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As well all know Jesus Christ is the Son of God!

And the lord host, he is also the commander in chief of the angelic beings Colossian: 1:16 There are 9 orders of angels SERPHIM: These angels are the highest order of hierarchy of angels, these being spent time worshipping and praising God. Cherubim: Being the second highest order of angels, they are of power and majestic angelic being which surrounds Gods Throne. Thrones: 3rd order of angels, they are known as the wheels and many eyes. Ruler: 4th order ranking of angels, the guardians who decide the success or failure of Nations Virtues: 5th order ranking of angels, they are the brilliant or shining ones, which performs miracles and encouragement of blessings. Powers: 6th order of ranking angels, they are responsible for guarding the borders of heaven and earth, these angels are the elite guards constantly on watch for demonic attacks. They are the major soldiers of line of defense, and battle during heavenly welfare. They protect the world from infiltration of demons; they protect the soul, and minister of god and the avengers of evil. Also powers guided our transition to heaven. Principalities: 7th order of ranking of angels, they guard over Nations and are responsible for carrying out divine acts. They are dressed uniform soldiers with golden girdles. Archangels: 8th order of ranking of angles, Michael is the highest playing angles that roles are carried in the end-time, with Gabriel as being the highest ranking of messengers to Gods people. Guardian:

9th order of ranking angels and the last order of angles, they are Ministering angles set forth to minister those for inherit salvation. They do linger in visible form and are responsible for the well being of people in trouble, they guard you from harm, offer you sustenance or leading you out of danger, they are continually and constancy busy ministering to you. Believe it or not they also can be your best friend who has always been there for you. Many humans have been born as guardian angels without knowing they are angels helping others in time of need. Some do realize they are angels, and must keep secret their identity and maintain their identity intact. Note: Many of us have been visit by Guardians, throughout are life, like in times of near death, they are there till the Powers: come and take you home. I believe in angels very much and have had many guardians angels come into my life. It is said for every human being on earth there is an army of angels to protect over you it ranges in the thousands. Heaven: Many human beings look up to pray, thinking heaven is up, but in fact Heaven is in a different realm from Earth, and the same for hell as being in a different realm. We look up to heaven and down to hell; they have just been a common references for us to do this. Have you ever seen when a person is ashamed of them self, that they look down. Well all see God individually, with a different face each time; many people confuse religion different from their own as having a different God from us. The Muslim faith has been accused of this, but they say its the same God for all, God meaning mono One many people think when they see a person of Muslim Faith and they relate them to terrorist, this is not true!!! My friend in fact the Muslim is of peace and when a Muslim resorts to terrorism he/she has denounce their faith and are no longer Muslim. You must think about this! Remember in all religious faith there has been acts of terrorism, in the early times of the catholic faith in England it was mandatory to attend the services was perform in Latin and the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine to represent the body of Christ and blood was only for the priest. The people were only witnesses to such; many broke away from the church and translate the bible from Hebrew to the language of their common! And passed the bible around in secret, and when they were discovered and captured they were BURNED AT THE STAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note to all Catholic, please dont try to contradict me on this I have research this!!! And my faith is a modern time Catholic known as Tokalo, my own religion. Many of you may think I am denouncing much religion it is not my attention to do so. I believe that all religion that practice is OK! The Tokalo religion use the bible as references to events but keep a clear mind to it as being translated so many times that many of its meaning of origin has been lost in translation. Example

of a translation, being I speak Russian well pretty rusty I will give an example. Eta Musaka which means this music but in English it means This is music so if you have a very complex sentence their naturally going to be more meaning lost out of that. Remember telling a story and adding maybe just a few words, will chance the meaning around. As Tokalo our philosophy endeavors us to do better in life, by constancy educating ourselves and to help those in need, we give advised but will never force an issue on you, it is your duty to choose for yourself your path or option, we are only here to guild you in what you want. I like to strive for a better life by being well versed in knowledge on a vast amount of subjects. As you have seen, there is not too many subjects that I cant talk about and if I know it, I will tell you so, but will try to educate myself on the subject in question. I am not a know it all, in fact I am quite dumb! Remember when you study so much and research so much they you only get to the surface, and there are so much more to discovery. No I am not really Dumb, but inarticulate to many subjects. I dont refuse treatment like some religion do, saying God will heal them, yes he will but my belief is that he heals us through the power of knowledge by giving divine knowledge to medical doctors to fine what is wrong and to cure or at least help us get better. The same goes for this space exploration, many people said this, If people were met to fly in outer space he would have given us some kind of lungs and skin to do so I really crack up on that, because it is so lame, dont you realize that kind did give us those lungs and skins. They are call artificial atmosphere and environment, its call a space craft or suit!!!! Remember he gave us the knowledge to do so. Cloning, that is a topic that many fight about some say its against God to try and create man. Remember if God really didnt want you to do that CLONING then he would make you Dumb to the knowledge of cloning. But he has not done so. Cell stem research has found cures with the use of unassigned cells. And no you dont have to kills baby to get stem cells. Stem cell is common in the umbilical cords, plus if giving enough time, I am sure they will find stem cells another way. My thinking is that the brain is only being used by 1/3 of its size, there are so many things we dont know about the brain, but if we have areas of the brain not assigned to anything then many we can just program the assign part. Such as for patients with damage to a portion of the brain, Remember there are two hemispheres in the brain, and when one hemisphere has a section that is damaged, such as from a stroke, then the other hemisphere kicks in to help functions that were lost till they are fully recovered. (American Physician Journal 2010). Dont ever say if we were met to do that God would gave us wings, to fly ,remember he has already done so, by giving us knowledge of flight. The same goes for anything else out there just waiting to be discovered. Thank you: Sincerely, Doctor Walter W Kernaich Jr Doctor of knowledge

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