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cburury: DALLAS

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January 31,2012
TO: FROM: Coutt DallasCouniyCornmissioners

Administrator $hannonS. Brown,Assistant


SUBJECT: FilmingRequeslin CountyFacilities

the Officewith a request film a documentary to approached Sheriff's Sky Productions Hlectric Sky Productions production the Dalla*CountyJaifs. Electric filmedin the jail systemin in in*ighton how the self-conleined 2011. The episodewas filmedin 3D and provides November to cn are operations managed a day to day basis. lt is scheduled air in Spring2012on and the $h*riff's Officesupports smoothly 3D Discovery's Channel3Net. The shootoperated is comingbackintothejail system. The purposeof this briefing cornpany havingthe production of approval this request. to recommend policyfor filmingin Countyfacilities includes $25,000 a security deposit,the per DallasCounty's fee slructure insurance fimitswereestablished to and insursnce. This film day fee and required including stafftime, the Countyas a resultof the fi[ming, costsincurredby coverthe additional for and wear and tear on the facilities.This requestqualifies the $750 per utilities, additional $ky Produclions of has schedule 70 filmingdays. Electric film day fee basedon the anticipated terms. agreedto thesefinancial seriesexploring insideDallasCounty life production a ten {10) part documentary is The planned the production the wouldalsofollowinmatesthraugh courtproces$.In eachepisode, Jail. The officers challenges the pressures and wouldcatchthe real day-todayexperiences, cameras inmaiesfrom new arrestees rnaximum to security. witha varieiyof unpredictable face dealing into The serieswouldallowthe publicto be jmmersed the realityof life insidejaif and the in the to courthouse helpviewersunderstand issuesinvolved runningsucha facility. with inmatesand for wiil Electric $ky Productions be requiredto obtainconsent all interviews acce$sto filmingin the courtroom. to eachcourtwill be approached provide staff. In addiiion, for The cunentfilmingschedule the ten {10) part seriesis five {5) daysweek over 14 weeks numberof filmingdaysis seventy(70). in starting Spring2012. The totalestimated by Coud approved similarprgect conceptpresented a 2011,Commissioners ln tateNovember part2productions. company that due to scheduling Staffhas been alertedby that production eliminating potential any therefore they no longerplan to utilizethe Dallaslocation, conflicls, the between nroductions. conflict

otg&FIl glllAl'.illPACr

DallasCountyAdministration Building 411 Elm Street Dallas,Texas 75242-331 7

': 150
Court Cammissioners 31,2012 January ar... Facilities -,,-,-r- Skv - Electrfu Hffi;C"dest in Countv 2 Page :r :
' :' ' ' i '


LgGAL'llllPACT A!--:t .I*.,*r*nai tha af{a lefitforall agreen location the Division, Civilh:..:-:-- developed attached Office, Attorney's TheDistrict the has projects.fnciric St<y'Produc*ions executed agreement' filrning


General the into deposited countv's Fund"


REgoMMENDATIqN in -that Dallas County authotizefilming by ElectricSky Productions It is recommenoeo with PolicY' accordance CountY

