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DC Bicycle Advisory Council Facilities Committee Meeting Feb.

1, 2011 Colonel Brooks Tavern, Brookland, NE DC 6:10PM 7:50PM Attendees: Mike Goodno Liam Healy Eric Rosenberg Jeanie Osburn DDOT Ward 6 At Large (M. Brown) Ward 5; BAC FAC Chair


-Facilities input to DC Bicycle Master Plan update -Summer rides

Mike Goodno brought copies of the DC Bicycle Master Plan, a scorecard he did for the FAC in the fall, and a copy of the Chicago MP update ( Eric brought a copy of the Fundamentals of Bicycle Boulevard Planning and Design from Portland ( The discussion began with recognition of the importance of goals and some idea of general facilities goals which need to be incorporated into the plan including (but not limited to): Connectivity of bicycle facilities both within DC and to other jurisdictions Trail/path maintenance Completing the MBT (thats Jeanie-speak ;-> ) Bicycle parking- specifically making sure the installation of bike parking exceeds former levels taking into consideration lost parking from removal of other bike parking including, for example, parking meters (and David Alexander wasnt even there!) The BAC FAC recognized that the entire BAC must address the broad scope of updating the Master Plan, with goals such as Increase the opportunities of people to ride bicycles throughout the city. Our follow-up lively discussion highlighted some specific areas underlying the broad goals, the need to build upon successes such as increased lane striping, bikeshare, bike stations and to avoid setbacks or unmet challenges such as building evolution into the plan (use of the DC BMP against bicycle lanes on NM Ave), trail/path/lane maintenance, and getting bicycle planning a seat at the initial planning table. The committee recognized that some issues that surfaced (bike education/safety/laws) were the purview of other committees as well as the entire BAC, and the FAC tried to focus on facilities issues exclusively. Other discussion centered around integrating mode shares, bike/ped/transit/auto into an entire transportation plan which was recognized as Complete Streets, so the BMP update should refer to and complement plans such as Complete Streets and the eventual Pedestrian Master Plan. Thus connectivity included not just the actual trails, but also how bicycling meshes with the other modes of transportation. Eric asked Mike about DDOTs bicycle counts and whether they were counting what they aimed to count. He cited as an example NYC trying to count commuter traffic, but actually counting courier traffic across Central Park. Mike agreed to send Eric bicycle count statistics.

In discussions of successes, the bikeshare program was a hot topic, and several questions arose regarding the connectivity of the network and tapping into unused markets. Those questions needed Chris Hs expertise. Jeanie will ask Jim to have Chris speak at the next BAC meeting. We then progressed to the topic of rides for April, June, and August. April 19- (Note: NOT 1st Tuesday) Start time/place- 6PM SW corner of Nationals Stadium (corner of Potomac and S. Cap SE) Ride focus- South Capitol Street Trail June 7Start time/place TBD by Mike Goodno Ride focus- Ward 3 bicycle boulevards as part of the Ward 3 livability study August 2Start time/place- McPherson Square 6PM Ride focus- riding from downtown to some sites (tidal basin, Nats ball park, Cap Hill) using bikeshare. We discussed that this ride should focus on the tourists experience in navigating to popular destinations. Mike also talked about DDOT wanting input from the BAC on difficult intersections such as RI Ave and 5th St. NW. There are many such problematic intersections in DC, and Mike will compile a list of them. Also, Eric will send Mike the intersections he knows to be problematic. Given our above schedule of rides does not include the problem intersections, the committee decided we could perhaps address some of them by looking at maps and having members who are familiar with and/or live close provide first-hand input. One other topic that was addressed was the draft BAC response to the GSA EIS for St. Elizabeths and how that impacts the S. Cap Trail. There has been response from only Meredith and Eric thus far, and for a letter to go out from the entire BAC, there needs to be at least a quorum saying Yay. Another issue is confusion over what the email/snailmail BAC address should be and who should send the letter. Eric agreed to send Jeanie specific information on return address, who should send, and Jeanie agreed to send the draft back out to the BAC for a vote. Jeanie noted Wells and Thomas are on board to fight for the S. Cap Trail. It would be embarrassing if BAC didnt actually come through with a letter. Action Items: Mike GoodnoGet bike counts to Eric Determine starting point and highlights for June ride Compile a list of problematic intersections Send Liam latest information on the 11th St, SE Bridge Jeanie OsburnAsk Jim Sebastian to have Chris address the BAC in March Get draft EIS response out again to BAC for a vote Eric RosenbergFigure out a loop ride from downtown to sites and return Send Jeanie details on sending out official BAC correspondence Send Mike the problematic intersections he knows about.

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