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Sample work AS ICT unit 1.

Analysis: St Josephs College often organises different drama and music performances in order to raise money for its Lassalian projects, the PTA or other worthy causes. But it currently has no booking system. All bookings are done by pen and paper or by telephone, which are often being lost or misunderstood. Another difficulty that occurs is that if someone calls the school in order to book a seat and leaves a message with that requirement they end up with no booked seat, because information is not being passed to the right person. The client - Mrs S Bosher, who is publicity and events coordinator, is in charge of all events, she organises sittings for performances, which are usually held in classrooms which can hold up to 48 people. She needs an automated system to increase efficiency of her work, so the process will be faster and easier than it is now. Mrs Bosher requires a system which could be used by herself and other members of staff during her absence so that there are no delayed, lost or conflicting bookings. Mrs Bosher considers herself a good ICT user as she spends a lot of time using the computer as a part of her job; also she is familiar with spreadsheet software. She would be the one who uses the solution the most often, however during her absence other members of staff would substitute her and it should be taken in account when producing the solution. Clients requirements: Easy to use. System shouldnt be complicated as the end user might have small experience in using computers. System shouldnt require additional excel knowledge as the user might not be familiar with it. That will be done using buttons which would allow starting automated process, such as moving from one sheet to the other, printing, sending tickets via email. Up to date system, to avoid double bookings. System should be designed for one person to use at a time and should perform a real time processing, so that 1 seat wont be sold to 2 different people. Record of names and contact details of people who booked seats. System should contain a list of customers and their contact details such as name, telephone number, address and email. So it would be easier to contact customers in case the event was cancelled, to send ticket to customers home addresses or by email. That information will be kept on the separate worksheet in form of a table, where rows will represent seats and columns will represent the contact details. User should also be able to print a list of people coming distributed to their seats, which is necessary to see during the event. Automated calculations on revenue and costs. System should perform calculations which would make it easier to see if the college makes profit from current sales, show expenses involved, calculate total revenue and total costs, illustrate the effect of different prices and levels of costs on potential profitability of the event. These would be done using the tables: income table, which would calculate revenues from sales on each row separately as well as total revenue and expenses table, which would include variable costs and fixed costs and calculate their totals. The illustration would be performed as break even chart which would change automatically. This requirement is necessary, because college needs to have quick and accurate calculations, which would help to avoid loss. System should help to choose the suitable prices for rows. The system should be able to help choosing the suitable prices for rows, according to percentage of seats the user is planning to sell and to the profit that user wishes to obtain. This is important as the client should be able to plan expense and prices which would help to avoid loss. This would be done using a separate sheet which would allow to customise prices for each row and to choose the percentage of seats that the user is planning to sell; the system would calculate revenues made by each row. When user sets the percentage of revenue he or she wants to get as profit the system suggests the value of expenses that the user must not exceed in order to have the wanted outcome

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Different prices for different rows. User should be able to edit pricings, so that people sitting at the back wouldnt pay same as people sitting at the front. Each row will be able to have its own price, which will also allow the income for each row to be calculated separately. Allocation of people to certain seats. System should be able to allocate each person to the seat which she or he has booked, so that the person who paid for the seat A5 wont sit on the seat D12. When one of the seats is selected, the booking form will appear which will allow the details of the customer to be entered, which will be automatically transferred to the sheet where those details are stored. Limited amount of tickets per row. System shouldnt allow making more bookings than the number of seats available, so that there would be enough space for everyone to sit. Each seat will be clearly represented on the sheet and wont allow booking more seats than there are available. Only one person will be able to book one seat. The sheet will be protected to avoid extra seats to be added. Flexible for different events. System should allow pricings, expenses, event details (such as date, time and title), list of customers and their contact details to be customised according to the event. That is important because college hosts different types of events some of which are free or dont have expenses; people who attend those events are not always the same. Being able to change expenses is necessary because it allows avoiding loss and achieving profit. Prints tickets or creates e-ticket. System should be able to produce ticket, which can be sent to the customer either as printout or electronically. That is important because people need to know when the event starts and to avoid people who didnt book seats coming to the event. The ticket should show the seat number, which stops people for coming early and holding seats for others. Eticket would be sent using macro which would automatically sends email with tickets content.

