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Mast Head; one letter Representing the magazine name, monolithic makes it simple but eye catching.

Connotations of Q imply that it is different as the letter Q isn t really used.

Banner at the top first thing we look at

We are given a close up shot used from a straight face on angle which makes the image more rock star than pop star

Colour pallet - bold strong colours to attract the audience. (Using the colour grey in different tones to blend in the white colour)

The target audience is normally for around 20 + ages however the image of Cheryl close invites a younger audience as she is more contemporary and main stream

Layering background, text, masthead, banner, barcode Three different types of fonts used which ties in with our 3 different colours.

The centre image of Cheryl Cole; dressed in black and looking extremely pale, bright red lipstick, which ties in with the colour scheme, wearing a metal studded ring which can easily reflect the theme of rock.

Uses the reader knowledge 3 words of Cheryl Coles famous singles this then means that Cheryl Coles fans can relate to her and may be more encourage d and interested to buy this magazine which is helping the selling of Q .

Genre of this magazine is Rock we know this as it links up with the colour scheme and also the word ROCKS which is located at the bottom of the magazine which directly shows up the genre.

Capturing close up shot, standing out with 3 bold simple colour tones.

The barcode is directly beneath the magazine title, this makes it more practical to be scanned when bought as it is easily located insight.

Colour pallet bold strong colours to attract the audience

This is a Banner and which is text that stands out because it s on a coloured background.

Genre: Rock, mainstream

Bold red writing The new American heart throb, Zac Efron . This red colour connotates love and also helps stand out to the reader. This mid shot is used to attract the audience as the image is showing off half of his body therefore people mostly girls will be drawn to the magazine to buy it. Intended audience is "middle of the road rock fans of all ages" Including the word sex attracts a teenager audience to the magazine as this is an interest in them American Indie Q magazine

The name and logo of the magazine is called the Mast Head and is one of the main parts of the magazine to stand out and let the audience know what magazine it is. Half the name of the magazine hidden as people may pick it up to and take more time to realize what it is attracting people s eye. It also shows that the magazine is well-known to its audience so can easily be recognised and no need for the full title shown.

The blank white parts of a page other than text or pictures are known as White Space this is used so that the front cover is not overcrowded . Using Zac Efron covering up the rest of the title also mean that the magazine wants the readers to recognise the artist before magazine by using celebrity endorsement to attract audience to buy. Bar code located bottom right so when scanning when purchasing makes it easier to get to as it isn t at a weird angle also bottom right is usually the last thing that we are drawn to when reading or look at something such as a magazine or book.

Bar code
The bar code is essential to the cover and it usually includes general information about the magazine for example th dare and price as well as the NME wesbite. The font is small and irrelevant to the rest of the cover.

Colour pallet

This banner is an advertisement that contrasts with the magazine which can draw attention to it. The writing matches the extra magazine that is advertised, and although the writing goes across the page, it is the brightness and size of the picture that gets the audiences attention. If on a news stand as it is placed along the top it can easily been seen and draw readers in so NME can see this as helping the magazine to sell.

Main Image
The main image is a mid shot of Mark Ronson and is positioned off centre more to the right his head is placed off centre but he is still looking at the camera. As he is holding the broken trumpet we can see that he is mocking himself slightly which matches his pose. The black tshirt he is wearing matches the colour scheme yet the blue of his denim jacket and the gold trumpet contrast, which makes the title stand out more and making the actually image stand out against the background.

The main focus of the cover line is the bolder text at the beginning of each name of the band that the cover line concerns. This cover there are two types of cover lines, the ones that talk about the main feature of Mark Ronson and what his interview is about in the magazine and the other tells the reader of the other features in the magazine. We can easily see the difference between them as the ones about Mark Ronson match the font of the main cover line, and the background colour of the text matches the colour of the main cover line. Whereas the other features have a different font, colour and they also do not have colour backgrounds instead linking more to the banner that is placed at the top. The cover line at the bottom is very simple and includes other bands that also feature in the magazine these match the font of the main cover it matches colour scheme as well as contrasting to the background.

