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A Report on Bay Area Newspaper Coverage of Development and Gentrification

Brought to you by the Youth Media Council

Displacing the Dream
Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
“what does gentrification feel like, part one.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
“upward bound” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Recommendations for Journalists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Recommendations for Community Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
“what does gentrification feel like, part two.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Community Sources List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Youth Media Council

Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth

By Gihan Perera, Miami Workers Center
For decades, our cities have been under attack. Since the 1960s, urban renewal programs have literally removed
communities of color from major urban centers throughout the United States, including 1,600 black neighbor-
hoods from San Francisco to Miami and dozens of cities in between.1 These cities have been shaped and reshaped
by cycles of government intervention and real estate speculation. Throughout these cycles, vulnerable communi-
ties have been displaced, and have fought for their right to stay.

Today, new economic policies have transformed these cycles of displacement into a more entrenched form of mar-
ket-driven gentrification. While government officials and corporate speculators may not operate with the same
explicit intention of wholesale dislocation as in the days of urban renewal, the policies that fuel global finance-
driven development have similar impacts on these vulnerable communities.

Displacing the Dream
New Orleans has lost more than 350,000 peo- lect. In this context the profits that developers There is a growing
ple—most of them African-American—since reap are both monetary and political, including
Hurricane Katrina.2 There, almost 5,000 units increased control over the policy and planning alliance of organi-
of public housing units are currently slated for decisions that shape civic life.6
zations working to
demolition while big developers have moved in
This privatization of local financing and politi-
to shape the fate of the city for the next 20 years.
cal power is unprecedented. It has transformed
uphold these com-
Corporations driving this process include the
Hyatt hotel chain and the Trump real estate and
the cyclical process of development into wide- munities’ right to
scale privatization of public space and services.
finance empire.3 stay and participate
As more and more city space sells out to the
Similarly, San Francisco and Oakland have each highest bidder, longstanding communities—usu- in the cities they
lost more than 20% of their cities’ black popu- ally African-American, Latino, and Asian—
lations over the past six years.4 African which held rich social, economic, and cultural call home.
American families and communities have been networks, are being displaced and thus,
uprooted because of intentional underdevelop- destroyed. And with that destruction, there is
ment, the loss of industrial jobs that have been tremendous cost.
relocated to the global south under neoliberal
policies and environmental pollution. The Right to the City
There is a growing alliance of organizations
The Globalized City working to uphold these communities’ right to
This internal displacement of low-income com- stay and participate in the cities they call home.
munities of color is the result of globalization These organizations are working on affordable
hitting home. As available pipelines of public housing, quality schools, accessible transporta-
financing from the Federal Government to cities tion, defense of public space from private con-
have dried up, public services—from welfare to trol, and other issues that affect working class
subsidized housing—have been slashed from the and poor residents of the global city. But for all
federal budget.5 their good work the carpet is being pulled out
from under these organizations as their mem-
As a result of this domestic divestment, cities are
bers and therefore their power is displaced and
more and more dependent on real estate taxes to
scattered. Even before communities are dis-
raise their budgets. Developers that build on city
placed the threat of being forced out weakens
land are essentially giving city governments the
the ability of organizers to push the grassroots
money they need to operate; the more upmarket
to build power and fight for practical needs.
the development, the more taxes the city can col-

communities are portrayed as
Youth Media Council

crime-ridden, toxic, run-down,

and blighted—ghettos where no
one would choose to stay.

Within this “common sense”

framework gentrification and
displacement are welcomed as a
natural solution to poverty and

Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth

the harmful consequences of
market forces that they truly
remain hidden. The idea that
people move only because they
want to escape, and that the
influx of moneyed newcomers is
a natural benefit to these neigh-
borhoods, is an oversimplified
and false belief that denies resi-
dents their right and the
resources to develop their own
Organizers are faced with questions like ‘why
would we fix the school if our kids aren’t going Organizations working to establish and defend
to go there?’ This response from community the right to the city for low-income communities
members is understandable and very material, need to increase the visibility, value and impor-
very on the ground. tance of historic existing neighborhoods. This
was our starting point in Miami, and it has led to
Organizations are also faced with fighting the
sharpened public debate on this issue, as well as
“common sense” created by corporate owned
concrete victories in affordable housing creation.
mainstream media, right wing think tanks, and
a mainstream culture created by those in power By making historic neighborhoods visible in
to maintain the drive for profit over people. This media coverage, we can replace the common
“common sense” holds that working class and sense of “here is a valueless neighborhood, let’s
poor neighborhoods, particularly when populat- gentrify it” with the common sense that these
ed by people of color, have little value. These communities are places of value and worth

Displacing the Dream
beyond land prices. We can also begin to tell about corporate investment. The harder road is The Miami Workers Center
broader stories about displacement and devel- to tell the untold stories of community displace- is a strategy and action cen-
opment trends in an entire region, like Miami ment and the serious and devastating impacts of ter that builds the collective
Dade County or the Bay Area. An expanded profit driven development.
strength of working class
public dialogue also creates space to explore
This content analysis report is a reflection of and poor Black and Latino
new concepts like municipal citizenship, a local
strengths and weaknesses in Bay Area newspa- communities in Miami. We
definition of citizenship that secures the rights
per coverage of the complex issue of urban work to increase the power
of all residents to fully participate in the politi-
development. Community organizers, residents
cal decisions of their neighborhoods and cities. and self-determination of
and journalists can use it to support local cover-
these communities by initi-
Community organizers, residents and journalists age that mirrors and nurtures conditions on the
together have a role to play in deepening the ground. Because in the end, we all want neigh- ating and supporting com-
way we talk about urban development. The easy borhoods that work—we all want to belong to a munity-led grassroots
way is to continue to attempt to fit dissenting community. That’s what keeps us connected, organizations that confront
voices into the dominant public conversation that’s what makes our lives whole. the critical social issues of
our time: poverty, racism,
and gender oppression.

St. Peter's Housing

Youth Media Council

what does gentrification feel like, part one.

“gentrification smells like how my sister libby got a brand new car, but then went grocery shop-
ping, and left a chicken in there for days, and it smelled like death, even though the car was
brand new, she never could get that smell out, smelled like something rotten. gentrification
sounds like jackhammers, you hear the bulldozers digging, and it sounds like we are digging a
grave here because who, tell me who is going to be there? most parents want the best, some-
thing better for their children. what about my children? but hey, its not like we’re 16 being
beat up by the benedictine nuns, this is a personal journey and education in learning just how
ruthless the machines are.”

—cynthia perez, owner and co-founder, las manitas restaurant and la peña latina arts organi-
zation, currently facing multiple evictions.

you’re in austin, texas. on your way to get some tacos and those bomb beans and rice at las
manitas. summer heat makes everythang too bright. but with your damp back to the state
capitol where bush II first ruled, and your sweaty forehead turned towards town lake river where
bats come to rest every fall season, the congress avenue walk to las manitas is worth it. suits
to undershirts, sports bras to button up blouses, austin is spilling out the edges of these restau-
rant doors. and no wonder. entering las manitas is like walking water dipped soul first head-
long dive cool pool oceans alive into a fragrant turquoise ring.

in the bhagavadgita, krishna says to arjun, the greatest warrior of all time feeling like not fight-
ing this imminent and epic battle before him, krishna takes him aside for a chariot drive to give
him a talking to, krishna says, don’t you worry bout this war in front of you, see, souls do not
die and are not born. instead there are simply two periods of being unseen, split by a period of being seen between birth and death. las manitas won’t die when it closes its doors on july 31, 2008 due to marriott urged evictions,
it will simply be unseen for a while. thank you gita, thank you marriot hotels, parent company
poet: roopa singh named white lodging corporation, even a poet couldn’t make that up, for bringing the re-incar-
nation lesson close enough to smell. evictions are not death, we will move on rock on to make
All poems by Roopa Singh © 2007 them the best re-incarnations possible, crucible, seminal, warriors be still, hope is ours at will.