{E ; , 1

LocATr.qN AGE[gllfENT
and to Flgqtrlg-Sk"IlgdUqllg$!-* {"Producer") its successors *ssigns, the right The uudersignedgra&t-q {stitls, film, fapeor otherwiseiand usefor so*called andlicensoto enterupon, to makephotcgraphs .,la.arisn', refsrredto as"the & purposss Pqlleq.eguntyJ_gils F,re{:L elo$4ev Courtilouse .{hereinafter but not limited to reshooring)in propertv") &om Feb {iacluding per coniiderationofthe sum of $?50.00{sevenhundredfifty dollarsand no cents) shootday aad no chaxg doilars)securitydeposit,payableto l)allas Connty a fr:r rrtap clays, $25,000.00(twenty-fivethousand beforeshootingoccurs(providedthat lhe Properfyis actualiyulilized), andprovi*ion ofthe instralce heretoin as requirements presented Exhibit A attached producer'suse of the Praperfyshail inchde pemlissionts usethe Propertvwith any and ali personnei, equipmentand materiais (including, without limitation, prcps and temporaryssis) for tlrc purpose*of phctographing scenesand rnaking r$cordings, by any and all mea*s, norr,ktrown or hereafterdevieed,in the interiJr a*d eiterior ,:f the Froperty for rrse in corurectionlvith, or as part o{ that certain television prograrn including,without limitatton, entitled Insid Dall$,q Jail-l|grkipg title] . --andall other producttons, .'making-of' arrd'-behind-the-scene$" productionsicollectively, ihe "Progtam"). If suchphotographyis to control, it wiil be postponed or by prevented hampered wea&eror occurencesbeyondProducer or dme rvithcut frrrthercompen$ation. at a mufually agreeable conrpleted The rights granted [o Producer herEi$include the rights to photograph,record, and use in any manner and a11y 'uvhatsoever na111es trademarkscounectedwith the Fruperfy, and any signs, deccrations,fixtures and fixfures *trd an fumishingslocatedthereon,andany logos and verbiageconfained suchsigns,decoraiions, fumishings, in connecticn with" or a$part of; ihe Program, the right to refer to tho Property. or any part thereof, by any real or fiotitious name,the right to auribute any real of fictiSiou$eventsa$having occured 'Therights granted to on ihe Properly, and the right to reeonstructthe Property or aay part th*reofas a setand producerfurther include the exclusiveright to use,and to liceuseothersto use,all of the photographs recordingsmade hereunderin the Prograrn, in tle advertising, promotioa andpublicity therefore, and in or commercialtie-ins arid any ruerchandising othercommercialexploitaticnof the Frograru,ia aqr and ali fonnats anclmedia, now known or hereafterdevised,throughout the uciverse, in perpefuil,/, languages, limitatian or restrictioqof any kind, andwithcut frxther palment of any kind, Prcducershali be the i.vithout and soie.exclgsiveand porpetuala*'ner of all right, title and interestin &e Prcgram,and any photographs to vrithout with the Programpur$uant copyriglrt8$d othenvise, in madehere$nder cormection rrcord.ings limitatior {inctuding all renervalsffid extensionsof copyriglit thertin}. for shail be limited !o an as0ionfor money damages anybreachof this Agreunent by l'he undersigned producerandthe undersigned cr shallnot be sntitledtc equitable injuuctivereliefand in no event shall the e.rhibition,distributionor other exploitationof be undersigned perr:iittedto prevert or inhibit the broadcast, of insluding but not limited tc any episode the tolevisionurotion Praducertelevisionphotoplays, any of tjtJe) pictureentitled Inside Daila.s {wor.kirrg ]ail is of that the undersigned t}e owneror lessee said Properfy rep{e$ents nrarrants and her.eby The undersigned the legal right and authorifyt0 grant the licensehereinconleined. andhas and produceragressto hold the undersigned harmless *om and againsiaily andall costs,fees,expenses wifh which may arisein conneafion of the undersigned) (excepta$II}ayrelateto neglige*ce damages producer'suseol'the Froperty as describeri herei*, Producershall leavetheProperlyin the sanrecondition wear andtear,force:najeureand the usepemitted rsasonable as it wasprior to Producer'susehereunder, hereunderexcepted. assigns, tetrvorks,statio*$, al! succesgors, Produca{and its licensees, The undenignedherebyleleases ofaction which the or from any andaJlclaims,demaads, causes and sponsors, advertisingagencies or ifs undersigned, ireirs, $llccessor$ as$igllsmay now haveor hereateracquireby reascnofProducer fakenof the Frcperty,includingbut nat limited to atrlbuildings and phatagraphing using the photographs Locafion Agreetnent - Page 1 of 5

,". : The this underslands document thereou" undersigned (extbrior interior),equipment, facilitiesandsig:os and fhereto. and&eelyagrees
IN WTNESS WHEREOF, the undersignedhas exccutedthis agreanent as of tbe date written bclow. Date:

Nameof Companyor Individual

By: Title: DallasCountvJudse "..- --, -.

Suits210" Fl-oor. 2d Address Street ._.._- Dallas.Texasj520?-". ---. . . City, StateandZip Code 7q-60000e05 Federal Number I.D. " .

Elp"qticShvProdugtions -By:
Title: Executive Prodrrcer I Clifton Mews^ Clifton Hill StreetAddress Rriohfnn-RNI 3HR- UK Cify, Stateand Zip Code

Narueof Production Companyor Producder

-".- .