Mast Head
The masthead is the largest text on the page and goes under the photograph. The bright colour of this text is used to draw the readers attention. The use of the colour red is most common in a lot of magazines especially in rock and indie genres it also is a very bold and strong colour to use. The masthead is placed in the top left hand corner which is usually the first place when most of the audience look.

Main Cover line

The main cover line matches the font & colour of the mast head. The name of the artist which is what most readers would be interested in is significantly larger than any of the other texts informing us what we will be reading about Mark Ronson. The font is simple & it is the second largest text on the cover drawing the readers attention to it.

The band index has a bold title to draw your eyes to this area it keeps your eyes focused in the index as it s the only area within the contents with red ink this also adds interest to the page, as well as giving a page by page description. This is also included in all the NME issues this could be the main reason why people buy it as it offers more than other magazines such as Q . The mini article is included in the contents page to give the readers an idea of what is inside the magazine and is intended to make them want to buy it. Also this advertisement is to try and make people subscribe therefore the company would make more money. It is placed in the contents as every reader will look at this so there is more chance of it being noticed.

Since the colour scheme stays the same as front cover and all throughout the magazine it holds strong bold fonts to draw your eyes to specific areas first.

The masthead in the contents page title as it links to the front cover. It also says THIS WEEK which appears in every weekly issue, emphasising they are current events.

The right hand side separates the articles into separate sections, news, radar, reviews, live and features this is so the reader can turn to the specific areas that will interest them if they don t want to go through all the magazine to find what they want.

The main image on the contents is there to get the reader interested in what images will be contained and the type of shots used. Since the image is of Kasabian in a church singing which relates to the mini Article title which is below the image.

The colour scheme of the magazine stays constant throughout the magazine, white black and red. However a little bit of yellow is used which is an advert for their own magazine. This adds interest to the page and also draws the readers eyes to this area for the benefit of their own magazine.

Colour pallet

Colour pallet
Caption on the top left and underneath it is a page number in large font, taking you straight to the main story The pose, outfits and microphone supports the idea of an old fashioned image.

The Beyonc image is used in the top left corner, which is attractive compared to the main image. Both of these images show a microphone which instantly keeps the musical feel to the magazine.

The black and white image fits in with the font colour of the rest of the page. The main image represents the originality of the magazine Rolling Stone. The image of Beyonc is glamorous and this connotes the magazines house style as it shows gossip about the famous starts, which is the more recent purpose of the magazine.

Subheadings are used to give a bold insight into what is inside. It is then followed by a short explanation of the subheading in a smaller font. This makes it clear to the reader what is inside.

There is a lot of blank space around the people in the image, which could have been used for other features

Contents stands out as it reverses out by having the black ground against the white text.

Colour pallet
Dateline and website link.

Sub headings above the contents allow the audience and readers to find what they are looking for quicker.

Main image of band that will appear in the magazine at some point.

The contents page is layered out very simply and easy to point out important eye information. The banner going across the top incorporates the masthead with the large contents title displayed so it gives the impression that there is much less plain space on the page. The title stands out as it is white writing on a black background which matches us with the Q colour scheme on the website too.

Part of the contents placed in front of the image saying where the band will feature in the magazine.

The review section used the same heading banner layout as the contents banner. This time with the worlds biggest and best music guide text which is in white and stands out next to black background. The review small print is not on white background like the contents in this case a grey. The grey background matches in with the image and the grey cloud that is portrayed.

The image that is within the review section like the main image advertises a certain page within that section of the magazine. The location is very bright which contrasts with the dark main image so on a whole the page has a neutral level of colour which makes it look good.

Featured image next to the review in the bottom right hand corner to make it more interesting.

This small heading is in the top left corner, staying within the main pallet of the page with black, blue and white radar insinuates new information found recently that any other magazine may not have. Its capital letters and boldness emphasise what exactly the page is about, therefore the reader can decide if interested. This ripped out look image makes it look like its been torn from a notepad which relates to the stereotypical messiness of boys in their teen years One side image and other the article to not make both the pages covered in writing evens it out.