Displacing the Dream
Just Cause Oakland
Displacing the Dream:
An Introduction
The world of news media can be a confusing place. Studies have repeatedly shown that public policy often follows
the agenda set by the press.7 Given its profound influence on how we vote, think and understand our world, in an
ideal world the role of the news media would be to shine light where there is none, expose inequity, amplify grass-
roots victories, and tell the stories of our communities from as many angles as there are voices. However, news
media in the U.S. has for decades been increasingly owned and controlled by multibillion-dollar corporations, and
the coverage often reflects the challenge posed when one corporation attempts to hold another to account through
reporting. Whether intentional or by default, the stories that result from an overwhelmingly corporate-owned

way in New Orleans is just the most extreme
Youth Media Council

manifestation of an underreported trend occur-

ring throughout the United States: the overde-
velopment of poor and working-class urban
communities by predatory corporate developers.

In the Bay Area, the displacement of communi-

ties caused by corporate development poses a
threat to the lives of thousands of residents, par-

Just Cause Oakland

ticularly black and immigrant people of color
from poor or working-class neighborhoods. By
examining the treatment of this issue in more
than 300 stories from the San Francisco
Chronicle, the Oakland Tribune, and the San
media tend to give voice to those in power, while Jose Mercury News, Displacing the Dream takes
those who struggle at the margins remain voice- a deep look at how this story is being covered,
less, creating a double-bind—serious danger whose voices are heard loudest in coverage, and
combined with a lack of opportunity—that com- how key elements of the issue are framed. While
munities challenged by corporate control cannot focused on the Bay Area, the report also takes a
afford to ignore. brief comparative look at how race and racism is
framed in coverage of similar issues in other
The last decade of corporate control of our print
areas during the same time period.
media and public airwaves has been matched, if
not surpassed, by the corporate control of other In the final section, Displacing the Dream
types of public space. From housing to parks makes recommendations to reporters about how
and schools, urban communities face an to give this complex story the context it
unprecedented level of corporate-controlled deserves, and offers media strategy ideas to
development.8 The result has been mass dis- organizers working to confront gentrification,
placement of poor and working-class people, displacement, and corporate development.
disappearance of living-wage jobs, closure of Conducted in collaboration with dozens of local
public schools, and environmental degradation. organizers, this analysis is intended to support
This is most obvious in the southern gulf coast campaigns for community-driven solutions to
in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but the the problems posed by the lack of affordable
disaster-for-profit development currently under housing, adequate education, and living-wage

Displacing the Dream
jobs; the criminalization and over-incarceration youth bias in the media, YMC officially became
of people of color; and the toxic environments in a member-driven media strategy and action cen-
which many are forced to live. These strategies ter in 2002. We have dedicated the last five
also have the potential to deepen relationships years to using and transforming media to create
between journalists and the leaders who dedi- a collaborative movement for racial justice and
cate their lives to healthy community growth. youth rights.

Sometimes there are inspired stories that stand After more than six months of collective plan-
out from the rest. These are our north stars. ning, participatory research, media monitoring,
These stories and the journalists who write them community analysis, and staff writing, the Youth
show us what it might look like to have a public Media Council is proud to present Displacing
conversation about corporate development and the Dream, an analysis of Bay Area coverage of
gentrification that includes the voices, perspec- development and displacement. As corporate
tives, and experiences of displaced residents and giants exert more and more control over hous-
their advocates. Displacing the Dream seeks to ing, jobs, and the environment, we hope this
highlight these stories and honor these journal- report will help spawn a new story about the
ists, for their work in an environment that power of the people—‘cause the power of the
increasingly serves the corporate bottom line people don’t stop.
rather than justice or truth. And yet these
reporters shout it out, tell our stories, hand over
the mike so we may speak for ourselves. And
speak we do: As spokespeople in news stories,
poets, journalists, bloggers, and graffiti artists,
we create the media and cultural environment
necessary for structural social change.

The Youth Media Council (YMC) was founded

to help social justice activists create a new pub-
lic narrative about race, age, public power, and

Youth Media Council

transformation. YMC builds the power of grass-
roots movements and historically disenfran-
chised communities to influence public debate
and media policy in the service of justice.
Launched in 2001 to confront racism and anti-

Youth Media Council

In June 2007 the Youth Media Council, along with other allied organizations that could no longer afford the sky-
rocketing rent, was nearly forced to relocate from our office space in central downtown Oakland. The reason? A
New York developer had bought our office building and wanted to keep pace with the rising market rates of the
new luxury condos and offices now blanketing the area. Just a month earlier, the Oakland Tribune moved out of
its longtime headquarters in the historic downtown Tribune Tower building and into an office near the Oakland
Coliseum. Why? MediaNews group had bought the Tribune’s parent company and wanted to cut costs by consol-
idating its regional staff.9

These are just two examples of the market forces affecting organizations and communities throughout the Bay
Area as they try to improve their jobs, schools and neighborhoods. In Displacing the Dream, we answer crucial

Displacing the Dream
Primary Problems:
• Housing market issues such as subprime lend-
ing and the stagnation of the market were the
primary problems raised in coverage; displace-
ment and gentrification were not portrayed as

Primary Solutions:
• Corporate-driven solutions, including market-
rate housing and luxury retail development,
overshadowed government and community
driven solutions such as expanded affordable
housing and improved social services.

questions about framing the pressing issues of

gentrification and development: How are opin-
Whose Voices Are Heard:
ion-leading newspapers covering the topic? • The voices of government officials, corporate
What are the strengths and weaknesses of cur- spokespeople, and other traditional experts
rent coverage? What are the challenges and dominated over those of community advocates
opportunities for both journalists and organiz- and organizers at a rate of 6 to 1.
ers who want to improve coverage in a consoli- • Residents appeared in coverage primarily as
dated news environment? “scene-setters” who described neighborhood
We analyzed coverage of housing, gentrification, conditions; they rarely appeared as experts
and development in the San Francisco who provide analysis or suggest solutions.
Chronicle, Oakland Tribune, and San Jose
Mercury news from February 1, 2007, to April What’s Missing:
30, 2007. Using a participatory process that • Discussion of race and racism was nearly
involved our members, organizing groups, and absent from coverage, despite the Bay Area’s
research and policy allies, we applied a double- racial diversity and the disproportionate
blind coding process and collective analysis of impact of development on communities of
data to generate these key findings: color.

Conclusions and Recommendations • centering community perspectives and voices
Youth Media Council

We expected this study to analyze the details of • highlighting the harmful effects of corporate
how displacement is discussed in coverage of development
urban development. Instead, we found almost
no stories about displacement and an abun- • tracking disproportionate impacts on commu-
dance of stories about market trends and corpo- nities of color
rate-driven development that detailed financial • exploring community—and public-sector-driv-
figures but ignored impacts on local neighbor- en solutions to urban development issues.
hoods and communities. It is clear from the
results of this report that there is a rich terrain Our local newspapers face the same market
of stories left untold. forces that our communities do. With improved
stories and an expanded public dialogue on gen-
Journalists and community organizers alike have trification, displacement and corporate develop-
both the responsibility and the urgent opportu- ment, together we can put what belongs to the
nity to work together to improve local coverage public back into their hands. It begins with a
of housing, development and gentrification. story: Ours.
Local coverage can begin to reflect the realities
of urban displacement and struggles for commu-
nity control in the Bay Area by:
Youth Media Council

Displacing the Dream
upward bound
upward bound upward bound
eyes sky/around/fly at building carcasses/
time passes scaffolding/don’t it put on flesh quick/
marked/by who can afford it/who’s gonna live there
construction/jobs/prestige/its good for the whole neighborhood their homes/they’re different/to where/
truth or lie/ we old and they new/
do or die/ but too soon/it’s us asking permission
and when the corners become lighter shades of cement in our own homes
and newer cuts of window glass to be who we are/smells/volume/cars/
we gaze permission for our way/
not when its your turf/ all day/
will we come home from work/
upward bound
and continue to accommodate your stay/when yall
at the new neighbor on the corner/
don’t do the same
condo/border crossed/
its known and its true/
with no checkpoint for them/
we gaze/
no bigger loss/
upward bound
than our homes/to
a block/ built for owners with credentials/
but no street cred/
a communities legs spread/
but parts of her been dead/
we gaze poet: roopa singh

All poems by Roopa Singh © 2007

Youth Media Council

Youth Media Council

When the Youth Media Council decided to embark on this groundbreaking research project, we wanted it to result
in something more than a traditional report. In line with our vision of transforming the news into a dialogue with
audiences rather than a lecture to them, Displacing the Dream is a participatory content analysis based on a com-
munity conversation about coverage of corporate development, gentrification and displacement. Our process of
community engagement began with the earliest stages of research design and will continue through grassroots pro-
motion and distribution of this report.

