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How to instalasi ubuntu server in virtualbox open virtualbox in the installation of ubuntu server virtualbox the first time

that needs to be done by choosing a new means to create new virtual machines and the image can below

after that will appear like this are required to fill out your name and choose the operating system that is here to choose a ubuntu while tap next to the next stage

further define the basis for memory is suggasted here actually is 512 MB but I changed it to 1024MB while tap next to the next stage

while tap next to the next stage

while tap next to the next stage

here are required to choose the location where to store it's data and then determine the size of memory to use for example a used 2.77 GB . while tap next to the next stage

while tap creat to the next stage

after complation will perform the following figure. Then click on ubuntu after that click start while tap next to the next stage and select browse to locate ubuntu iso file and click next to the next stage

If the settings are done now been able to start install ubuntu in virtual box after a run will display as shown below select the language selected here language

Next select which one will be installed the ubuntu server install and then immediately enter it

Conduct or choose locationya is here to choose united states

Proceed to configure the kayboardnya but here select no course

Configure the keyboard its select usa

Specify the name used as a user here is ubuntu and the password that will be used also

Choosing configuring tasksel to select no automatic updates if you do not want to do updates

This display can software to be installed

If steps - steps have been done then that will be displayed if it is done as below

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