Existing system (pen, paper, calculator): Input: input device pen Name Telephone number Amount of seats needed Costs. Process: processing devices pen, paper, calculator Writing the persons name into the list of people who are attending the event. Subtracting amount of seats booked from the total available. Calculating the total price for the purchase. Adding up the price of the purchase with the total revenue. Summing up the costs Subtracting Total costs from Total revenue, to get a value of profit. Output: output devices paper List of people who are attending the event. Amount of seats booked. Total price for the purchase. Total revenue. Total costs. Profit.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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New system: Input: input devices - keyboard and mouse Seat number is chosen by clicking check box on the seat.

Seating plan sheet:

Booking details form: Contact details of the customer (First name, Surname, Telephone number, Address, Postcode, E-mail) are entered into labelled text boxes. Booking details sheet: Contact details of the customer (First name, Surname, Telephone number, Address, Postcode, E-mail) are entered into a labelled table. Pricelist sheet: Expenses sheet: Prices per row entered into a labelled table. Fixes costs (their titles and prices) are entered into a Fixed part of the Expenses table. Variable costs (their titles and prices) are entered into a Variable part of the Expenses table. Prices per row are entered. Percentages of seats that is planned to be sold per row are set. Percentage of revenue which is expected to return as profit is set.

Predictions sheet:

Ticket sheet:

Event title, date and time of the event are entered. Senders e-mail is set.

Process: software used - Microsoft excel Seating plan sheet: Number of available seats per row recalculated. (That could be done using countif function)

Booking details form: Contact details of the customer (First name, Surname, Telephone number, Address, Postcode, E-mail) are transferred in to a table in the Booking details sheet without any delay. Pricelist sheet: Expenses sheet: Prices entered changed in to 2 decimal places GBP(). Revenues per row are calculated by multiplying amount of seats sold per row by their prices. Total revenue is calculated by summing up revenues per row. Total cost calculated from fixed and variable costs. Profit is calculated by subtracting total cost from revenue. Lines on breakeven chart changed according to changes in variable and fixed costs and revenue. Amount of seats is calculated from the percentage entered per row Revenue from selling that percentage is calculated per row Predicted total revenue s calculated by summing up separate revenues. If the Print button is pressed the print preview opens. If the Send e-ticket button is pressed the macro runs, which opens outlook and sends e-mail with ticket content to customer Name column is formed by adding First name and Surname from the Booking details sheet. If the Sort by name button is pressed then the table content sorts in alphabetical order of Name. If the Sort by seat button is pressed then the table content sorts in order of seats. If the Print button is pressed then print preview opens.

Predictions sheet:

Ticket sheet:

List sheet:

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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Output: output devices printer, computers monitor (for onscreen output) Seating plan sheet: Onscreen display: Seating plan showing which seats are booked and which are not, Prices available allocated to each row, Amount of seats available allocated to each row. Booking details sheet: Onscreen display: First name, Surname, Telephone number, Address line 1, Address line 2, Address line 3, Postcode and E-mail of people who booked seats allocated to seats they have booked. Pricelist sheet: Onscreen display: Prices allocated to each row in 2 decimal places GBP(). Expenses sheet: Onscreen display: Table showing amount of seats sold and revenue both per row, total revenue from those sales, Table showing fixed and variable costs and their total, The value of profit is shown, Break-even chart showing Fixed cost line, Variable cost line, Total cost line and Revenue line. Predictions sheet: Onscreen display: Table showing amount of seats would be sold according to the percentage entered, Predicted total revenue from those sales. The amount of expenses the user must not exceed in order to achieve wanted profit. Ticket sheet: Onscreen display: Ticket showing Name of the event, Seat number, Date, Time, Price and school address. Senders email address is displayed Printout: Paper with title Ticket, showing Name of the event, Seat number, Date, Time, Price, school address and school logo. E-mail: Message includes Name of the event, Seat number, Date, Time and Price. Title of email states - Ticket for name of the event. List sheet: Onscreen display: List of people coming sorted either alphabetically by name or by seat numbers in ascending order. Name column represents full names combined together from first name and surname. Printout: A4 paper showing list of people coming sorted either alphabetically by name or by seat numbers in ascending order. Name column represents full names combined together from first name and surname.