Sample Size and Search Terms

YMC monitored three months of coverage in the Bay Area newspapers that we believe shape the regional public
debate on corporate development, displacement, and gentrification. We monitored the Oakland Tribune, the San

Displacing the Dream
Francisco Chronicle, and
the San Jose Mercury
News between February
1 and April 30, 2007, a
time period we believed
would generate a sample
size large enough to
allow for deep examina-
tion of ongoing coverage
outside of a specific poli-

Youth Media Council

cy debate.

We generated the sample

by searching for stories
that contained the words
“housing,” “gentrifica-
tion,” or “development” in each issue of the Oakland Tribune and the San Jose Mercury
Chronicle published during this period, as well as News and 242 articles from the San Francisco
in the Sunday and Wednesday editions of the Chronicle.
Oakland Tribune and San Jose Mercury News.
We used the media indexing and archiving data- Research Questions
base LexisNexis to identify these stories in the The primary research questions that guided our
Chronicle and Mercury News. Stories from the coding were: Who is controlling the debate?
Tribune, whose content is not included in How is race/racism discussed and represented?
LexisNexis, were identified by one of our six What’s the primary story being told, and what’s
coders. Once stories containing these words were missing from coverage? We then translated
isolated, we removed all letters to the editor, these research questions into 11 specific ques-
news briefs, quizzes, “Chron Watch,” “Strictly tions used by coders to review the sample.
Commercial,” “Two Cents,” and advice columns.

Articles in which the search terms were used in Double-Blind Coding and Training
other contexts (e.g., “child development,” Six paid coders, who had all participated in a
“housing a fugitive”) were also removed from two-hour training that included key terms and
the sample. The total sample size was 334 arti- things to look out for as they read, reviewed the
cles, with 46 articles each from both the sample. We produced a coding manual with def-

initions, specific instructions on how to under- 2. Make regional-to-national connections.
Youth Media Council

stand each coding question, and along with

While we grounded this analysis in our own
other “how to” elements. (The manual is avail-
community, we know this issue isn’t confined to
able for review.) Prior to starting the study, each
the Bay Area—displacement is happening all
coder practiced using the manual and coded sto-
across the globe as cities are struggling to find
ries together. Coders were then given portions of
their way in a new economy. By partnering and
the sample to read and code at the YMC office.
engaging groups in the emerging Right to the
We used a double-blind coding process to
City Alliance, we sought to make regional,
ensure the accuracy and continuity of the result-
national and international connections to what’s
ing data—different coders coded each article
happening right here in the Bay.
twice without looking at the previous coders
findings. Then members of the YMC staff pro- 3. Ensure representativeness of sample.
duced a final data spreadsheet that was import-
We chose to monitor Bay Area newspapers for
ed into SPSS, a statistical analysis program.
three months during a period without a signifi-
cant or specific policy debate to allow for the
Content Analysis 2.0: YMC’s Model for normal ebbs and flows of the news cycle in cov-
Participatory Media Research erage of ongoing critical issues that are guided
We believe the process we used throughout this as much by market shifts and corporate deci-
project is a model for any group that wants to sions as by public policy. We chose to include
engage their constituency, their allies, organizers, the Sunday editions of the Oakland Tribune and
artists, and journalists in a media research proj- San Jose Mercury News because they are the
ect. In this spirit, we offer 10 principles for par- most widely read. Wednesday was chosen
ticipatory, community-based analysis of the news: because Bay Area city council and other impor-
tant city meetings usually take place on
1. Keep it local.
Tuesdays; we wanted to know how the newspa-
Part of the reason why readers of major newspa- pers were covering those important democratic
pers are leaving in droves is that traditional cor- processes that affect this issue.
porate media’s thirst for the bottom line has
4. Engage community experts in research.
meant a decrease in reporters covering local
issues. This report attempts to provide relevant What makes this content analysis different from
news analysis rooted in specific conditions fac- traditional academic analyses is the participato-
ing large parts of our local community. ry process we built to ensure that we engaged
the voices of organizers and other community

Displacing the Dream
experts working on affordable housing and dis- housing and gentrification in Miami has been an
placement issues. Leaders from those groups inspiration to their allies across the country.
helped us shape our research design, research MWC is also a leader in the emerging Right to
questions, findings and recommendations. the City national alliance.

5. Engage disproportionately impacted commu- 8. Seek partnerships with academics, research

nities in monitoring. and policy groups.

Our coding questions were community-generat- We recruited Media Mouse, the DataCenter, and
ed, and our coders were local community mem- other researchers throughout to support the
bers and members of ally organizations. community process with their expertise.

6. Engage community members and organizers 9. Use creative report design.

in the analysis process.
As part of the participatory process, YMC
After we logged all the answers to coding ques- engaged staff and allies in designing the final
tions and tabulated our data, we presented the report. The same groups that were a part of the
data and our preliminary findings to organizers, analysis process also provided photos and art-
researchers, community members, and allies. work, and we engaged an ally artist, Roopa
We asked what it all meant to them, and how it Singh, to contribute her original poetry to repre-
could support their organizing and advocacy sent the groundswell of creative commentary
work on the ground. They helped us to refine that poets, musicians, dancers, and other artists
our findings and recommendations so that the are developing to envision alternatives to corpo-
report is relevant and useful to their important rate overdevelopment around the globe.
work in the community.
10. Develop grassroots distribution channels.
7. Recruit allies into the writing process.
YMC is committed to a grassroots distribution
We recruited Gihan Perera, director of the model. We will use existing relationships and
Miami Workers Center (MWC), to write a pro- networks like the Media Action Grassroots
logue to the content analysis. Again, we wanted Network, the Right to the City Alliance, the
each part of the content analysis process to be Progressive Communicators Network, Bay Area
participatory and engaging to community journalist associations, the Media Justice Fund,
groups to work on the ground. MWC’s ground- and the growing grassroots media justice move-
breaking work, particularly on communications, ment to distribute our analysis.

Youth Media Council



Approximately 10% of stories in the sample failed to identify or discuss a specific problem, focus-
ing instead on episodic human-interest stories.

Of the stories that did raise a specific problem, subprime mortgages and stagnation of the housing
market were the dominant problems in coverage.

Primary Problem Identified


8% 8%


2% 1% 1%


The top three problems the sample coverage discussed were:

• Crisis in the housing market (including stories on the housing “bubble,” subprime lending
and stagnating rates of home sales)

• Crime

• Pollution and toxics in the environment

Displacing the Dream
The least frequently mentioned problems CORPORATE SOLUTIONS: Market rate develop-
More than 40% of stories examined failed to ment takes credit for
• Displacement of communities from offer any solutions to the issues raised in
Bay Area cities coverage. stuff that community
• Homelessness In the 60% of stories that did identify solutions, does. It’s the people
• Public school closures those that involved corporate-controlled invest-
ment and development of market-rate housing,
that do work and
Stories about the housing market outnumbered
all stories about displacement, homelessness
commercial space, public space and new build the neighbor-
“green” markets dominated.
and school closures at a rate of more than 3 to hoods. It’s easy to
1. Despite the fact that San Francisco and In stories where solutions were identified, the
Oakland have each lost 20%-25% of their top three solutions were: think it’s the devel-
African-American populations over the past five
years, only three out of 334 stories—less than
• Corporate development, including new green opers who make the
1% of coverage examined—mentioned dis- parks and schools
placement connected to development as a prob- • Affordable housing planning and creation
lem. Three additional stories discussed better, but it’s actu-
• Improved government-provided social
displacement, but as a result of earthquakes and ally the people—
rock slides and not as a result of corporate over-
development and unregulated market forces. In stories where solutions were identified, the organized people—
least-mentioned solutions included: who make that stuff
Conclusion: The majority of coverage on hous-
ing, development and gentrification failed to • Community benefits agreements with
mention displacement, identify it as a problem,
or engage in a discussion of critical related —Chris Durazo,
issues. Where problems were identified, hous- • Transitional and supportive housing for for-
ing market concerns dominated coverage. merly homeless people, seniors, and youth SOMCAN
While stories on pollution as it relates to devel- aged out of foster care, among others
opment were some of the most balanced we • Landmark and cultural district preservation
found in the sample10 and deserve commenda-
tion, the overall failure to identify corporate- While affordable housing, improved social serv-
controlled development and urban ices, and community planning processes
displacement as problems leaves the topic of appeared as top solutions in coverage, they were
their harmful impacts woefully unaddressed. significantly overshadowed by corporate-con-

