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Prakerin activity report First of all let us say gratitude to Almighty Allah who has given pleasure to us and

do not forget coincided greetings we speak to our prophet Muhammad who brought the teachings of a definite point. Here I will present a series of reports prakerin little about which we have lived for 90 days. Prakerin often done by children who smk which aims to improve the ability of a student smk which will be ready to work in corporate offices both domestic and private property. I myself was a child who went to smk SMK Muhammadiyah 5 range and I also had to undergo prakerin for 90 days starting from the 10th of August 2010 s / d 10 October 2010. At that time I and 11 of my friends are anuari Nasution, nurul huda, tiaras Afni, rani, Sundari, fitri, virgin yani, Sri Rahayu, siti hariati, sri mandasari and novita prakerin sahfitri have the opportunity to hone the district office where we all can see directly the people renowned in the area hone it. And I myself was the chairman of the group designated by the supervising teacher to control the activities of our prakerin. I and 11 of my friends in the right place at the regional secretariat. Me and my 3 friends anuari Nasution, sri mandasari, and rani in place in the social, and we are in for the following tasks: no name Activity Operate a computer Andika fauji 2 Anuari Nasution agenda letter 3 Ranita moon juice mail Archiving 4 Sri mandasari Secretary leaders All jobs are given to us, can be resolved well and our coach was named pack sahfik proud of our work. During prakerin much knowledge I had acquired my knowledge of the world and offices are increasing rapidly, but it is very regrettable time in our perakerin so short when I want to know more about the world of office management. Prakerin activities are interesting and can be

used as experience for me Maybe it's just a bias I describe in this report are more and less I apologize Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb

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