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Validity of data input tests: Test Number 1. Reason for testing How test is constructed Enter the date in C6 that is before today, which is erroneous data. Enter the todays date in C6, which is extreme data. Enter the date in C6 that is in future, which is normal data Enter the number above 100, which is erroneous data. Enter the number that is equal to 100 or 0, which is extreme data. Enter the number that is between 0 and 100, which is normal data Test data used 05/12/2009 Expected results Date error Actual results Date error Action taken None



To check that the date validation works. The date entered must be greater than or equal to Today(), which is todays date.


Date accepted

Date accepted



Date accepted

Date accepted




The value you entered is not valid.

The value you entered is not valid.



To check that the validation for percentages entered works.


Value accepted.

Value accepted.




Value accepted.

Value accepted.


Validity of data input test 1.

Validation test is passed. The erroneous date 5/12/2010 which is in the past was entered so the warning appeared.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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Accuracy of output tests: Test Number 7. Reason for testing How test is constructed 1. Price for row A is set. 2. The seat on seating plan is chosen. 3. Persons details are entered into a booking form. Test data used Expected results Ticket produced shows: Seat: A6 First name: Julia Surname: Customer E-mail: Price: 6.00 Actual results Ticket produced shows: Seat: A6 Price: 6.00 Action taken None

Price for row A: 6.00 Seat: A6

To check that details appearing on the ticket are accurate.

4. The ticket option chosen and booking form closed. 8. 1. Price for row A is set. 2. Event name, date and time are entered into the ticket. 3. The seat on seating plan is chosen. 4. Persons details are entered into a booking form. 5. The ticket option chosen and booking form closed. 6. Senders e-mail is set. 7. Send eticket button is pressed . Senders e-mail: Price for row A: 6.00 Event: Accuracy test Date: 12/01/2011 Time: 16:30 Seat: A6 E-mail title: Ticket for Accuracy test E-mail content: Event: Accuracy test Seat: A6 Date: 12/01/2011 Time: 16:30 Price: 6 E-mail title: Ticket for Accuracy test E-mail content: Event: Accuracy test Seat: A6 Date: 12/01/2011 Time: 16:30 Price: 6 None

To check that eticket produced has right details and sent to right email

First name: Julia Surname: Customer E-mail:


Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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Check that List of people produced in alphabetic order is accurate

1. Enter First name and Surname for different people in booking details sheet, which are not in alphabetic order. 2. Go to List sheet and press Sort by Name button. 3. Press Print button

First name: Ben Jessica Christen Jasmine Vincent Jacky Christopher Philipp Jasmine Surname (respectively): Smith Adams Potter Lovely Columbus Einstein Lee Short Apple Price for row A: 6.00 Price for row B: 5.00 Price for row C: 4.00 Price for row D: 3.00 Row Row Row Row A: 7 seats B: 5 seats C: 2 seats D:11 seats

Order of names on printout: Ben Smith Christen Potter Christopher Lee Jacky Einstein Jasmine Apple Jasmine Lovely Jessica Adams Philipp Short Vincent Columbus

Order of names on printout: Ben Smith Christen Potter Christopher Lee Jacky Einstein Jasmine Apple Jasmine Lovely Jessica Adams Philipp Short Vincent Columbus



1. Set prices for rows in Price List sheet.

y-axis represent costs in x-axis represent amount of seats booked Fixed cost line: y=95.00 Variable cost line: y=3.00*x Total cost line: y=3.00*x+95. 00 Total revenue line: y=4.50*x

y-axis represent costs in x-axis represent amount of seats booked Fixed cost line: y=95.00 Variable cost line: y=3.00*x Total cost line: y=3.00*x+95. 00 Total revenue line: y=2.45*x

Check that Break Even Chart produces is accurate

2. Mark several seats as booked. 3. Enter Fixed expenses.

Costumes: 50.00 Decoration: 25.00 Other: 20.00 Refreshments: 3.00

Formulas corrected. 0 seats total revenue =0*(PriceR owA+PriceRo wB+PriceRo wC+PriceRo wD) 12 seatstotal revenue =12*(Price RowA+Price RowB+Price RowC+Price RowD) Line is plotted according to those values.


