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Executive report

ve predictive imperatives for

Customer Value
Table of Contents
Executive summary One: Base your customer strategy on predictive proles Two: Predict the best way to win the right customers cost-effectively Three: Predict the best way to grow customer relationships Four: Predict the best way to keep the right customers longer Five: Put predictive intelligence to work in your customer strategy and at every touchpoint 2 6 8 10 12 14

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the ve predictive imperatives: executive summary

Predictive analytics
are essential to maximizing customer value
Customer analytics are quickly emerging as the key to driving customer value and returns from CRM systems. But historical analytics only give you a rearview mirror of your customer relationships offering little support for the decisions that shape the future. To manage the future of your customer relationships and maximize their value requires the visibility that only predictive analytics can provide.


connections to accurately predict what is of value to customers Customers rule the economy so you can deliver value and satisfy customer needs. Whether you call solving the business problems related to The basic concept behind maximizing customer lifetime customer protability customer relationship management value is simple deliver value to your customers in order (CRM) or just good business, focusing on successful one-toto maximize their value to your organization. When youre one relationships has become an imperative. Customers are able to deliver what a customer needs whats valuable to in charge in this increasingly global and competitive marketthem theyre most likely to respond by buying more of place they drive prots. Many analysts and journalists are your products and services and become more valuable to even calling this a customer economy. Customers have your organization. This is a protable relationship for both more choices available to them than ever. Leading companies you and your customer. And protable relationships drive know that in this age of empowered customers, the value of returns from operational CRM systems. your organization is directly tied to the Maximizing the lifetime value of your value of your customer relationships. customers has become vital to maximizing Knowing what customers are going to Organizations that dont your organizations overall value and want next and keeping them happy protability. And a deep set of analytical throughout the customer lifecycle is embrace analytics as a capabilities is essential to predicting critical to the survival of your company. component of their CRM customer needs accurately so you can The companies that excel at anticipating interact more protably making customer needs will be the companies strategies are ultimately customers happy and increasing their that thrive in the customer economy. value to your organization at the same time. going to fail at CRM. Many CRM initiatives Analytics drive CRM returns are failing META Group A few years ago, analytics didnt come up Ever increasing numbers of businesses much in CRM conversations. Now leading in every industry are implementing CRM experts are nearly unanimous when it comes to analytics CRM strategies and undertaking massive, enterprise-wide warning that analytics not only help improve customer migrations from product focus to customer focus. Yet many relationships, theyre essential to success. As industry analyst of these CRM initiatives oftentimes with seven-gure META Group states, Organizations that dont embrace analytics investments in operational CRM software are failing to deliver as a component of their CRM strategies are ultimately going signicant value to customers and generate high returns. to fail at CRM. Operational CRM systems such as sales force automation or Companies typically start with historical CRM analytics call center systems provide the necessary foundation for such as reports and OLAP that focus on understanding and better customer relationships by improving your connection to measuring the outcome of past decisions and results. But these customers. But they dont do much to improve your understandrear-view mirror technologies cant provide you with a clear ing of customers so you can improve relationships and maximize picture of the future they only give you a view of the road lifetime value. Protable customer relationships involve far behind you. And a view of the road behind you has limited usemore than just being connected to your customers. You must fulness for making decisions about the future of your company. continually learn from the data produced by all of your customer


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the ve predictive imperatives: executive summary

Evolution of analytical CRM

Customer data are the essence of CRM. Analysis of those data drives CRM returns. Heres how a company with a customer retention problem has evolved its analytical capabilities an evolution to solving the problems that affect future prots in real time. The company began with reports that gave them simple measurements; added OLAP to drill-down to more detail; focused on the future with data mining; and used data mining results to personalize interactions with the offers most likely to improve retention.

The predictive imperative Industry leaders are realizing that forward-looking analytics are imperative to making the better decisions that solve business problems and maximize customer value. Theyre evolving their analytical capabilities by adding data mining technology to their operational CRM systems because they know that if they dont, theyll perish at the hands of competitors that do. Data mining looks forward to tell you what is most likely to happen giving you the power to measure the future of your customer relationships so you can better manage them. The most evolved analytical CRM continuously applies predictive data mining techniques and deploys the results enterprise-wide. This is how the SPSS helps people maximize the lifetime value of customers. We combine measurement, prediction and real-time deployment of results to provide companies with the analytical power they need to constantly improve protability and competitiveness. SPSS helps companies maximize customer protability

throughout the entire life cycle from winning protable customers to keeping them longer with predictive models that improve decision making and help people plan the best way to interact. We help companies learn how to deliver the products and services that are of value to their customers so they can maximize their lifetime value. Leading organizations the world over capitalize on their data with our scalable, cost-effective analytical technologies. Forward-thinking leaders turn to SPSS to analyze their data with the best and broadest range of analytics available to create actionable, accurate predictive intelligence. And we help them put that predictive intelligence to work with deployment capabilities that enable them to make better decisions, develop prediction-based customer strategies and improve relationships at every point of interaction. Prediction helps companies maximize customer lifetime value with the actions most likely to win the right customers cost-effectively, grow those relationships and keep good customers longer.