“The injunction is
Youth Media Council

Solutions Identified in Coverage

doing what we hoped
it would do,” deputy 18%
city attorney 14%
Machaela Hoctor said. 10%
“It takes away the 6%
7% 6% 5%
turf, which is the 4%
1% 1% 1%
heart of a street gang. 0%
Corporate Affordable Improved Community Gang Community Transitional Landmark
It is the equivalent of Dev/Green
Housing social services Planning
Injunction Benefits
Housing Preservation

taking away a busi-

trolled solutions, which dominated coverage at a luxury housing and retail development as the
ness’ storefront.”
rate of 3 to 1. only viable answer to identified problems.
—March 4, 2007 The majority of stories that mentioned crisis in the
Community-driven and government-based solu-
tions were absent by comparison, demonstrat-
SF Chronicle housing market and pollution/environment as pri-
ing an urgent need to bring community
mary problems called for corporate-controlled
perspectives into this debate.
development as solutions to these problems.
Significantly, the presence of affordable hous-
More than one-third of stories that mentioned
ing as the number-two solution offers an oppor-
crime as a problem highlighted gang injunctions
tunity for an expanded discussion on the role of
as the primary solution—an intervention that
government in addressing the housing crisis in
has proven ineffective and contributes to dis-
the Bay Area. Similarly, the incidence of
improved social services and community plan-
Conclusion: Corporate solutions dominate the ning processes as solutions in coverage offers
public debate on development, displacement the opportunity to highlight successful commu-
and gentrification. The overemphasis on corpo- nity-government partnerships that are con-
rate-controlled development in media coverage tributing to regional development.
paints a picture of gentrification in the form of

Displacing the Dream
Sources and Experts: Official Story Excludes Community Voices and Solutions

Government officials, corporate spokespeople a rate of 10 to 1 over those sources identified as

and other traditional experts such as academics, displaced residents.
policy sources and authors, were most often quot-
What they’re saying
ed in news coverage on housing and development.
Corporate spokespeople speak most often on
Comparison of Sources in Coverage II housing and the housing market, and govern-
ment officials speak most often on “quality of
life” issues related to development, particularly
Government pollution and crime.
Corporate Government officials suggest solutions at a rate
Spokespeople, of 11.6 to 1 over residents, and 25 to 1 over
“Experts” (1490)
community advocates and organizers.
Residents, Small
Business Owners, While government officials are most often asked
Not-for-profit to fix the problems identified, corporate devel-
Developers (780) opment—not government services or regula-
tion—is the dominant solution offered in
coverage (see above).
These traditional experts were quoted at a rate
of 3 to 1 over neighborhood residents, and a Sources Referenced for Solutions in Coverage
rate of almost 6 to 1 over community advocates
and organizers. Overall, the voices of these tra-
ditional sources overpowered the voices of those
Gov't Officials
most harmed by the harmful effects of corpo-
Corp Spokespeople
rate-controlled development—including resi- Residents
dents, individual landlords, small business Adv/Organizers
owners and not-for-profit community develop- Police
Individual Landlords
ers—at a rate of almost 2 to 1.
Community Developers

Corporate spokespeople (including developers

and public relations professionals) are quoted at

They say we don’t Though residents are the second most frequent- corporations as “white knights” with the
Youth Media Council

ly quoted source, their voices are most often resources and capacity to respond to communi-
have the power to used to describe problems of crime and pollu- ty problems. Meanwhile, residents appear fre-
tion in their communities; they are rarely called quently but predominantly as scene-setters who
come up with solu-
on to offer solutions in any area. describe conditions but rarely offer analysis or
tions as a communi- Conclusion: By disproportionately highlighting
solutions. This results in an unbalanced public
debate and paves the way for corporate overde-
ty, when in fact we the voices of government officials and corporate
velopment of Bay Area cities, the same corpo-
spokespeople, coverage overwhelmingly leans
have solutions and towards an “official” story on development that
rate overdevelopment currently driving
municipal planning nationwide.12
we have the power to frames the role of government as experts and

make our solutions

Context: In a complex world, coverage oversimplifies development
Urban development is an extremely complicated
—Lupe Arreola, topic that requires clear explanations of prob-
Root Causes

St. Peter’s Housing lems, root causes, solutions, trends, statistics,

and related issues. Most stories examined lacked
the information necessary to provide readers a
deeper understanding of the history, impacts,
trends and implications of urban development
in the Bay Area. Root Cause mentioned

No Root Cause mentioned

Sixty percent of stories failed to offer root causes.
Where root causes of problems were mentioned, Nearly half of all stories analyzed failed to men-
the primary cause identified was lack of afford- tion any trends or statistics related to develop-
able housing. Corporate-driven development, ment. Less than 1 in 5 stories provided both
deindustrialization and unemployment were trends and statistics as context in coverage.
least mentioned as root causes.
Despite the overwhelming number of renters in
the Bay Area,13 the majority of trends and statistics
found in coverage focused on market rate housing

Displacing the Dream
prices. This information outnumbered trends and complex issue. The coverage creates a dominant
statistics related to displacement of residents from story that focuses on the details of the housing
urban centers at a rate of 11.5 to 1. market while obscuring the root causes, trends
and effects of corporate development overall.
Trends and Statistics Without this necessary information, coverage
fails to offer readers a deeper understanding of
48% of stories failed to mention the issues of gentrification and displacement
trends and statistics. and their impacts on residents, neighborhoods
18% and cities. In their failure to explore issues such
18% of stories did mention trends
and statistics. as development finance, the effect of luxury
34% of stories mentioned either property taxes on city revenue or links between
trends or statistics, but not both.
gentrification and poverty, newspapers leave
readers without the context they need to make
RELATED ISSUES critical policy decisions.
“Small business” development and job growth There were a few exceptional stories that made
were the dominant related issues raised in cov- connections between the history of urban devel-
erage, adverse conditions for residents were vir- opment, profits of corporate developers and
tually invisible. Mentions of job growth trends in affordable housing.14 It is impressive
outnumbered discussions of poverty 16 to 1. that these stories highlighted the lack of afford-
able housing as a root cause; this is a trend in
Conclusion: Coverage of housing, development
reporting that should be amplified.
and gentrification fails to accurately portray this

Related Issues Mentioned in Coverage

12% 11%


8% 7%



2% 1% 1%
Jobs Small Business Homelessness Poverty

Youth Media Council

What’s Missing: Invisible Impacts, Hidden Profits

Discussion of gentrification and dis- Racial Impacts Virtually Invisible

placement nearly absent in coverage A thorough examination of race or racism was
virtually absent in coverage.

