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Introduction: Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare is poem where the persona who is immensely in love with his beloved, deeply

admires his love and compares her with summer. The comparison is done based on the beauty of summers day and its wonders. However, the persona finds his belove being more beautiful than summer and its elements; the sun, flowers, natures movements, and the summer of his heart and life is and will be forever beautiful and warm. Besides that his beloveds beauty is eternal. Life is full of meaning to the persona as the beauty of his life remains forever. Even as summer fades, the love of his life will remain intact as long as people are alive to read and appreciate the beauty of his beloved in the poem.

Theme: I feel that the theme of this poem is immortalising beauty and love which is reflected by the personas thoughts, ideas &; feelings, captured magically and embodied in the sonnet, revealing his beloveds internal beauty which is everlasting as long as people kept on reading it with appreciation. My friend Faiz Ahmed, has a different opinion in this regard has he said, although love and beauty can be regarded as themes of the poem... he feels the theme of the poem is power of art to immortalize anything. The poet refers to the lines as eternal lines. Its because the poet thinks beauty and love can live forever thru poetry. Both beauty and love decay, but art or poetry live forever. The poet has immortalised his beloveds beauty and love thru his poetry. So in other terms he says that the poem glorifies itself and its immortalising powers.

Tone: As we know, tone refers to the feelings, attitudes perceptions and experiences of the persona. Since in sonnet 18, the persona feels deep admiration for his beloved as he compares two elements of nature: the season and his beloved, therefore he has high-spirits and he has a positive outlook on life. He believes his beloved is an eternal beauty and faces no death, as she is immortal through the poem. The persona is hopeful, happy and forward-looking.

Moral values

The poem deals with eternal love and appreciation of a beautiful person.We learn to appreciate nature, as nature h nothing that would last forever. The beautiful person that is compared to summer is said to last forever, as long as to understand the messages that the poet wishes to convey to the readers. The poem also teaches us to think abou But the beauty of the personas beloved lives forever and there is no death for her. The poem acts as a document allows his beloved to live forever. She becomes immortal and her eternal summer lasts forever.

Using Language To Convey Language The weaknesses of summer are shown through these phrases used by the poet in the poem: shake the darling buds of May too short a date too hot the eyes of heaven shines gold complexion dimmd fair from fair sometimes declines natures changing course, untrimmd The beauty of his beloved is shown through these phrases used by the poet in the poem: eternal summer shall not fade possession of that fair thou owst Death brag thou wandrest in his shade eternal lines to time thou growst fair from fair sometimes declines natures changing course, untrimmd

In the last two lines (couplet), the poet reinforces the truth that his love will live through time and forever. This is around forever to let the world know about her true eternal beauty, which surpasses summer many folds. This can be noted in the couplet (Lines 13-14): men can breathe, or eyes can see lives this and this gives life to thee

Personification The poet makes the elements of nature behave like a person or have human qualities. The sun is described as the gold complexion dimmd. The use of the word complexion also relates to a persons physical characteristic

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