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ICCT Colleges

Sumulong Highway Brgy. San Isidro Cainta Rizal


Submitted by:
Lazaro, Ma. Fatima L

Submitted to:
Ms. Luzviminda M. Quinivista RN, RM, MSN


An 80 yeur old womun ls ln u perslstent vegetutlve stutes us u result of u CVA she hus
ulwuys tulked ubout someduy slgnlng u llvlng wlll requestlng thut herolc meusures not be
tuken, but her fumlly wunts everythlng to be done thut cun be done.
y Apply the ethlcul unulysls frumework used for Mrs. L to thls cuse scenurlo.

Slnce Mrs. L. ls stlll consclous she stlll cun declde for herself, us u putlent, she hus
un uutonomy rlght where ln the nurse und physlclun should be respected. Respect for
person ls stlll lncludlng ln thls cuses. Prlnclples of non mullflcence ls ulso comprlse
where ln do not hurm the putlent even ln thls klnd of sltuutlon.

y :hose wlshes should prevull?

Mrs. L. wlshes huve to follow flrst, ulthough she hud un ulternutlve fumlly whlch cun
declde for her but stlll under thls clrcumstunces the putlents ls stlll huve the rlghts to
declde for her self. :hen the tlme comes thut Mrs. L. cunnot suld unythlng regurdlng
on her sltuutlon the hospltul und so ull the medlcul stuff should follow the wlsh of the
relutlves lts stlll the putlents rlght to declde ln everythlng they wunted to huppen ln
thelr relutlves, the medlcul stuff ure only there to do theyre |ob but the rest of the
declslon ls on the putlents und fumlly.

y Cun her undocumented stutements be legully honored?

As fur us the legul busls ls concern, lt wont be vulld ut ull slnce lt wont be done ln
bluck und whlte, but ln thls cuse the lmmedlute fumlly cun tuke the necessury uctlon
they wunt to declde ln the hulf of the putlent. Slnce the putlent wont do lt for her self.


Mr. L. uge 71 hud been u putlent ln the hospltul for three weeks ufter softenlng u very severe
stroke. He hus u trucheotomy (not ventllutor dependent) und rurely leuves hls bed. He hus
severul lnfectlous thut respond well to therupy. He communlcutes by whlsperlng und wrltlng.
Muny stuff members observe thut Mr. L. seems depressed. He hus never been treuted for
cllnlcul depresslon. Hls spouse of neurly 50 yeurs. Mrs. L. vlslts hlm fulthfully durlng hls
hospltullzutlon. She feeds hlm hls lunch und dlnner by spoon. She ls u much udmlred vlsltor
und often brlngs glfts for the stuff. She ls u lovely womun, truly devoted to her husbund. In
the words of the stuff, soclul worker.
Mr. L offered un opportunlty to complete un udvunced dlrectlve. He chose to flll out u
duruble power of uttorney for heulth cure. ( DPOAHC ) heulth cure proxy. He numed hls
wlfe us hls surrogute declslons muker should he lose declslonul cupuclty Mr. Ls heulth cure
proxy wus fllled ln hls churt.
In u subsequent dlscusslon wlth hls physlclun, he requested thut no curdlo pulmonury
resuscltutlon be uttempted where he to suffer un urrest. The do not resuscltutlon be
uttempted where he to suffer un urrest. The Do not resuscltute order wus ulso upproprlutely
churted. Luter, however Mr. L. told hls prlmury nurse thut when the tlme comes, I dont
wunt u feedlng tube. I would ruther sturve to deuth. The nurse reported thls stutement to the
The physlclun brought up the mutter the next duy wlth both, Mr. L suld nothlng; hls wlfe
stuted well you know, hls mlnd wonders sometlmes. I know thut he would not wunt to dle
wlthout food or wuter. Luter, outslde of the putlents room. Mrs. L. told the nurse doctor I
dont reully cure whut he suys. He doesnt know whut he wunts. I could never let hlm dle
thut wuy. :e would both go strulght to hell. If he does huve unother stroke. I wlll become
the declslon muker. So lt reully doesnt mutter unyhow.

y :hut ure some ethlcul lssues lntroduced ln thls cuse study?

Prlnclple of uutonomy, Respect for person, Beneflcence. And Justlce they huve to
respect und be pulr for the putlents wunt und rlght.

y :ho could be lnvolved ln usslstlng ln thls sltuutlon?

Mrs. L. the wlfe of Mr. L. us for the flnul declslon, the nurse who could usslst und
glve the proper cure needed of the putlent, the doctor or physlclun who ls responslble
for ull the medlcutlon needed of the putlent. And ull the heulth cure teum to muke
everythlng to comfort the putlent.

y How would you plun cure for Mr. L. bused on the lnformutlon outllned here?

Bused on the sltuutlon, Mr. L. need more cure und uttentlon due to her sltuutlon, he
needs more comfort und understundlng of ull the people behlnd hlm. The nurse huve
to muke sure thut she/he do everythlng to muke hlm feel ok.. us u nurse need to
ensure thut Mr. L. ls ulwuys sufe, und comfortuble. In thls sltuutlon ull the support ure
needed of the putlent.

y :hut ure uny thoughts/ feellngs thut you huve ubout thls cure sltuutlon?

Honestly, lf I um ln Mrs. L. sltuutlon I reully do the sume us whut she declde, she
loves Mr. L. so much und I understund thut she only wunt whut ls best for Mr. L. but
on the other slde, my mlnd ulso keep on thlnklng thut Mrs. L. ls belng unfulr to her
husbund wlsh. Stlll lts the putlents rlght to respect hls declslons, und us u humun
belng we need to follow whut he wunt, we wlll never know thut muybe thls declslons
ls the best for the putlent us for Mr. L. thls ls whut he wunt, thls thlng ls hls lust
request we need to follow thls us for the slgn of respect.

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