4.Enter Variable expenses (per person) 1. Mark several seats as booked.

Check that Seating plan display Show the correct data.

Marked seats: A4, A6, A11, A12; B2, B4, B7, B12; C2, C6, C11; D1, D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D12; Price for 6.00 Price for 5.00 Price for 4.00 Price for 3.00 row A: row B: row C: row D:

Display shows seats A4, A6, A11, A12, B2, B4, B7, B12, C2, C6, C11, D1, D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D12 as booked. Number of available seats: Row A: 8 Row B: 8 Row C: 9 Row D: 2 Prices: Row A: 6.00 Row B: 5.00 Row C: 4.00 Row D: 3.00

Display shows seats A4, A6, A11, A12, B2, B4, B7, B12, C2, C6, C11, D1, D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D12 as booked. Number of available seats: Row A: 8 Row B: 8 Row C: 9 Row D: 2 Prices: Row A: 6.00 Row B: 5.00 Row C: 4.00 Row D: 3.00


2. Set prices in the Price list sheet.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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1. Set prices for rows in Predictions sheet. Check that in Predictions sheet Your expenses must not exceed value is correct.

Price for 10.00 Price for 8.00 Price for 6.00 Price for 4.00 Row Row Row Row

row A: row B: row C: row D:

Total Revenue: 144.00 Total amount of seats would be sold: 24 Your expenses must not exceed: 129.60

Total Revenue: 144.00 Total amount of seats would be sold: 24 Your expenses must not exceed: 129.60


2. Enter percentage of seats you expect to sell. 3. Enter Percentage of Total Revenue you want to get. 1. Set prices for rows in Predictions sheet.

A: 20% B: 40% C: 60% D: 80%

Percentage Return: 10% None

13. Check that Prices from Predictions sheet transfer correctly to Price List sheet correctly.

Price for 10.00 Price for 8.00 Price for 6.00 Price for 4.00

row A: row B: row C: row D:

Prices in Price List sheet: Row A: 10.00 Row B: 8.00 Row C: 6.00 Row D: 4.00

Prices in Price List sheet: Row A: 10.00 Row B: 8.00 Row C: 6.00 Row D: 4.00

2. Press Copy prices to the price list button.

Accuracy of output test 8. Test is passed because email contains information that is expected: Event: Accuracy test Seat: A6 Date: 12/01/2011 Time: 16:30 Price: 6 Emails title is produced correctly: Ticket for Accuracy test Accuracy of output test 10 (corrected). Break even chart is correctly represented: y-axis show costs in , x-axis show number of seats sold, fixed cost line y=95.00, variable cost line y=3.00*x, total cost line y=3.00*x+95.00, total revenue line y=4.50*x

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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1. Mark several seats as booked. 2. Set prices for rows in Predictions sheet.

Row Row Row Row

A: 4 seats B: 4 seats C: 3 seats D:10 seats row A: row B: row C: row D:

Total amount seats sold: 21 Total money collected: 130.00 Total expenses: 158.00 Profit: -28.00

Total amount seats sold: 21 Total money collected: 130.00 Total expenses: 158.00 Profit: -28.00


Check that Profit in Expenses sheet calculated correctly.

Price for 10.00 Price for 8.00 Price for 6.00 Price for 4.00 Row Row Row Row

2. Enter percentage of seats you expect to sell. 3. Enter Percentage of Total Revenue you want to get. 4. Press Copy prices to the price list button. 5. Enter Fixed expenses.

A: 20% B: 40% C: 60% D: 80%

15. Check that the warning appears if Total value of costs in Expenses sheet exceeds the Your expenses must not exceed value from Prediction s sheet.

Percentage Return: 10%

Total expenses: 158.00 (marked red) Warning appears: You have exceeded the planned expenses

Total expenses: 158.00 (marked red) Warning appears: You have exceeded the planned expenses


Costumes: 50.00 Decoration: 25.00 Other: 20.00 Refreshments: 3.00

6. Enter Variable expenses (per person)

Accuracy of output test 11. Test is passed because correct seats marked as booked: A4, A6, A11, A12, B2, B4, B7, B12, C2, C6, C11, D1, D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D12; Number of seats available per row is correctly calculated: Row A: 8, Row B: 8, Row C: 9, Row D: 2; Prices for each row show the correct value: Row A: 6.00, Row B: 5.00, Row C: 4.00, Row D: 3.00.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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1. Click on the seat to mark it as booked Check that the details entered into Booking form appear on Booking details sheet as they were entered into the Booking form. 2. Enter the contact details of the person.