SPSS customers typically begin by focusing predictive analytics on solving the most pressing problem in their customer lifecycle, proving ROI there, and proceeding through the lifecycle in priority order.

Get high returns quickly with low costs SPSS generates a higher return on investment with a lower total cost of ownership in comparison to other analytical frameworks for improving customer relationships because we provide the broadest, most cost-effective predictive analytics. Our deep analytics are easy to use by both analysts and the decision makers on your front line. That means faster time-to-results and lower training costs. And our analytics integrate seamlessly within your existing systems to minimize IT costs. Unlike many offerings for analytical CRM which require great leaps of capital spending before proving any return on investment SPSS tools and services help people quickly solve their most pressing CRM problem rst and then proceed with a phased approach to address other problems in the customer lifecycle from there. Our customers maximize customer value using proven SPSS analytical tools to solve their most pressing customer relationship problem and then move on in priority order through a continual process of problem solving with predictive analytics.

The five predictive imperatives

Based on over 30 years of experience working with a wide range of companies, we've identied the following predictive imperatives best practices used by leading organizations to maximize customer value with predictive analytics.

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Base your customer strategy on predictive proles Predict the best way to win the right customers cost-effectively Predict the best way to grow customer relationships Predict the best way to keep the right customers longer Use predictive intelligence to drive your customer strategy and interactions at every touchpoint


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the ve predictive imperatives: imperative one

Base your customer strategy on predictive proles

Get to know your customers better using predictive proles. Unlock the value in your customer data through predictive analysis to continually dene smaller and smaller customer segments. Then use predictive proles of each segment to protably serve smaller and smaller audiences.
Start getting to know your customers better by using SPSS analytical tools to segment customers and create predictive proles of each segment then use those proles as the foundation for your customer strategy. Deep, accurate predictive proles are the essential foundation of any customer strategy and CRM initiative helping your organization improve every customer interaction and focus on the areas predicted to generate the highest returns. Decision makers use predictive proles to create a strategy for each customer segment and ultimately each customer


as part of a strategy to maximize customer lifetime value. For example, the primary focus of your strategy for high-value customers will most likely be retention. But is there still room for growth in the relationship? What is your most valuable segment of customers likely to want next? Understand the subtleties of each segment with our broad range of analytical techniques. Segment your customers The road to real-life one-to-one customer relationships is a continual process of learning to serve smaller and smaller audiences protably. Understanding the basic segments of your current customers and their lifetime value is the necessary foundation of any customer strategy for winning protable customers, growing those relationships and keeping them longer. By understanding the customers most likely to purchase your products or services, you can focus your marketing programs to get the highest possible response and return on your marketing investment. Dene your initial, major customer value groups and initiate a business process of continual improvement that works toward true one-to-one customer understanding and interaction. As you move along in your continual process of customer segmentation, your segments get smaller and smaller until youre able to dene segments of one for truly one-to-one relationships. Segmenting your customers by value, behavior, demographics and even by attitudes provides the solid foundation needed for one-to-one customer interaction by providing well-rounded customer understanding. A recent article in the Harvard Business Review agrees that segmentation is an essential piece of any customer strategy, Effective customer relationship management is based on good old-fashioned segmentation analysis. And SPSS has been helping people improve customer relationships with the leading products for segmentation analysis for as long as there has been segmentation analysis over 30 years. The article goes on to explain, To implement CRM without conducting segmentation analyses and determining

marketing goals would be like trying to build a house without engineering measures or an architectural plan. Segmenting your customers by value, behavior, demographics and even by attitudes provides the solid foundation needed for one-to-one customer interaction by providing you well-rounded customer understanding. Segmentation by value starts building an understanding of who your most valuable customers are. Segmentation by behavior helps you know who is most likely to purchase your products or services, you can use marketing funds more wisely and increase effectiveness with focused promotions. Segmentation by demographic and other supplemental data adds another dimension of customer understanding to help create the most complete proles. Segmentation by attitude. One of the best ways to know how to satisfy customers is to come right out and ask them directly through survey research. Attitudinal survey data adds a dimension to your customer understanding that would be difcult to achieve any other way. Create predictive proles of each segment Once youve identied the segments of customers who use and value your products and services, the next step is to understand the important characteristics of these individuals. Understanding unique customer characteristics empowers your organization with invaluable insight. Our wide range of proling techniques help you dene deeper, predictive customer proles for more precise interactions to improve program effectiveness, increase repeat business and earn the loyalty of your customers. The more you know about your most and least protable customers, their purchase patterns, buying behaviors and demographic proles the more intimate and protable your relationships become.