Development Race Not Discussed

Race Discussed


(11) More than 85% of stories failed to discuss race
or racism.
0 200 400 600
Did You Know: In the stories that mentioned race or racism,
In the San Francisco 37% mentioned race as part of neighborhood
Word Frequency
Chronicle, there were four demographics, and more than 10% mentioned
times as many stories about race in relation to crime. The neighborhoods
“Simple Lifers” Paris Hilton The word “development” was mentioned 424 discussed in these stories include Bayview
and Nicole times in coverage. In contrast, the words “dis- Hunter’s Point, the Mission, the South of
Richie as placement” and “gentrification,” which Market, Western Addition, the Fillmore, the
there were describe documented impacts of corporate- Mexican Heritage Plaza area in San Jose, West
stories controlled development, were mentioned only Oakland, and neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and
about 14 and 11 times respectively. Richmond. Only 6% of stories mentioned race
African in relation to displacement.
Americans Of stories that mentioned development, only
7% mentioned disproportionate impacts on Where race is mentioned, no matter what prob-
leaving San
people of color as a trend, and only 12% men- lem was raised, the top solutions were corporate
tioned profits of corporate developers as a development and affordable housing (each men-
*Source: LexisNexis.
trend. tioned in ten stories).

Displacing the Dream
Neighborhood impacts overwhelmingly black communities from historically black There is a true crisis
missing neighborhoods and the impact of corporate
development on immigrant communities were for communities of
Sixty-three percent of stories failed to mention a
nearly absent in the coverage studied. This
specific Bay Area neighborhood in relation to color in the Bay Area.
clearly misrepresents the issue and leaves the
housing, development, or gentrification. Of the
voices and experiences of people of color at the This is particularly
stories that did mention a specific neighbor-
margins of public debate. Without balanced
hood, Bayview Hunters Point was the most
and thorough coverage of the histories of Bay
true for black families
mentioned (31 stories). Other neighborhoods
Area neighborhoods and communities, the who are being pushed
threatened with displacement and gentrifica-
story of displacement is replaced with the story
tion, including West Oakland, South of Market out of San Francisco.
of development. Instead of reporting that could
and the Mission, were rarely or never men-
enrich a public conversation about race and
tioned. Report on conditions
development, coverage replicates the dynamics
Conclusion: To tell the complex story of corpo- of exclusion. As communities of color are dis- that affect families
rate development, displacement and gentrifica- placed from Bay Area cities, they are also mar-
tion, we need many distinct stories put in the ginalized from coverage of housing and
struggling to stay.
context of larger trends. Stories of racial dis- development in the region. What does it mean to
crimination in housing, the displacement of
live with an in-law,
Coverage by neighborhood what does it mean to
70% live as a family of five
60% in a studio? What does
50% it mean to live as 5
40% families in a two-bed-
room house?
—Ingrid Gonzales,
Coleman Advocates
No BVHP W Oakland SOMA Mission

Youth Media Council

“Money is the great power today...The money power has grown so great that the issue of all issues
is whether the corporation shall rule this country or the country shall again rule the corporations.”
—Joseph Pulitzer December 1878, St. Louis Dispatch

The pursuit of balance, accuracy and fairness in lems. It’s crucial that journalists engage in critical
news coverage is the life work of a journalist. inquiry to balance stories about the benefits of
But in the context of a narrowed public debate corporate-driven development with the harm it
and increasing threats to journalistic freedom, does to residents’ health, the urban environment,
it’s a pursuit that can’t be made alone. As jour- the diversity of neighborhoods, cultural networks
nalists, organizers, and media justice activists, and living-wage jobs.16
we at the Youth Media Council believe in collab-
Center the voices and perspectives of communi-
orating with media-makers to preserve journal-
ty members and advocates. Community advo-
istic integrity and a tradition of quality reporting
on issues that matter. In this spirit, we offer cates are experts on the conditions of their
these recommendations for improving Bay Area neighborhoods and also on solutions for local
newspaper coverage of urban development and development. Instead of plugging residents’
displacement.15 We hope you will use these rec- voices into traditional stories of corporate devel-
ommendations and adopt them as core stan- opment, center community voices and perspec-
dards for coverage. tives to tell previously untold stories of
community-driven growth and renewal.17
BALANCE Strive to deeply understand opposing view-
Cover the harmful effects of corporate-con- points. All too often, media casts community
trolled development. For thousands of Bay Area resistance to corporate overdevelopment as
residents, displacement is a problem. Yet it is pri- “anti-development” and “NIMBY” activism.
marily covered as either a natural phenomenon or Acknowledge and check patterns of depicting
collateral damage from gentrification and other community opposition to corporate develop-
supposedly viable solutions to community prob- ment as simply “anti-development.” Recognize

Displacing the Dream
that development comes in many forms, and displacement on demographic changes, available We’d like to see
explore community solutions as viable alterna- and planned affordable housing , shifts in avail-
tives to corporate over-development.18 ability of living-wage jobs, city spending and eco- journalists portray
nomic development plans and federal
Diversify solutions highlighted in coverage. people as not just
government funding, rather than simply report-
Increase the number of stories told about resi-
dents working to protect and strengthen their
ing trends in the housing market.21 individual activists,
own neighborhoods and highlight the wealth of Explore the relationships between development but connected to a
community-government partnerships that have and other core issues like education, health and
helped the Bay Area become such a diverse and crime. When reporting on development, always bigger body of
supportive place to live.19 Seek out community link it to related issues and effects. When report- folks—that they’re
advocates (including policy groups, neighbor- ing on related issues, illuminate the link to corpo-
hood associations, community organizing rate development. For example, when reporting part of an organized
groups, community development organizations, on crime and gang injunctions, explore the rela-
small business owners) as expert sources with tionship between city policy and corporate devel-
community-based solutions and build lasting opment and displacement in local communities in —Alicia Schwartz,
relationships with them. the Bay Area.22
Nationalize and internationalize local stories.
ACCURACY The role of corporations in reshaping cities is a
Highlight compelling contradictions. Investigate story in almost every urban community in the
and report on contradictions among city regula- world. It is important to link local conditions to
tions, corporate policy, and corporate practice national trends. For example, tell stories about
(for example, city policy on affordable housing other projects similar to the naval base conver-
versus the incidence of market-rate develop- sion in Bayview Hunter’s Point. Where else is
ment). Also report on conflicts of interest there redevelopment of former military land
between government and the private sector.20 happening and what developers are involved?
How are toxics problems associated with rede-
Include diverse trends and context. Use human-
velopment of former military land dealt with in
interest stories as hooks to highlight hidden
other areas?
trends and expose systemic failures. Explain the
complex dynamics of development finance in
concrete terms that expose the dependence of FAIRNESS
local governments on real estate taxes to raise Localize the story. Readers rely on local papers
city budgets. Focus stories on development and to learn about what’s happening in their own

We want to see sto- cities. Focus stories on neighborhoods rather Top 10 Underreported Stories in Bay
Youth Media Council

than individuals or sweeping market trends. Use Area Newspaper Coverage of Housing,
ries about the value community newspapers and websites such as
Gentrification and Development:
the SF Bayview, El Tecolote, and the Oakland
of our 1. Budget priorities and how they affect city res-
Post, among others listed in the appendix as
communities, not resources for story ideas. These community
media sources can help you identify and amplify 2. Real-estate-dominated city development and
just stories about neighborhood perspectives, as well as offer its impacts on affordable housing, displace-
crime and community-driven solutions.23 ment and homelessness

violence. Incorporate a meaningful discussion about race 3. Policing as a tool of development and lack of
and racism in coverage of development, dis- housing and living-wage jobs as root cause of
—Robbie Clark, placement and gentrification. Census statistics crime
and everyday experience show that corporate
Just Cause Oakland development is contributing to the displacement 4. Scandal and backroom deals between corpo-
of significant numbers of people of color from rate developers and government
working-class neighborhoods in the Bay Area. 5. The relationship between local corporate
Explore these trends in depth; provide accurate developments and developers’ national and
historical, political and economic context with international projects
regard to shifting demographic trends in the
region. Report on policies that could contribute 6. Battles over public space among communi-
to racial justice in the region, particularly with ties, corporations and government
regard to housing, jobs and the environment.24 7. Development and its impacts on community
Investigate disproportionate impacts. health
Disenfranchised communities deserve equal, if 8. Corporate development and its effects on ten-
not more, news time compared to corporations in ant rights
coverage of development. Expose the impacts of
corporate overdevelopment on African American 9. Cultural and landmark preservation in city
Please feel free to contact communities in San Francisco and Oakland, and development on immigrant-owned small business in the entire 10. Community-driven growth and neighbor-
with questions or comments. Bay Area. Highlight the profits made by develop- hood-centered sustainable development
We welcome your feedback! ers and contrast these with the costs to commu-
nities threatened with displacement.25

Displacing the Dream
“Truth is essential, but it is, of itself, insufficient because disorganized truth can be overcome by
an organized lie.” —Minister Christopher Mohammed at the 10th Anniversary of People
Organized To Win Employment Rights (POWER)

Organizing truth into a powerful story begins communications strategy, community advocates
with gathering the resources, infrastructure, and can position themselves as valuable sources and
relationships necessary to tell that story. The move often marginalized voices to the center of
effective use of mass media, as well as ethnic, public debate. The Youth Media Council is
alternative and independent media, is critical to working in partnership with dozens of commu-
a public debate on development, urban displace- nity organizations to reframe corporate-con-
ment and gentrification dominated by private trolled development. In light of what we learned
interests. No matter what medium they use, through this content analysis, we offer these rec-
with appropriate media capacity and effective ommendations about where and how to begin.