This is an image of stereotypical teenage boys who are seen to be lounging around on the bed, with images of women behind them. This could be to show that this part of the magazine is aimed at one gender, it also gives the audience an idea of what the article may be about. Typical music magazine article. Usually feature one band, possibly new and upcoming to present them to the world of music. The phrase THE TEENAGERS makes teenagers feel more individual and different to everyone else. Which makes this double page spread just for them by relating to them.

Everyone s talking about it this subtitle relates to the teenage audience and how they speak to one another which helps the reader feel more related to what the magazine is talking about. This side panel of common in double page spreads in music magazines it can be a cheaper way for less well known bands to have a mention. It can include latest music chart or album re-view. They add extra appeal to the page. Colour pallet The article itself is covering a new band The teenagers; by stating that NME LOVEA this band readers will read on to see if they really are what NME makes them out to be. Article includes small photograph of the band performing live, typical music magazine trait. The quote that one of the band members said is the same as the title trying to make it stand out to the reader. The high lighted section in the text gives the reader an insight as to what the article is about by putting in a key line from the story usually this is a catchy strong line.

Uses the same text style however interlinking between capital letters and none capital letters. Large text for the title and not aligned straight. Takes up a lot of horizontal and vertical space. As this title is disjointed might represent the slightly odd twinge to this article.

Looks like the letters have been cut out of a newspaper this makes the text more interesting rather than bored plain text.

Lily Allen's stance towards the camera can come across as quite challenging and defensive. This can connect to the title as it could be a quote coming directly from her. reflecting her personality by looking directly at the camera as if to say she is telling the truth by getting the readers attention to looking directly at her.

Medium long shot of the artists takes up the whole right page part of the spread and fades into the background.

One main image taking up the majority of the page.

Colours on the celebrity (Lily Allen) links in with the rest of the colour scheme. Makes the double spread more aesthetically pleasing.

Big letter emphasising the first word in the text usually a good way to start of the article. Let the reader know where to start reading from.

Main text of the article is extremely small and split up into four equally sized columns.

Black text on a grey background stands out. Also a small introduction to the article to know what it is going to be about.

Plain coloured background to stand out the model and Allen s quote on the far left hand side.

Colour pallet

The first glimpse the reader sees of this double spread is obviously going to mainly feature the celebrity and the title. Although this is good because the reader is drawn straight away to main feature of the double pages.

Dressed casually which could suggest that she is rebellious or just normal reflecting back to the title of the double page spread but I m not honest being all innocent and casual.

Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular and new musical artists.

The title Brandon Flowers uses the colour scheme of the red background and white text/ this same font is used for the mast head and the quote this makes is match with the rest of the magazine. The layer above is it In The Studio which is deliberately colour to make the word Studio to stand out more. This is important as this is a side of an artist that most fans don t get to see or hear about so when they see this word come up there are wanting to now read it as they are not used to hearing stuff like that.

The double page is split horizontally with 50% image and 50% article text to split up the page not making it seemed so crammed.

Logo The magazines logo has been places at the top of the page but as it is over the image, the red is slightly transparent. Colour Scheme The double page sticks to the house style that each Q magazine sticks to, mostly the colours red, white and black. The main text is laid out at the bottom of the page in columns. The first page has four columns and uses a drop cap to begin with. The second page has three columns. The colours that are used on the front are used throughout their magazine and helps the magazine to come across as very simple and easy to read whilst looking aesthetic. The title is centred on the first page and the artist name stands out from the other text. The text colour sticks to the house style and underneath the main title it states where the interview took place and what album and songs the interview is about.

Each image has Brandon Flowers in a studio to match the title of the article. The image is also used as the background. The images are large therefore making them more important to the audience as opposed to if they were small. It has an extensive review section, featuring: new music releases, reissues, music complications, live concert reviews and radio reviews.

Colour pallet

The quote stands out from the main text due to its size and colour. There s also a red thick line above it that also attracts the audience s attention.

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