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the ve predictive imperatives: imperative two

Predict the best way

to win the right customers cost-effectively
Inefcient customer acquisition or attraction of unprotable customers creates a deep loss that is often difcult to recoup throughout the rest of the customer lifecycle. SPSS helps people win the right customers costeffectively using predictive analysis.
Miami Herald Publishing uses SPSS predictive analysis techniques to focus its marketing programs to generate the highest possible response and return on investment. In the past, the Heralds database marketing group contacted all of the households in its market area when presenting shortterm subscription offers resulting in a high cost per new subscriber. To increase protability, the Herald used data mining techniques, such as segmentation and customer proling, to focus marketing efforts on the households most likely to be stable, protable customers. What if you had the predictive analytical power to target


new marketing programs only on the people most likely to respond and become protable customers. How much would that improve your marketing ROI? Create a prediction-based customer attraction strategy Minimize your acquisition costs by using predictive customer proles, response modeling and even prospect surveys to focus your customer attraction strategy on winning the right customers. By understanding the prospects most likely to purchase your products or services, you can focus your marketing programs to get the highest possible response and return on investment. Create a cost-effective attraction strategy that includes separate plans for each customer segment. For example, most companies will want to focus their attraction efforts on winning over prospects that t the prole of their best, most protable customers. But other segments may have more room to grow over the long term or may be more cost-effective to attract possibly the best option when marketing budgets are tight. Creating attraction strategies based on predictive intelligence enables you to focus your marketing budget on the areas most likely to generate high returns. Optimize your customer attraction strategy with response modeling Fine-tune your customer attraction plans by using response modeling to predict which marketing programs will generate the highest response before possibly investing your marketing budget on the wrong target. Response modeling is used throughout the customer lifecycle to provide the predictive intelligence needed to make smarter marketing decisions and improve customer targeting. Maximize the impact of your marketing dollar and optimize attraction efforts by combining predictive customer proles with intelligence on which campaigns will generate the highest response.

Improve conversion rates with prospect surveys Even prospects that you arent able to convert into customers have potential value to your organization. Survey high-value prospects that you failed to convert and use predictive analysis to learn where you went wrong, and more importantly what you need to change in the future to earn their business. Then add that predictive intelligence to your customer attraction strategy to improve your conversion rate and increase customer lifetime value.

Build predictive analysis into your customer relationships to learn from the data generated by every interaction. Use your data to know customers better with predictive proles and intelligence on each customer segment and use that intelligence to improve customer interactions and maximize customer lifetime value.


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the ve predictive imperatives: imperative three

Predict the best way to

grow customer relationships

Predictive analysis helps us contact the right people at the right time with the right offer. And, SPSS has given us the power to do just that.
Joe Somma Manager of customer acquisition and research HSBC Bank USA

To maximize customer growth and increase customer lifetime value you need to predict what customers are most likely to want and value next. SPSS helps people grow customer relationships with predictive analytics.
HSBC Bank USA uses SPSS predictive analysis techniques to know what its customers value. This enabled them to predict customer needs and boost sales by up to 50 percent. Predictive analysis helps us contact the right people at the right time with the right offer. And, SPSS has given us the power to do just that, says Joe Somma, HSBC Bank USAs manager of customer acquisition and research. By targeting customers more accurately, HSBC not only uncovers the most promising prospects for a particular product, they also save money by not contacting those customers who do not t the predictive prole. Direct Wines the worlds largest mail order wine company works with SPSS to contact the right customer at the right time with the right offer. SPSS predictive analysis



