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Cystitis E.

coli Anatomical Structure History of UTI Women

Bacteria ascends in the urinary tract w/ the help of different factors Mechanical Factors activities or condition which enables the bacteria to reach the bladder Short Urethra for females Sexual Intercourse Catetherization

Infections/Virulence Factors Fimbrae enables bacteria to adhere at the urethra and bladder wall

Prevention of urine flow or bladder emptying

Manifestation of Lower UTI infection Dysuria Urgency Frequency Suprapubic

bacteria ascends into the urethra causing urethritis

bacteria continues to ascend into the bladder causing acute uncomplicated bacterial cystitis or complicated cystitis Diagnostic Procedure inflammation of the bladder y Urinalysis

Nursing Intervention la Nursing Diagnosis y Acute Pain y y y Analgesic and Antispasmodic to relieve bladder irritability and pain Encourage increase OFI Increase intake of acidic foods

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