We want to make sure Identify compelling stories that paint a clear to be media liaisons that connect reporters to
Youth Media Council

picture of this complex issue. Storytelling is this team. Prepare spokespeople by practicing
that individual stories
more of an art than a science. Develop story- interviews and relationship-building scenarios
are used to connect telling projects to identify compelling narratives that build their confidence in being effective and
the issue to the fact that breathe life into the conflicts, solutions and valuable sources to reporters.
that this is happening characters most important to your issue. Expose
Create and share source lists and issue informa-
corporate profits and backdoor deals, highlight
systematically and it’s community solutions, and translate market
tion with journalists. Include your own organi-
zational sources and information as well as
not just about what’s forces and structural inequalities into a living,
other advocates, community sources and
happening to an indi- breathing story. Develop these stories with your
research and policy groups who can help jour-
membership. Sharpen them with the help of
vidual family. It’s nalists flesh out multiple sides and components
research and policy groups (see below). Share
about what’s happen- of the story. List sources’ full names, email
these stories with journalists through press
addresses and phone numbers, as well as brief
ing to a neighborhood, releases, email briefs or your organizational blog
bios that explain their expertise. Share this list
or newsletter.
what’s happening to through your press kit and website, and update
the city, and national- Deepen relationships with allied research and it regularly.
policy groups. Cultivate working partnerships
ly. We want to draw Build relationships with key reporters who
with research and policy groups to deepen your
connections between cover housing, business, education, the envi-
organization’s knowledge of trends, statistics
ronment, and other issues related to your com-
housing and jobs, con- and policies related to your issue. For example,
munity development work. Make a list of who
draw on research and policy groups to help
nections between is covering your issues in the outlets that your
identify existing city policies that can protect
what’s happening in targets and your constituency read most. If you
vulnerable communities and highlight contra-
are based in California, you can use the YMC’s
Miami and West dictions between local corporate actions and
Echo Communications Press Database26 to
Oakland and the these city policies.
access a complete list of reporters generated
Bayview and Chicago Develop the expertise, competence and confi- from this content analysis study. A list of these
dence of key spokespeople. Identify staff and reporters and their emails is also included in the
and New York.
member leaders who can most consistently and appendix. Introduce yourself and your organiza-
—Vanessa Moses,
effectively represent your organization to the tion to these reporters by phone or email. Reach
Just Cause Oakland media. Your team shouldn’t be a single star, but out to them regularly—not just when you want
a group who best reflect the diverse characters coverage but whenever you have important new
in the story you are trying to tell. Appoint staff developments to share.

Displacing the Dream
Create a comprehensive communications plan Share best practices and tools with other com-
that targets diverse media to share your stories. munity advocates. Document best practices in
Use different forms of media for different pur- media work and share them through listservs,
poses. For example, you can create your own newsletters or by submitting them to YMC’s
videos, newsletters and blogs to flesh out the Echo Communications Center.27 Create a calen-
details of your development stories. Reach out dar of newsworthy dates related to urban devel-
to progressive, alternative, ethnic and communi- opment, gentrification and displacement—such
ty media to mobilize your constituency around as election dates, policy vote dates and local
community problems and introduce new com- events related to affordable housing, public
munity solutions. Access mainstream media to space etc.—and use it to coordinate outreach to
respond to issues already up for debate and to journalists. Join a mybloc.net28 circle, the YMC
introduce a different side to the story that has press database,29 or another social networking
not been fully told. If you have a corporate tar- community to exchange coverage, strategies and
get, try telling your story through trade papers resources.
and the business sections of mainstream papers.
Coordinate your stories across region, issue,
Monitor, document and respond to bias in cov- and sector. The story of corporate control over
erage. Set up a media monitoring system in your public space is one that crosses many lines. Find
organization to cull useful information from common targets and similar conditions and cre-
coverage, build your press list, and identify and ate a meta-frame that links your stories to the
document bias. Reframing corporate develop- stories of others. Through coordinated messag-
ment is a battle with potential consequences. ing and framing rooted in specific stories,
Anticipate opposition and be prepared to use diverse campaigns can be connected and a
op-eds, letters to the editor, letters to journalists, national dialogue that centers your voices, high-
editorial meetings, and even direct action to lights your solutions and wins the hearts and
respond to bias and attacks. Respond by direct- minds of the majority can find its voice.
ly confronting lies, debunking myths, and
advancing your own solutions.

Youth Media Council

what does gentrification feel like, part two.

“[gentrification,] its frustrating, the schools bailed on us, politicians failing us, all we have left
is the block, now that’s leaving, so really, what avenue do we have?”
—sean bates, lifelong resident of pittsburgh, pa.

“for me gentrification feels inevitable, nuanced, void of feeling, void of culture, of history, it
smells of nothing. because my parents were political refugees from cambodia, home is a place
that exists in memory. there is no place I could move where I would not be a gentrifier.”
—valerie taing, national organizer, right to the city alliance

“gentrification sounds people who are intimate screaming at each other, at home, outside, gen-
trification causes very stressful situations and you take it out on the people closest to you and
the people furthest from you.”
—helena wong (caav tenant organizer)

gentrification feels like its time to look in the mirror. who am I in terms of gentrification? my
parents immigrated from india, I was born in chicago, raised in san diego, every two years I lived
with family in india for two months, went to college in pittsburgh, stayed in austin for a year,
lived in the bay for seven years, mainly oakland but berkeley, the mission, and I now live in
brooklyn, new york. I am working class. I am an artist, a professor, an organizer. And I don’t
have a hometown.
so when I move to an area, I tryta be warm while taking time to kick back and learn how folks do. I sit on the stoop with my neighbors, and spend hours in a café up the block my neighbors
probly aint going to. I try not to shy away from being a bridge. try not to idealize one group
poet: roopa singh
and demonize the other. hard. I try hard. and some days I feel pushed outta white spaces. and
All poems by Roopa Singh © 2007 some days I feel left outta brown spaces. and some times I feel right at home. inside.

