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Application for Study Abroad Scholarship from School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs Put all this

information, in this order, plus your personal statement on ONE PAGE maximum and print it out. 1. Name: 2. CofC e-mail: 3. Student ID: 4. Cell phone: 5. Local/Home phone: 6. Study Abroad Program and Country: 7. Declared Major: 8. Declared Minor: 9. Personal statement on how this program will enhance your studies in international, interdisciplinary, language, or area studies programs in the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs; in other words, why do you need to participate in this program? (All of the above personal information plus your statement should be NO MORE THAN ONE page TOTAL).

Return this application on ONE PAGE of paper to: Dr. Morrison, Associate Dean, School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs, 325 Jewish Studies Building.

This application is due to Dr. Morrison the same day that the CIE applications are due to the CIE office. See their website for specific dates for each semester.

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