Seat: C12

All the data appears in row C12. Columns: First name: Julia Surname: Customer Telephone number: 07712345689 Address line 1: 11 Some street Address line 2: Some city Address line 3: Far Away Postcode: SO3 8FA E-mail:

All the data appears in row C12. Columns: First name: Julia Surname: Customer Telephone number: 7712345689 Address line 1: 11 Some street Address line 2: Some city Address line 3: Far Away Postcode: SO3 8FA E-mail:

First name: Julia Surname: Customer Telephone: 07712345689 Address: 11 Some street Some city Far Away Postcode: SO3 8FA E-mail: jb_347@hotmail. com

Format of column Telephone number changed to Text so that it displays telephone numbers properly.

3. Close the booking form and go to Booking details sheet

Accuracy of output test 16 (corrected). The details entered in to Booking details form (on the right) appear in the Booking details sheet (on the top) as they should. Telephone number column formatted as text to avoid automatic format change to a number.

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Presentation of output: Test Number 17. Output Seating plan display. My view Fits on the screen Seats numbering, Amount of seats available, Price of each seat - are clearly shown Columns are wide enough to fit information on the screen Clearly shows which seat is assigned to which Name, Telephone number, Address and E-mail address. Clearly shows the price of each row Easy to understand which part of the sheet can be customised Clearly shows how the Total amount of seats sold, Total money collected, Total cost of expenses and Profit are obtained. Break even chart: all the lines are labelled, major and minor gridlines are used, which make it easy to understand. Fits on A4 paper Names are accurately ordered and allocated to correct seats Fits on A4 paper Seats are accurately ordered and allocated to correct names Fits on the screen Easy to understand which part of the sheet can be customised Fits on A4 paper Clearly shows all the information required: Event name, Seat, Price, Date and Time, Address. Contains all the details required Users view


Booking Details display.

The seats layout fits on the main computers screen which has higher resolution but requires adjustments when used on a different computer. Booking details are clearly represented in the table and can be easily understood.

19. 20.

Price List display Expenses display

Prices are shown clearly. Expenses display shows all the information required and produces a nice and simple break-even-chart.

21. 22. 23. 24.

List of people printout in alphabetical order. List of people printout in seats order. Predictions display Ticket printout

List of people is produced fits on A4 list and doesnt waste a lot of paper. Prediction display clearly shows which cells were edited Tickets produced represent relative information. However, the printed ticket is too large it covers the whole A4 paper.



Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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Solution meets requirements of a client: Test Number 26. The solution meets this client requirement, because: Each of the sheets contains buttons which allow moving from one sheet to another and start processes such as printing, sorting, starting over etc. Easy to use Every sheet contains tables with cells of different colours white cells can be edited and brown cells cannot, that makes system more intuitive therefore easy to use. Some of the more complicated sheets contain Note, which explains to user what can be done on that sheet. 27. Up to date system, to avoid double bookings 28. The solution meets this client requirement, because: Record of names and contact details of people who booked seats After the user clicks on one of the seats, he is able to input the contact details of the person who booked that seat in Booking form as well as edit them later in Booking details sheet. That allows keeping record of customers contact details allocated to seats they have booked. The Fist names and Surnames of the customers entered into the Booking form automatically transfer to the List sheet which contains the table with Name column and Seat number column. Which can be printed in either alphabetic or seat order. The solution meets this client requirement, because: System performs real time processing. All the changes made in one part of the system immediately apply to the other. Requirement Comment

29. The solution meets this client requirement, because: Expenses sheet calculates: profit made from current sales, total revenue, total costs. Expenses sheet shows: expenses involved, brake even chart, which illustrates the effects on potential profitability of the event Those buttons allow moving to other sheets, which make the solution easier to use. Automated calculations on revenue and costs Break even chart illustrates the effects on potential profitability of the event.