techniques help the company increase customer value with targeted cross-selling delivering personalized interactions and consistent customer experiences across call center, direct marketing and Web channels. This has helped Direct Wines grow signicantly, even faster than the market for wine. As Jon White, Customer Database Analyst, explains, We could not have grown as a company without SPSS. Sofmap a leading computer retailer in Japan also used SPSS predictive analytics to grow customer relationships and improve prots through better cross-selling. Sofmap used data mining to build an engine that powers their Web site with product recommendations predicted to be of value to customers and increased prots by 300 percent. Create a prediction-based customer growth strategy Grow your customer relationships by using predictive proles, product-afnity models, segment- migration models, response models and even survey research to add solid predictive intelligence to your customer strategy. Increase the lifetime value of your customers with the predictive intelligence to know what products and services they care about. Your customers will be more satised with your service, reinforcing their decision to buy from you again and again. SPSS helps you dig deeper into your customer data to uncover complex purchasing behavior and identify sales opportunities. Create predictive intelligence about what similar customers buy, and which products are bought together, so you can increase sales by repeating the promotion to customers with similar proles. Discover product afnities While your customers may seem to be making random purchasing decisions, in fact people often purchase products and services together or in sequence. By analyzing your customers market baskets, or products and services that they tend to purchase at the same time, you can sell them more products and services, maximizing their value to your enterprise. Understanding what, why and when your customers buy can

lead to higher sales and more satised customers. By applying data mining techniques to your historical sales data, you can discover new associations and understand what customers purchase and who those customers are. Predict segment migration Which customers will grow and by how much? Which will become less valuable? Use predictive segmentation modeling to learn what characteristics are linked with migration between customer value segments. Then add that predictive intelligence to your customer growth strategy to plan customer growth for each segment. Optimize your customer growth strategy with response modeling Fine-tune your customer growth plans by using response modeling to predict which marketing programs will generate the highest response before possibly investing your marketing budget on the wrong target. Response modeling is used throughout the customer lifecycle to provide the predictive intelligence needed to make smarter marketing decisions. British Telecom used SPSS predictive response modeling to provide its sales and marketing department with solid predictive intelligence a targeted best prospects list that improved a direct mail campaigns response rate by 100 percent. That same predictive modeling power can be put to use to optimize your customer growth strategy and boost your marketing return on investment. Grow relationships by asking customers what they want Using the data you already have to predict customer needs is a powerful way to improve interactions and lifetime value. But sometimes it is just as effective or even more so to just come right out and ask customers what they want. Survey your customers and use predictive analysis to improve your customer growth strategy with a better understanding of customer needs so you can maximize customer lifetime value.



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the ve predictive imperatives: imperative four

Predict the best way to

keep the right customers longer
SPSS empowered us to know ahead of time when a customer is at risk of leaving. Now we can take the appropriate action to keep them
Jorge Portugal BES Strategic Marketing Director Banco Esprito Santo

Customer acquisition can cost 5 to 12 times more than retention so keeping your best customers happy is essential. Improving your customer retention rate by just 5 percent can increase an organizations protability by 25 to 100 percent.
SPSS helps people keep the right customer longer with predictive analytics. We help companies identify customers who arent satised before they end their relationship and predict which actions will earn their loyalty. We help leading organizations identify whos likely to defect and even more importantly why. Customer attrition is a very costly business problem especially for nancial services companies. Banco Esprito Santo (BES) fought the spread of an eroding customer base with data mining identifying key behaviors of customers likely to leave the bank. As Jorge Portugal, BES Strategic Marketing Director explains, SPSS empowered us to know ahead of time when a customer is at risk of leaving. Now we can take the appropriate action to keep them. By focusing retention efforts on their most valuable customers, BES



reduced attrition by 15 to 20 percent and increased prots by 10 to 20 percent. Whats your customer retention rate today? Do you know? How are you going to improve it? What if you had the predictive analytical power to know which actions would keep your most protable customers longer? And what if you knew which customers were most likely to remain unprotable and drain revenue? Imagine if you had that predictive intelligence available to create a customer retention strategy. Identify customers who arent satised before they end their relationship with you and predict which actions will earn their loyalty. Identify whos likely to defect and even more importantly why. Create a prediction-based customer retention strategy Keep your best customers longer by using predictive proles of your best customers, attrition models, and even survey research to add solid predictive intelligence to your customer strategy. Adding prediction intelligence to your customer retention strategy provides the early warning you need to take action to keep your best customers longer and improve customer lifetime value. Use predictive proles as the basis for a customer retention strategy that includes separate plans for each customer segment. Then improve your retention strategy with attrition models, and even survey research. Create predictive attrition models Identify which customers are most likely to defect and most importantly why. By applying data mining techniques to your customer, prospect and marketing data, you can discover patterns and develop proles of customers who have defected, enabling you to understand why they left. SPSS delivers the resources you need to use data and technology to manage and reduce customer churn. SPSS brings powerful analytics to every step of your churn and attrition process, pinpointing when and why certain customers defect, and helping you identify strategies to keep them as satised customers.

