda to ta lk w ith hi s House of Bishops and for Bishop Chuck Murphy to meet with his Co unci l of Bishops t o begin the work of reco ncil iation between both groups. Archbishop Eliud commended those gat hered for th eir hard work and determination to allow the Holy Spi rit to break down barriers of misundersta nding and begin the pro cess of healing an d rest oration. He assur ed them of hi s prayers as they move fo rwa rd together walking in the light of God's amazing grace. On behalf of all those who gathered

;:::;:::The Most Rev'd Eliud Wabukala January 17, 2012

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