This table is used to calculate the total revenue. White areas represent cells which can be edited, Note is used to explain user how to use the table. That makes the solution easier to use.

Tables used to work out total costs and profit.

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30. The solution meets this client requirement, because: The table in Predictions sheet allows user to enter percentages of seat per row he or she predicts to sell and the percentage of revenue which is would be returned as profit. After the prices are entered, the user is able to modify percentages to see if the suitable outcome can be achieved. If not the user is able to change prices until the user come up with the most suitable one White areas used to represent area which can be edited and spin buttons make the solution easier to use. Those buttons allow moving to other sheets, which make the solution easier to use.

System should help to choose the suitable prices for rows.

This table enables the user to see the limit for expenses in order to achieve 5% profit. 31. The solution meets this client requirement, because: User is able to edit prices distributed to different rows. White areas represent cells which can be edited, which makes the solution easier to use. The table allows distributing prices to rows. Those buttons allow moving to other sheets, which make the solution easier to use.

Different prices for different rows

Note is used to explain user how to use the table, which makes the solution easier to use. 32. Allocation of people to certain seats The solution meets this client requirement, because: When user clicks on the particular seat, user can see the contact details of the person who booked it in a Booking form window.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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33. The solution meets this client requirement, because: Amount of seats is limited to 48. Each seat has a tick box, so that it cannot be booked twice. There are only 48 seats available, each of which contains a tick box, when it is ticked, the seat is booked, that prevents double booking and limits amount of tickets per row. Those buttons allow moving to other sheets, to start over the work and open main menu. These make the system easier to use.

Limited amount of tickets per row

The table above calculates amount of seats available per row and their prices (from Price List). That makes it easier for user to see those amounts rather than work them out. 34. The solution meets this client requirement, because: Flexible for different events Prices for each row, event details, list of customers, their contact details and ticket produced can be edited according to the event.

35. The solution meets this client requirement, because: System produces the ticket and allows to send it automatically to the customer via email or to print it out.

System enables user to edit the event details such as: events title, date and starting time.
Event title, date and time can be edited according to the event this makes the system flexible for different events.

Prints tickets or creates eticket

These buttons allow to return to Seating plan sheet, print the ticket (white area) and automatically send Eticket, which make the solution easier to use.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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Solution is usable by the end user: User questionnaire:

Totally Agree I had no problem loading the product. Comments: Once I loaded, it was clear what I had to do next. Comments: The solution has met all of the client requirements. Comments: The solution was intuitive to use and did not require any extra excel knowledge. Comments: The solution did not have many irritating limitations. Comments: The solution had pleasant design elements (fonts, font sizes, colour schemes, etc.) Comments: The solution produced clear messages if the wrong data was entered. Comments:

Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree

Totally Disagree

The product loaded quickly without causing any problems.

It wasnt too hard to realise what to do next but it took some time to get used to the way the solution works.

All the requirements were met. The solution did what it was supposed to do.

It took a while to get used to the solution but it was quit intuitive after.

While using the solution I didnt feel limited by its functions.

The design was pleasant and appealing.

There were no messages produced as there wasnt a wrong data entry.

My comment: The user seems to be satisfied with solution in general as she didnt leave any bad comments. Therefore the solution is useable by the end user.

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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Evaluation: Referring to the testing done and the user questionnaire it can be concluded that the solution meets client requirements. (Tests 26-35) With the help of validation checks and according to the validity of input data test it can be concluded that inaccurate data is not processed. When the wrong data is entered the error alert comes up, which produces a clear message. (Tests 1-6) The solution uses the correct output method as it gives choice of onscreen display output or printed output where required. (Tests 17-25) The output produced is accurate according to accuracy of output test as the most output was as expected and if it wasnt the mistakes were corrected. (Tests 7-16) The solution is easy to use by a user as it makes use of buttons and automated processing which also makes controls more efficient. Also the solution makes use of design elements, for example using colour it shows which cells can be edited and which are locked, that makes the solution more intuitive to use. (Test 26) According to user questionnaire the solution is usable by the end user, so it meets her capabilities. The solution keeps material up-to-date as it makes use of real time processing, so as soon the change in one cell is made this change is applied to all other cells which depend on that cell. (Test 27)

Name:, Candidate number:, Centre number:

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