FederalI.D. Number

:, ''

Location Agreement - Page2 of 5


Exhibir A Requirements County Insurance Dallas

INSUL{jI{CE: W;rhin ten i10) days after sheefftctive date of this Agreerntnt, Ploduser shall fumish, af ifs sole cost and expense,the following minimum insurarrcecoverage. Such insurance is a conditioa procedent io of commencemsflt any seryices. Producer shall, in the stated teri (10) day period, fumish to the Dallas County PurchasingAgent veri{icatian ol t}e insurancecoverage in the lype and amount required herein, to companyacceptable County and authorizedf,o rneetingall conditionsin tlis Agreer*ent,by an insurance shall ehow the Counly as the certificatehoider {gerieral in do busiuess the State ofTexas. Such insurance liabiliry imura.nce). Coverage dates shall be inclusive of the term of tlte Agreement and each rene'nal period,ifany, i. The following minimum insurancecoverageis required: {a) CommerciqlGeqeralLiqbjliry llrsurentE.S*ch i*surance shall carry lirnits of One Million Dallars and No Cents {91,000,000.00)for badily injury a*d properfy darnageper occurrsncewith a There shall not be any gensralaggregate Two Million Dqilars and Nc Cents ($2,000,000.00). sf fire injury, advertising iiability, medical paymerrts, policy exciusion or limitations for perscrnal Producers or Iegal liabiiity, broad form propertydamage,andlor liability for independent darnage, suchadditional coverageor increasein limits specificaily contained within *re bid specifications. waiving the carrier's This insurancemust be endorsedwith a Waiver of SubrogationEndorsernent, under subrogation or otherwise&om Counfy" right of recovery or ib) Workers C_qFpensation self insrred en:ployeecover$ge n:eeting the acceptebletequirementsas Acl Titie 5, SutrtiflsA, TexasLnbor Code. ecrablished fhe TexasWorkers Compensation by ic) Expesslljmbre!& L.igbi!l*. Sueh insurarce shall carry limits of Two Millicn Doilars aud No Cents per (S2,000,000,00) occurrencewi& a gbneralaggregateof Two hliliion Dallars and No Ceirts {$2,000,000.00). {d) Thjrd.P4rfy-Prorert-yQplr$ge. Such in$uranceshall carry limits of Two Million Dollars and Ns Cents{$2,000,000.00). Praducer agrees that, with respect ts the above-referencedirt$rlratce, ail rRsurancec.ontractswili cs*tain the following requiredprovisions: iai Name Dallas Counfy, iis eleclsd officials, appointed officials, officers, directors, employees, a*d voiuafeersas additional insureds{as the iut$rsstcfeach iasuredmaV agsnts,representativ*s, appear)a$to all appiicablecovsrage. or {b) Prsvide for thirty {30) days prior written norice to the Caunty for cancellatiot, non-renewal of matsrialchange,or ten (i0) daysfor non-payrnent prernium, firms or entitiesas organizaticrns, {c) Frovide that the inclusiol of one or more pers*ns)corparatious,

insuredsufider this policy shall not in any way affect fhe right of *ny such person,corporation, suit, or judgrnelt made,broughtor firm or entity with respectto any claim, demand" organization, recsvcr*.din favar of aay other insured-

organization,finn or entity in the (d) Provide that fhis policy *hall protsct eachperson, corpora{ion, tc shall not a sameas thougJr ssparati policy had been is.sued each,provided that ils endorsemest Locatisn Agreernent - Page3 of 5


company's limils of liabitity assetforth elsewhere the policy. in the operateto increase insur&uce *hall rot appiy to the Counly where fhe that the other insuranceelau-se {e) Provide for aa mrdorsemeat Courfy is atl additionalinsuredon thepolicy.


Providefor natice to the Counlv at the addrerssho\n beiovr by registerrdmail,

{g) Each appiicablepolicy ofins*rance shall containa waiver ofsubrogation ifrequired above under to subsection l, anC Fr:o&icer sgf,ees waive subrogation againstCountl', its elccted officials" and appointed offtcials, officsrs, directors, employees,agents, repre.sentatirvs, vciunteers for or injwies. including death,propertydemage, eny other loss.

). Producer shall be solely responsiblcfor all cost of a:iy insuranceas required here, aoy and all
deductibleamount,which in no eventshall exceedter percent {107c}ofl the ercot}ntinssred c$verage limits and in the event that aa insursuceccmpany should deny co'vtrags. It is tire irrtsnt of these requiremenisand provisious that irrsuranoecover$ all cost afld expense so that cost, liabilitv or financial risk as a resultof the performanoe of the Countywiil ncrtzustaina:rysxpense, servicesunder this Agrertrest. 5 . Except as othenviseexpresslyspecified,Frodueershall agree that all policies of insuranceshall be endorsed,waiving ihe iszuing insruencecsmpffly's right af recol"ery aga;FstCouaty, whether by way or af subrogation otherwise,