Displacing the Dream

This report would not have been possible without artist, advocate and activist, for graciously con-
guidance and direction from grassroots organiz- tributing her poetry to this content analysis.
ers and advocates in the Bay Area who are organ-
Project Coordination, Research Design,
izing for more just conditions in communities
Analysis and Report-Writing: Karlos Schmieder,
threatened with displacement: Guadalupe
Jen Soriano, and Malkia Cyril—YMC
Arreola from St. Peter’s Housing Committee,
Chris Durazo from South of Market Community Coders: Maria Cristina Rangel, Michele
Action Network (SOMCAN), Tom Jackson and Gutierrez, Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Le Conte
Ingrid Mariano Gonzales-Padilla from Coleman Dill, Kusum Crimmel, Muey Saephanh, Illanito
Advocates, Antonio Diaz and Oscar Grande from Turoff, Oshen Turman and Serena Huang.
People Organized to Demand Environmental and
Research Support: Samhita Mukhopadhyay
Economic Rights (PODER), Alicia Schwartz and
Jaron Browne from People Organized to Win Data Processing and Strategic Support: Seeta
Employment Rights (POWER), and Vanessa Peña Gangadharan and Saba Waheed from the
Moses, Robbie Clark and Magdalene Martinez DataCenter, Oakland, California.
from Just Cause Oakland.
Editing: Lisa Jervis, Samhita Mukhopadhyay
We’d also like to thank the Right to the City
alliance, a national alliance of community-based Design: Design Action Collective
organizations working on displacement issues Printing: Inkworks
for their analysis help, their collective frame-
work and for the great work they’re doing to Organizational Information:
connect people across the country working on
The Youth Media Council, is a member-driven
this important issue.
media strategy and action center dedicated to
And special thanks goes out to Gihan Perera creating a collaborative movement for racial jus-
and the Miami Workers Center for helping us tice and youth rights. Launched as an organiza-
write the prologue, and to Jeff Smith of Media tion in 2002, we build the power of grassroots
Mouse for his solid direction and support. movements and disenfranchised communities to
transform public debate and media policy in the
A special thanks to Roopa Singh, a NY-based,
service of justice.

33 33
Community Sources List
Youth Media Council

Coleman Advocates child population of all the major U.S. cities: the lack of affordable family housing and the state
Phone: 415 239 0161 of our public schools.

Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth has Tom Jackson, Director of Organizing
become an extremely effective children’s advo- 415 239 0161, ext. 12
cacy organization over the last 30 years, winning
policy and budget victories that have tangibly Tom Jackson leads the Affordable Housing and
improved the lives of tens of thousands of San Quality Schools campaigns for Coleman
Francisco’s children, youth, and families. The Advocates for Children and Youth. He is an
results have been dramatic and long lasting, and experienced labor and community organizer
have led Coleman to be a nationally recognized who is now focused on organizing families to
advocacy organization and a respected local pressure City Hall for improved budget priori-
powerhouse for kids. ties and legislation to help poor and working-
Coleman has significantly expanded their com- class families stay in San Francisco. Contact
mitment to grassroots parent and youth leader- Tom for information about citywide strategies
ship, to build a much stronger voice for low and for affordable housing development and to talk
moderate-income families in San Francisco’s to parents and youth about their vision for
local policy debates. Coleman is now comprised improving conditions in San Francisco’s eastern
of two components: our advocacy and provider and southeastern neighborhoods.
network called Coleman Action Network, and Ingrid Mariano Gonzales-Padilla, Ed.D.,
our membership, Coleman Families. Coleman Development & Communications Director
Families, in turn, is comprised of three organiz- 415 239 0161, ext. 24
ing committees: parents for education equity,
parents for affordable family housing and Youth
Making a Change (Y-MAC). In addition, the Ingrid received her Doctorate in Education at
entire organization is working on the two crises the University of San Francisco’s International
leading to the exodus of working class families & Multicultural Education Program with a
in San Francisco and why the city has the lowest minor in Organization and Leadership. Ingrid’s

Displacing the Dream
academic and professional background is deeply Networking Project at the Institute for Global
rooted in student and youth organizing, student Communications in San Francisco. He currently
retention in higher education, the disconnection serves on the Executive Committee of the
of young adults, school and community partner- Advisory Board of CorpWatch, the Board of
ships, Asian American Studies and Pilipino Directors of the Center for Environmental
American Studies. Contact Ingrid for informa- Health and is the Board President of the
tion about citywide public school reform in San Environmental Support Center in Washington,
Francisco and to talk to youth or parents about D.C. Contact Antonio for his expertise in envi-
why this issue is critical to their right to stay in ronmental and health impacts that result from
the city. development policies. Antonio is bilingual and
available for interviews in Spanish or English.
People Organized to Demand Oscar Grande, Community Organizer
Environmental and Economic Rights 415 431 4210
Oscar Grande is the son of working-class
Phone: 415 431 4210
Salvadoran immigrants, Emma and Oscar, who
PODER is a grassroots, environmental justice came to San Francisco in the late sixties in
organization based in San Francisco’s Mission search of a better life for their kids. Born and
District. PODER’s mission is to organize with raised in the Excelsior and Mission Districts of
Mission residents to work on local solutions to San Francisco, Oscar, along with his partner
issues facing low income communities and com- Cynthia, are raising their daughter Xiomara in
munities of color. PODER believes that the solu- the same neighborhood he grew up in. His work
tions to community problems depend on the over the past couple of years has been focused
active participation of all people in decision- on organizing Mission residents and workers
making processes. against the displacement of low income
Latino/as in the Mission District. In addition to
Antonio Díaz, Director developing grassroots leaders, Oscar has spent
415 431 4210 much time working alongside Mission youth to fight for their homes, jobs and community. Prior
Antonio Díaz is the Project Director for to PODER, he had worked for several years on
PODER, Prior to joining PODER, Antonio was the streets of the Mission Barrio outreaching to
the Co-coordinator of the EcoJustice gang affiliated youth, connecting young men

and women with the vital resources needed in Alicia Schwartz, Organizer
Youth Media Council

order to escape the cycle of violence found on 415 864 8372 ext. 302
the streets and at home. Contact Oscar as an
expert in Mission land use issues and communi-
Born and raised in the Bay Area, Alicia’s previ-
ty solutions to problems of development and
ous work includes youth organizing and other
displacement issues, like PODER’s work on the
racial and economic justice organizing projects.
People’s Plan for jobs, housing and community.
She also has extensive experience organizing
Oscar is bilingual and available for interviews in
around issues of reproductive health justice and
Spanish or English.
in peer education and leadership development.
Currently, Alicia is a Lead Organizer on
People Organized to win Employment POWER’s campaign to support residents of
Rights (POWER) Bayview Hunters Point in their development and environmental struggles. Contact Alicia as
coming soon: an expert in BVHP development issues, and to
Phone: 415 864 8372 broker relationships with community residents
under threat of displacement.
POWER is an organization made up of and led
by no- and low-wage workers fighting for real Jaron Browne, Campaign Director
change. We have united to fight against the peo- 415 864 8372
ple who defend the economic and social systems
that are keeping us down. We will not sit silent-
Jaron has been an organizer with POWER since
ly while others profit from our poverty. As an
2002, working in the welfare rights organizing
organization of largely women and people of
project and the Bayview Justice Organizing
color, POWER connects its struggle with the
Project. Before joining POWER, he did organiz-
struggle of other working people around the
ing and campaign research with youth and com-
world who make up the backbone of the global
munity organizations against racism in the
economy. In order to build a movement that can
criminal justice system. Jaron was trained as an
change the world, no- and low-wage workers are
organizer in Los Angeles at the
creating organizations like POWER so that we
Labor/Community Strategy Center’s National
can rid the world of poverty and oppression—
School for Strategic Organizing. His writing has
once and for all.
been published in the journal Race, Poverty, and
the Environment, and the book Criminal
Injustice: Confronting the Prison Crisis, by

Displacing the Dream
South End Press. Contact Jaron for his expertise National School for Strategic Organizing with
in actual conditions for families and communi- the Labor/Community Strategy Center and Bus
ties living under the threat of displacement. Riders Union in Los Angeles. Contact Vanessa
Jaron is bilingual and available for interviews in for affordable housing, zoning, budget and dis-
Spanish or English. placement issues in Oakland.