With predictive analysis, you can develop effective retention campaigns, and reduce costs, by identifying the greatest number of potential churners within the smallest percentage of your customer base. Then isolate your most protable customers by using predictive models to rank customers by value as well as propensity to churn. Conduct and analyze satisfaction surveys Satisfaction surveys have always been a powerful way to get an early warning when customers arent happy in time to take action and earn their loyalty. Knowing customers well enough to earn their loyalty is a critical issue in most industries but especially so in the intensely competitive world of air transportation. AMR, parent company of American Airlines, gets to know their customers better through survey research. Making sense of all that valuable data is the responsibility of AMRs Consumer Research Department, and of Senior Analyst King Douglas. Since adding SPSS predictive analysis technology to its systems, the department has increased productivity by 300 percent. And that increased productivity helps AMR improve loyalty. According to Douglas, our senior managers are alerted to potential problems a lot more quickly and accurately. That helps them take action, and ultimately, ensure more people are in our seats, rather than those of our competitors. Improve your retention rate by surveying customers, analyzing that data with predictive analytics, and adding the predictive intelligence to your customer retention strategy to help maximize customer lifetime value. Conduct and analyze exit surveys Even customers that you arent able to retain have potential value to your organization. Survey customers that you failed to retain and use predictive analysis to learn where you went wrong and more importantly what you need to change in the future to improve your retention rate. Then add that predictive intelligence to your customer retention strategy to help maximize customer lifetime value.



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the ve predictive imperatives: imperative five

Use predictive intelligence

to drive your customer strategy and interactions at every touchpoint
If you dont put your predictive customer intelligence to work throughout your organization, you wont generate high returns. Its that simple. SPSS helps people use predictive intelligence to maximize customer value in two ways deployment to decision makers and deployment to systems.
Monitor and manage customer value SPSS deployment technologies make it easy for you to distribute results in a Web browser to decision makers throughout your organization and keep them up to date. Empowered with the ability to interact with this predictive intelligence, your managers can create a customer strategy based on an accurate view of the future. Management gurus tell us that we cannot manage what we do not measure. This is certainly true of customer relationship management. Protable customer relationships and business in general



requires precise, timely measurement of the factors affecting your bottom line. SPSS helps improve customerfocused decision making with a wide range of measurements that not only measure past performance they provide the view of the future necessary to maximize customer lifetime value. Vital summaries can be delivered via Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Performance Predictors (KPPs), supported by drill downs to reporting, OLAP, graphing and mapping. KPIs give your decision makers a quick view of what has happened while KPPs provide predictions at-aglance for a view of the future. Align everyone in your organization around a quick highlevel view of present and predicted performance toward CRM goals with the ability to easily drill down through multiple levels of detail to pinpoint opportunities and identify problems. This unrivaled combination of measurement technologies delivers unrivaled management of customer lifetime value. Everything decision makers need to monitor the factors that affect customer protability is available through Web browsers.

With this relevant, timely information at their ngertips, your decision makers make more informed decisions every time. Power CRM systems with prediction We help your organization continually generate a high return on your data investment with deployment technology that easily integrates predictive intelligence into your CRM systems. Deploy results to every touchpoint from your call center to your Web site to drive true personalization and protability. For example, build predictive results into your Web site visitors will be automatically scored and presented with the offer most likely to result in a sale. Or build predictive results into your call center so callers are scored and reps know whats needed to keep the customer happy. Every bit of data you have coming in from these systems becomes fuel for driving future customer interactions and the future of your organization with the valuable intelligence required to realize high returns.

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Heres an example of predictive intelligence deployed to a call center application. The call center rep has all of the predictive intelligence needed to have the best chance of keeping this customer happy and driving lifetime value. The rep knows the customers lifetime value (1), their risk of churning (2) and the recommendation most likely to keep the customer happy (3). That recommendation can even be rened in real-time while the representative is talking to the customer by conducting a brief needs assessment survey. The rep then feeds that survey data into the call center application, and a new recommendation is generated based on the predictive model.



Award-winning products and services for

maximizing customer value
Interacting with customers protably requires a wide range of analytical techniques and deployment capabilities. Our broad range of award-winning analytical products and services delivers on this by providing your organization with the complete range of enterprise-strength analytical capabilities needed to maximize customer lifetime value.

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SPSS Inc. (Nasdaq: SPSS) headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA, is a multinational computer software company providing technology that transforms data into insight through the use of predictive analytics and other data mining techniques. The company's solutions and products enable organizations to manage the future by learning from the past, understanding the present, as well as predicting potential problems and opportunities. For more information, visit


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