shall list D*llas County as the certificate halder. I$$Jqalcq",certifi*tes. The certificatesof insuranoe Arry and all capies of Ce*ificates of Inswance shal! referencethis Location Use Agreernenefor which fhe insuranceis being supplied. All inzurancepolicies ,rr duly executedcertificatesfor the same required to be csrisd by Froducer under this Agreemert, togethor with satisfactory evideace of the paynent of the prerni*m thereod shall be delivered to the Dallas County Facilities Managemeat Street,9s Fioor, Dalias, Texas7520? at leastthree daysprior to iocatedat 500 Commerce Departrnent tlre start of any shooting authorieedby thir Locaiion Use Agreeme*t. Failure to provide fhe coverage specified under this Agreement, cr to firnely deiiver the i*surance certilicates required herein, shall terminationat Ccunty'r solediscretion. e constitgte defauttof fhis Agree**at subjectto iv*rnedjate

7 " All ilsurancecoverageshall be on a per claimloccurencebasis udess specificallyapprovedirr writing Agent and Risk Manager. by and executed the Dallas CountyPurchasing

to required1obe carriedby Froducerunderrhis Agreemenfsliall be acceptable Counfy in All insurance corrpanyaccepteble fonn aad centent,in its sole discretion.All poiicie* shallbe issuedby an insurance and satislactory to Counly and authorized t': do businessin the Stateof Texas. Acceptanceof or the the verifieador of insuranceshail $st relievs or decreaee liabilit-v of the Producer. Nor shall the failure ro pravide required iasurancecoveragedecreasethe liability of the Ploduser for any cleims or actions arising &oru the usepermitted under this Agreemeirt.

suppliedby Producer 9. Approval, disapprovaior failure 1o act by the Counfy regardingany insurance shall pof relieve Producer of full responsibiiityor liability for damagesaad accidentsas set forth campanyexonerate of herein. Neither shall baakuptcy, insalvencyor de.nial liability by any insuraace the Producerfrom liability. performedundertlris Agreen:entand for is 1o A. Minirnum iasurarrce a conditionprecedent any r,r'ork the entire term of this Agreement includiugany renevalscr extensions.In additionto any and all othel remediesCouniy:nay haveupo:rProd*cer's failureto provideaad rnaialaina*y iruuranceor lapses,is to policy endorsementd the exterrfaad witliin the time herein required,cr suchinsurance

Location Agreement - Page4 of 5




terrninatedfor any reason'cor:nty shall cr reducedbelaw mirumum requiremeuts is premalrnely have the right terminate this Agreement'

{24) hours of arryclaim or demandagainst shall advisecounty in writing rvithin rw-enty-four to or arising out of Producer's activities under this counE or Producer known to Producer related Agreement. ofthe responsibiiityand a ofservices by county shall not constihltnor be demed release Acceptance of and competency for or Producers the accuracy agents a$sociates, liabiliry ofProducer, ,tS "*ptoy**s, be deerneden assumptionof responsibility or liability by ,fr*, ,**i*.r; nor shall ,*tt i"."ptuote Producers' *nd agents' ernployees, C""-rr, for any defect in the servicesperforanedby Producer, its


in any way the extent to rvhjch Prcducermay 13. Nothing herein conteisedshall be corlsil]]edas timiting to of damages persons{'r pfoperty re$ulting&om Producer'sor its be held responsibiefor payments Producer'sperf,ognengeofthgworkcovetedunderthisAgreement' co:lcer$j*g liability, dury and standardof 14. producershall providc that all provision$of this Agreemeflt provisions, shali be underwritten by con8actual liability eare, together with the indemnification policies' coveragi suffrcient lo inciuds obligafionwithin applicatrie or primary with respectt'o any insurance self 15. It is agreedthat county shall dsem Producer'sinsurance o{operations under this Agreement' insuraice c.arriedfor tiabiiiry arising out coveregeand shall give suchnoticesnot Iess 16. producershall notifr counfy in the eveutofany changein be accompanied by a replacement rhan ttrirty (30) days prior to the change, which notice rnust certificate0f insurance. hertoand not intendedto creat the paf,tie$ I 7, The provisionsof this Sectionare solely for the benetit of oagruotanyrights,contlactualorolherwise,toanyotherpersonorentity' expiration of this Agfeenrentor any lg. The pravisicns of this $ection shall silrviv.e lermination or r'oidable,invaiid or unenfotceabie' or dete;jnation that this Agreemenr any portioa hereol is void,

Locaiion Agreement - Page5 of 5

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