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Leadership as a concept permeates structures the theory and practice of work organisations. And hence the way we understand management leadership has been conceived as a matter personality, as a particular behaviour, as a matter of contingency, as a power of relation, as the focus of group process and combinations of these variables. Leadership as a social influence process, more critical account of tend to focus on the hierarchical forms to which it gives rise, power relation ships and gender dominance and also is viewed broadly as a dialectical process, Leadership is the process where in an individual member of group or organisation influences. The interpretation of events, the choice of objectives and strategies, the organisation of work activities the motivation of people to achieve the objectives, the maintenance of cooperative relation ships, the development of skill and confidence by members and the enlistment of support and cooperation from people outside the group and organisation as well.

Leadership theory is the fundamental of an interpersonal process involving (dyadic) relationships (that is relationship between two parties) Behavioural theories are the proposing specific behaviours differentiate leaders from non leaders. Initiative structure is the extent to which a leader is likely to define his role and those subordinates in the search of goal attainment. Consideration is the extent to which a leader is likely to have a job relationship characterise by mutual trust, respect for subordinates idea and regard for their feedings. Leadership is the ability to lead others is a fundamental quality sought by organisation or is about coping with change and establishes direction by developing a vision of the future then they align people by communicating this vision. And ability to influence a group toward of achievement of goals

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