Magdalene Martinez, Organizer

Just Cause Oakland 510 763 5877
Phone: 510 763 5877
Magdalene is an organizer at Just Cause
Founded in 2000, JUST CAUSE OAKLAND Oakland. She began social justice work at
(JCO) is a membership-based organization FIERCE, a youth LGTB, member-based organi-
building a powerful voice for Oakland’s low- zation in NYC. She was a SOUL intern last sum-
income tenants and workers. Our mission is to mer where she had the opportunity to work with
create a just and diverse city and region by organizations like St. Peter’s Housing
organizing Oakland residents to advocate for Committee, a housing and immigrant right
housing and jobs as human rights, and to mobi- organization in San Francisco and She graduat-
lize for policies that produce social and econom- ed from St. John’s University with a degree in
ic justice in low-income communities of color. Psychology. She worked with youth and adults
in the educational and mental health field for 5
Vanessa Moses, Organizer
years. Contact Magdalene as a resource to bro-
510 763 5877
ker relationships with community residents liv-
ing under threat of displacement. Magdalene is
In January of 2006, Vanessa joined the Just bilingual and available for interviews in Spanish
Cause staff as Organizer. In the Bay, Vanessa or English.
became active with several community and
political organizations, including the Ella Baker St. Peter’s Housing
Center for Human Rights, Generation Five, and
the Center for Political Education, working for
Phone: 415 348 1945
racial justice, against the criminal (in)justice
system and for transformative justice. She grad- Since 1985, St. Peter’s Housing Committee has
uated from the University of Pennsylvania in worked in the mission district of San Francisco,
1999, and was trained as an organizer at the CA, to help working class immigrant Latin@

tenants to build collective power, preserve and dancers and freedom fighters. Contact us for
Youth Media Council

expand affordable housing and immigrant viable community solutions to the lack of
rights, prevent displacement and improve living affordable housing in SF. St Peters Housing is a
conditions in our community through tenant bilingual organization, and their staff is avail-
rights counseling, political organizing, move- able for interviews in Spanish or English.
ment building, and the development of leader-
ship within the communities we serve. South Of Market Community Action
Guadalupe Arreola Network
415 348 1945
Jazmin Barrera The mission of SOMCAN is to build and sup-
415 348 1945 port a strong, organized community that takes
collective action to achieve equity for the low-
St. Peter’s Housing Committee staff consists of
income, people of color, immigrant and working
an exciting team. We are community workers,
class communities in the South of Market
six full-time and two part-time. We are all
through organizing, leadership development
women. Four of us joined the staff after being
and community planning.
clients and members of the organization. We
come from Argentina, Nicaragua, El Salvador Chris Durazo, Community Planning Program
and Mexico. Our age range is between 20-some- Director
thing and 60-something. We are queer and 415 348 1945
straight. We are high school graduates, college
graduates, and graduates from the school of
Contact Chris for information on SF planning
daily struggle. We are immigrants and we were
processes and bodies, and her expertise and
born here. We speak English, Spanish, and
relationships in the South of Market.
Maya. Some of us have worked for social justice
for decades, and some of us have done our first
work of that sort at this organization. Miami Workers Center
We are mothers, daughters, sisters, and aunties.
phone: 305 759 8717
We participate actively in our communities in
many ways beyond our organization’s work—as The Miami Workers Center is a strategy and
artists, activists, parishioners, athletes, Aztec action center that builds the collective strength

Displacing the Dream
of working class and poor Black and Latino Right to the City Alliance
communities in Miami. We work to increase the
power and self-determination of these commu- phone: 212 473 3032
nities by initiating and supporting community-
led grassroots organizations that confront the Right to the City offers a framework for resist-
critical social issues of our time: poverty, racism, ance and a vision for a city that meets the needs
and gender oppression. We achieve this by of working class people. It connects our fights
building the broadest and deepest base among against gentrification and displacement to other
our constituencies; developing the strategic and local and international struggles for human
tactical leadership capacity of low-income rights, land, and democracy.
Blacks and Latinos; shifting the public debate
We are coming together under a common frame-
around issues impacting our communities; and
work to increase the strength of our community
building coalitions and alliances that enable us
organizations and our collective power. Our
to amplify our power and message.
goal is to build a national urban movement for
Gihan Perera housing, education, health, racial justice and
305 759 8717 ext 1008 democracy.
Valerie Taing
Gihan co-founded the Miami Workers Center 212 473 3032
together with Tony Romano in 1999. Gihan is a
native of Sri Lanka and grew up in South Los
Valerie is the staff organizer for the Right to the
Angeles. Prior to founding the Center Gihan
City Alliance. She is based in New York City,
was a union organizer, leading union recogni-
and housed out of the CAAAV office there.
tion and contract agreement campaigns in
Contact Valerie Taing for nationalizing local sto-
Miami, South, and North Carolina. He began his
ries, and a bird’s eye view of what’s going on
activism at an early age and became a trainer
around the country.
and recruitment director for the AFL-CIO’s
Organizing Institute before completing college
work. He is also a recognized strategist, pub-
lished writer, and public speaker. Contact Gihan
for insightful analysis of the harmful human
impacts that arise from corporate development
and real estate speculation.

Youth Media Council

1. Mindy Thompson Fullilove M.D. Root Shock: 12. Hackworth, Jason. The Neoliberal City. Ithaca:
How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts Cornell University Press, 2007.
America, and What We Can Do About It. New
York: One World/Ballantine Books, 2004.
13. h t t p : / / d i v e r s i t y d a t a . s p h . h a r v a r d . e d u /
2. Whoriskey, Peter. "Katrina displaced 400,000
study says." Washington Post 7 June, 2006.
14. Buchanan, Wyatt. “Supervisors vote to add $28M
for housing.” San Francisco Chronicle. 25 April,
4. American Community Survey, 2005. 2007. Heredia, Christopher. “Mayor’s Taskforce on Housing Urges Reform.” San Francisco
Chronicle.2 March, 2007.
5. Hackworth, Jason. The Neoliberal City. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 2007. 15. These recommendations can be used together
with the Community Sources List and References
6. Ibid.
listed in the Appendix.
7. cf. McCombs & Shaw 1993
16. Refer to model story: Selna, Robert. “Residents
8. Klein, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of voiced his concerns over dust.” San Francisco
Disaster Capitalism. New York: Metropolitan Chronicle. 10 April, 2007.
Books, 2007
17. Eslinger, Bonnie. “Sky-high real estate out of
9. Brand, William “Trib’s time at tower is ticking reach for many.” San Francisco Examiner. 26
away.” Oakland Tribune 18 Nov. 2006. September, 2007.
10. Refer to the model article—Williams, Lance and 18. Refer to model article: Huges, Justin. “The future
Robert Selna. “Developer sued over Hunters of the mission: Who decides?” El Tecolote. 12–25
Point toxics; Executives say their firm retaliated July, 2007.
against them for questioning construction dust.”
19. See Community Sources List in appendix and
San Francisco Chronicle, 18 Mar. 2007.
model article: Phelan, Sarah and Tim Redmond.
11. Martin Kuz. “The War on Gangs.” SF Weekly. 22 “Our three-point plan to save San Francisco” San
August, 2007. Francisco Bay Guardian 19 September, 2007.
And Solomon Moore. “Gangs Grow, But Hard 20. Refer to model article: Selna, Robert.
Line Stirs Doubt.” New York Times 13 “McGoldrick’s link to Mission Condo Developer”
September, 2007. San Francisco Chronicle. 2 August, 2007.

21. Refer to model article: Knight, Heather. “Not a 26. an online press database for
Place to Call Home.” San Francisco Chronicle.17 organizers in California, launching January 2008.
September, 2007.
27. The
22. Refer to model article: Kuz, Martin. “The War on Echo Communications Center is an online
Gangs.” SF Weekly. 22 August, 2007. resource room to support the communications
strategy and effectiveness of youth rights and
23. Refer to two model articles: Said, Carolyn. “Tale
racial justice organizing groups.
of Two Borrowers” and “Lenders Talking but
Balking on Modified Loans” San Francisco 28. a social networking site for
Chronicle. 13 September, 2007. activists and organizers.
24. Refer to model story: Drew, Sam K. 29. an online press database for
“Displacement is a Dark Reality.” Poor News organizers in California, launching January 2008
Network. 25 July, 2007
25. Refer to model article Said, Carolyn. “Study says
more minorities ended up with high-cost mort-
gages.” San Francisco Chronicle. 5 September,
“There is room in this great and growing city for a
journal that is…truly democratic—dedicated to the
cause of the people rather than that of the purse
potentates…that will expose all fraud and sham,
fight all public evils and abuses—that will sever
and battle for the people with earnest sincerity.”
—Joseph Pulitzer

Youth Media Council

1611 Telegraph Avenue
Suite 510
Oakland, CA 94612
p: 510-444-0640
f: 510-251-9810

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