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Please come to public hearings

Wednesday, February 8 Cudell Recreation Center 6-9 p.m., 1910 West Boulevard Thursday, February 9 Harvard Community Services Center 6-9p.m.18240 Harvard Avenue Wednesday, February 15 West Side Ecumenical Ministry 6-9 p.m. 5209 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland Public Power is proposing to build a garbage incinerator at the Ridge Rd Transfer Station on Clevelands West Side. It would involve the cooking of trash at high temperatures and the release of toxic pollutants into the air, in a process known as gasification. As proposed by the city, this new incinerator would become one of the largest air polluters in Cuyahoga County, releasing soot, lead, mercury, dioxin, and other pollutants into the air. The technology being proposed is not in use for this purpose and scale anywhere in the United States, so there are no models to compare it with. Hundreds of residents of Cleveland and neighboring suburbs have attended public meetings in January to voice their opposition to this proposal.

What garbage would be burned in the incinerator and what would be recycled?
The city says its goal is to recycle up to 25% of Clevelands waste, and to burn most of the rest of it. The goal of 25% is extremely low compared to other cities throughout the country and in Northeast Ohio. Even the Commissioner of Solid Waste says that up to 62% of Clevelands trash could be recycled. Clevelanders are asking, why is the city holding the recycling program hostage to the incinerator? Recycling and reuse programs create more jobs than incineration.


601 Lakeside Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114
Please write Mayor Frank Jackson and let him know why you oppose the citys plan to build a new garbage incinerator on Ridge Road. Letters are best when written in your own words, but here are some points you may want to include:
Cleveland does not need a new source of air pollution of mercury, lead, and soot. The City should concentrate instead on recycling, composting, and reusing resources. Clevelanders should not become guinea pigs for unproven technology.

Please send a copy of your letter to your City Council representative at 601 Lakeside Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114 and to: David Hearne, Cleveland Division of Air Quality, 75 Erieview Plaza, Suite 200, Cleveland, OH, 44114 (letters sent to Mr. Hearne by February 23 will be considered as part of the official public comment for the Ohio EPA air pollution permit.)

w w w . o h i o c i t i z e n . o r g
Earth Day Coalition, 3606 Bridge Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113 216-281-6468 Environmental Health Watch, 3500 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44113 216-961-4646 Ohio Citizen Action, 614 W Superior Avenue, Suite 1200, Cleveland, OH 44113 216-861-5200 NE Ohio Sierra Club - Coal & Energy Committee, PO Box 476, Avon, OH 44011 216-245-1073

Por favor venga a nuestras audiencias pblicas

Mircoles, Febrero 8 Cudell Recreation Center 6-9 p.m., 1910 West Boulevard Jueves, Febrero 9 Harvard Community Services Center 6-9p.m.18240 Harvard Avenue Mircoles, Febrero 15 West Side Ecumenical Ministry 6-9 p.m. 5209 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland Public Power est proponiendo la construccin de un incinerador de basura en la Ridge Road Transfer Station al lado oeste de la ciudad de Cleveland. Esto se tratara en cocinar la basura a temperaturas altas y la liberacin de contaminantes txicos en el aire, es un proceso conocido como gasificacin. Segn lo propuesto por la ciudad este nuevo incinerador se convertira en uno de los mayores contaminadores del aire en el Condado de Cuyahoga, liberando holln, plomo, mercurio, dioxinas y otros contaminantes en el aire. La tecnologa que se propone no est en uso para este propsito y en cualquier lugar de los Estados Unidos, por lo que no hay modelos para comparar. Cientos de residentes de Cleveland y los suburbios vecinos han asistido a las reuniones pblicas en enero para expresar su oposicin a esta propuesta.

Qu basura ser quemada en este incinerador y que ser reciclado? La ciudad dice que su objetivo es reciclar hasta 25% de los desperdicios de Cleveland, y quemar la mayora del resto. El objetivo de 25% es extremadamente bajo en comparacin a otras ciudades en todo el pas y el noreste de Ohio. Incluso el Comisionado de Desperdicios Slidos dice que hasta 62% de la basura de Cleveland podran ser reciclados. Los residentes de Cleveland se preguntan: Por qu la ciudad est aguantando el programa de reciclaje como rehn del incinerador? El reciclaje y programas de rehus crean ms trabajos que los incineradores.


601 Lakeside Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114
Por favor, escribale al alcalde Frank Jackson y djele saber porque se opone al plan de la ciudad de construir un incinerador de basura en la Ridge Road. Las cartas son mejor cuando se escriben en sus propias palabras, pero aqu hay algunos puntos que usted puede incluir: Cleveland no necesita una nueva fuente de contaminacin del aire con mercurio, plomo y holln. La ciudad debe concentrarse en el reciclaje, compostaje y reutilizacin de recursos. Cleveland no debera convertirse en conejillo de indias para la tecnologa no aprobada.

Please send a copy of your letter to your City Council representative at 601 Lakeside Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114 and to: David Hearne, Cleveland Division of Air Quality, 75 Erieview Plaza, Suite 200, Cleveland, OH, 44114 (letters sent to Mr. Hearne by February 23 will be considered as part of the official public comment for the Ohio EPA air pollution permit.)

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