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City of Mnd lor A city influenced by Asian architectural styles, cut off from the rest of the world,

divided by a great stone wall (natural mountain range). Untouched by the barbarian hordes from cities such as Knarlwood and Evermore, the city thrived. A new City Many, many years ago, in a forgotten time, the First of the Mnd lor travelled from the far south to find furtile lands to populate, since their old city got ravaged by a plague that turned the sick against the healthy and destroyed the city, the First great Chasm. These First fled from the city in the hope to establish a new life. What they found were the lands of Y, here they founded the city of Mnd lor, named after their gods Mn, god of the creation of man and lore, goddess of rebirth. Era of the 6 This new city quickly grew, flourishing under the rule of the 6 Great Emperors, sons of Hal ng, goddess of the elements, of which the names are now forgotten. Each of these 6 emperors ruled for many hundreds of years until the Mnd lorians stood up against the last of the 6, a dictator who made everyone suffer. After the Fall of the 6 the Era of Br mas begun. Era of Br mas When the Mnd lorians stood up against the last of the 6 they had the help of Br mas legendary warrior who descended from Sho r, god of death. In the first years of this new Era, named after Br mas, the city flourished once more, people from far way lands came to trade with the Mnd lorians for their high-quality sugar, potions and technologies, but at the dawn of the first sun of the new year, 400 years after the start of the era of Br mas, Br mas disappeared and the Mnd lorians blamed the foreigners for corrupting their culture and making Br mas disappear. All foreigners were kicked out and a gigantic stone wall appeared out of nowhere. (They suspect it was created by Hal ng, as revenge for dethroning the 6, to block any contact with foreign nations). His disappearance ended the Era of Br mas and started the Era of Kao. Era of Kao This Era was named after Kao, the god of war and conflict. People did not know who was worthy of ruling the now rich and great city of Mnd lor. Many civil wars destroyed the lands surrounding the city, but the city itself was unharmed, since they thought it was an insult to the gods to destroy it and call upon their wrath. Because the surrounding lands were destroyed the city received no food and a devastating famine killed most of the population. On top of this, after the civil wars stopped the city was attacked by tribes from the east. A new leader rose when the Mnd lorians fought back against the tribes to conquer back the lands needed for growing crops. This new leader, named Shao (after Zao, god of strategy, law and justice, brother of Kao) fought back and quickly eliminated the tribes. The Mnd lorians quickly found out that Shao was a corrupt and evil ruler, only out for fame and fortune, so they dethroned him, this went quickly because the Palace Guards and the army also hated Shao and helped to kill him. He is now remembered as Zu leng (Bringer of Zu, the goddess of plague and the sick) as his death marked the end of the Era of Kao and started the Era of Zu

Era of Zu After the death of Zu leng (Shao) people started appearing from the south, these people came from the ruins of the old city, which was ravaged many hundreds of years ago by the First great Chasm. They slept for all these years and their awakening is unknown. The day after their arrival in the city (Mnd Alorians didnt know they were not from the City) people became sick. The same plague that ravaged the old city all those years ago now began spreading in Mnd lor as well. Again, the sick turned against the healthy and many got killed, during this plague many people thought they saw Br mas (Many sculptures and muralswith Br mas on it decorated the city, so people knew what he looked like) The meaning of him returning to the City was unknown. Only a hand full of people survived this Second Chasm and sailed to the north and west to find new lands to populate. This marked the end of the Era of Zu and started the Era of Wa oung. Era of Wa oung, present day This new era was named after Wa oung, godess of silence and the moon. The city now lies abandoned, still blocked off from the rest of the world by the great stone wall. But the nations from the north and west started to take interest in what lies behind this wall because suddenly people from the south started moving into their cities, bringing strange tales unknown to their lands. But what will they find? Just an abandoned city, or is something mysterious going on in there?

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